Chen Shen drove the three great beauties directly to the Golden District. There were a lot of tall buildings, which made people feel dizzy.

Because today was the weekend, it was a rare holiday break, so there were many people coming and going, like the unending waves in the sea.

After stabilizing the car, the four of them got off one after another.

Tong Lele appeared to be very excited. After all, her purpose for coming here was to shop and shop, unlike Chen Shen and Shen Aoxin who were here for official business.

"Sister Aoxin, you and Brother-in-law are going to the new company, right?" Tong Lele asked.

Shen Aoxin understood her personality very well, and said with a smile: "Lele, if you feel that there's no meaning, then go out with the Yaoyao and wander around. After I'm done with my matters with your brother-in-law, I'll look for you guys."

"Alright, then Yaoyao and I will go to the market opposite and wait for you guys there." With that, she turned and dragged Jiang Yaoyao towards the shopping mall with large strides.

Shen Aoxin laughed as she shook her head, her beautiful eyes looking straight at Chen Shen, but she realised that Chen Shen's gaze was fixated at a certain place, and the corners of her mouth was revealing an unfathomable smile, thus she grumpily asked: "What are you looking at? Have you taken a fancy to another beauty? "

"Wife, I have a great beauty by my side, why are you looking at others?" Chen Shen laughed.

Shen Aoxin looked in the direction he was looking. Other than the large crowd, she did not find anything that would attract people.

"Chen Shen, I felt that something was wrong with you when you were in the car just now. You didn't say anything, what did you discover?"

"Wifey, I told you, don't be nervous. In fact, ever since we left Jiang Family, we were being followed by a black car, and the other party even thought they didn't notice us." Chen Shen said with a smile.

"What?" You said someone was following us? " Shen Aoxin covered her mouth, doing her best to not shout out loud, her beautiful face slowly became nervous.

Chen Shen held her shoulders with one hand, looking extremely relaxed, he laughed: "My wife, don't worry, at the moment, just watch what we do."

"Chen Shen, I think if we return to Jiang Family today, something bad might happen." Shen Aoxin looked at Chen Shen with unease.

"Wife, since the other party is following us, it's clear that they have some motive. I think I've already guessed it." Chen Shen hugged Shen Aoxin and slowly walked forward.

"What?" "How do you know? Don't tell me the other party's motive is related to you?" Shen Aoxin asked worriedly.

Chen Shen nodded his head, "When I first arrived at the Yenching City, there were only a few people I knew. The only one that I had conflicts with was, other than that Master of Kang Family, there wouldn't be anyone else who would send people to follow me when I had nothing better to do."

Shen Aoxin was not a muddleheaded person, so she could naturally hear what Chen Shen meant.

Previously, when he was at the Huanghai City, he cleaned up Chu with a big mouth who had ill intentions towards Wu Lan. Not long ago, he had refused to cooperate with Kang Wen, so Kang Wenloong would definitely hold a grudge against him. That was why he sent people to follow Chen Shen and prepare to take revenge on him.

"Chen Shen, since you know who sent who, then we should immediately return to the Jiang Family and seek for Elder Jiang's help. With the old man coming out, Kang Wenloong would definitely not dare to do anything!"

"My wife, Grandpa Jiang, even though you clearly knew that Kang Wenloong and I were at loggerheads, you still took me in as an enemy of Kang Family. I am already extremely grateful towards you for this point, how can you still request his elder to represent us and publicly oppose Kang Family? Moreover, I really do not wish to implicate Jiang Family and Zheng Family because of my own matters. "

Chen Shen was not only facing Kang Wenloong right now, he was also facing the mysterious Killer Organization behind the Kang Family. If he was even the slightest bit careless, it was likely that he would implicate people related to him.

If he had known in advance that Shen Aoxin and Tong Lele were coming for Yenching City, he would have done his best to stop them from stepping into this dangerous place …

"If it doesn't work, we'll call the police and seek their protection!" Shen Aoxin looked extremely worried. She knew that she was here for Chen Shen, but she couldn't help him at all.

"Heh heh, with the strength of my Kang Family, the police won't be able to help me at all. Let's take this one step at a time and see what the other party's intentions are. " Chen Shen said calmly.

"Bang …"

Just then, from the large shopping mall that Tong Lele and Jiang Yaoyao were in, a burst of gunshots rang out. Then, a group of people ran out of the mall in fright.

When the surrounding crowd heard the gunshot, they also became extremely confused.

Shen Aoxin's beautiful face immediately lost color, as he immediately looked towards the shopping mall that released the gunshot and shouted in panic, "Chen Shen, Lele and Yaoyao are still inside the shopping mall!"

Chen Shen frowned, he thought, how could this be so coincidental, to be followed, right after Tong Lele and Jiang Yaoyao entered the market, there was the sound of gunshots.

It seemed that what was coming had finally come!

He quickly took out his phone, found Tong Lele's number, and called it.

After the phone rang a few times, someone answered, but the person who answered was not Tong Lele, but a hoarse male voice.

"Shi Loong, you two girls are in my hands. If you want to save them, come in.

Chen Shen's dark eyes turned cold as his entire body erupted with a sharp killing intent. He spoke into his phone coldly: "If the two of them lose even a single strand of hair, I will let you live a life worse than death!"

When Shen Aoxin heard this, she was so shocked that she couldn't even speak. Her heart was filled with unease and fear that Tong Lele and Jiang Yaoyao's lives might be in danger.

"They both survived from the rain of bullets. It's useless for you to scare me. If you want to let them live, you have to use your life in exchange." With that, the man with a hoarse voice hung up.

Chen Shen slowly put down his phone.

"Chen Shen, how is it? What did the other party say? Will Lele and Yaoyao be okay? " Shen Aoxin said anxiously.

"The other party wanted to use Lele and the Yaoyao to lure me in. The other party's target is me, so for now, they will be fine. " Chen Shen stared coldly at the large shopping mall, and fiercely clenched his fists.

At this time, one police car after another arrived at the scene of the incident. Armed police officers armed with firearms got off the cars one after another. They then organized their police force and began to maintain order on the scene.

The armed police questioned the people who had escaped from the mall. According to them, there was a group of bandits wearing masks and holding submachine guns. They had taken some hostages at a jewelry store.

An armed police commander realized that the situation was not good, so he took the lead and organized a group of commandos to enter the mall to carry out a rescue mission. Immediately afterwards, he immediately sent a request to his superior to send a special forces unit to provide support …

"Wife, wait for me here. I won't let Lele and Yaoyao get hurt." Saying that, Chen Shen was like an arrow that left the bow, he passed through the crowd and directly rushed towards the large scale shopping mall.

Shen Aoxin was really worried, and also jogged over.

At this moment, heavily armed police officers were guarding the exit of the shopping mall with grim expressions. The police officers had also placed a cordon around the intersection and blocked the onlookers from entering.

The special forces military vehicle had arrived at the scene in time, following that, a familiar figure stepped out from the military vehicle. It was Lee Jie.

"What's the situation inside?" Lee Jie asked the commander of the armed police with a serious expression.

"The number of bandits is unknown, they have hostages in their hands, and these bandits have clearly received training, the brothers that rushed in were all forced back, there are even some who were heavily injured."

Hearing that, Lee Jie did not dare to underestimate his enemy, and immediately rushed to the Special Forces personnel who came with him to prepare a plan to save the hostages.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind him.

"Brother Lee!"

When Lee Jie turned around to look, he could not help but be shocked, he did not expect it to be Chen Shen.

Thus, after giving some instructions, he ran over to Chen Shen's side and brought him to the commander carriage of the special forces.

"Captain, are you here?" Lee Jie was shocked.

Chen Shen said straightforwardly without any expression. "One of my sisters and Yaoyao is currently being held hostage by those bandits, and their real target is me."

Lee Jie was startled, he looked at Chen Shen blankly, and after a while, he asked: "What exactly happened?"

Since the situation was urgent, Chen Shen could not provide too much of an explanation.

"The other party knows that the title is Shi Loong, I suspect that the criminals in the market are people from Heaven Oath Society. In order to avoid unnecessary injuries, I need to go in by myself, don't let the police officers outside act rashly."

"You said those criminals are from Heaven Oath Society?" Lee Jie's heart trembled. Since the other party was someone from the Heaven Oath Society, he naturally knew what that meant.

Heaven Oath Society was the biggest Killer Organization in China, and experts were as common as the clouds. If it really was them, those armed police officers who entered would definitely be killed.

Lee Jie had also been a member of the Hualoong Special Forces before, so he understood Chen Shen's strength very well. However, the situation inside the mall was still unclear. He did not know how many opponents there were, nor did he know how much firepower they had. Even if it was him, he would not be able to escape unscathed from such unpredictable danger.

Captain, if the criminals in the mall are truly people of Heaven Oath Society, then it would be too dangerous for you to just sneak in.

Chen Shen shook his head with a serious expression: "I've already been on the phone with one of the bandits just now, he called me to go in, and since the other party is targeting me, I believe they will not kill the hostage, the only person who can save the hostage is me."

"But captain …"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Shen had already rushed out of the command chariot with a gun in his hand.

Lee Jie suddenly realized something, and immediately touched his body with his hands. Perhaps the moment he said those words, Chen Shen swiftly took his handgun away with a speed that not even could cover his ears.

He did not dare to delay any longer. He immediately ran out of the command vehicle, went to the front gate of the shopping mall, and started to deploy the attack plan again.

Shen Aoxin anxiously stood outside the cordon line, her beautiful face was covered with a layer of fear. Tears were hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"I beg the heavens to bless Chen Shen and the Yaoyao, and to bless all of them to come out unharmed …"