Chapter 34: (2): – Season 1: Preparation

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Chapter 34: (2): – Season 1: Preparation

In this world, there are truly diverse individuals. Among them, there are always extreme people, and among those extreme individuals, there is a group commonly referred to as far-right who have strong nationalist sentiments. In Japan, there is a significant presence of far-right groups, even within the political sphere.

The Japanese Union expressed gratitude towards the Korean Union. However, separately from that, certain officials within the Japanese government argued for imposing a certain amount of taxes. Given that the appraisal value of the Redstone has not yet been determined, they believed that since they hunted down monsters within Japan, they should also receive profits. On the internet, there were exchanges of such opinions on websites self-identifying with conservative tendencies.

They came here to make money anyway. Its not like they came to help us. So, isnt it only natural to levy taxes?

The Redstone of Cyclops, which appeared in Japan, naturally belongs to Japan. The government and the union are making a grave mistake.

The general atmosphere was somewhat like this. The reason the Korean Union dispatched Slayers to actively assist Japan was not solely out of goodwill. It was because when the Korean Union slew Cyclops, a temptation for compensation arose, leading them to come to Japan. Therefore, the argument was that a portion of those benefits should be offered to Japan.

However, some people made the following claims:

There is some logic to what theyre saying. But what about when another monster like Cyclops appears later? What will we do then?

Lets not just focus on the immediate situation and get carried away by emotions. Please, lets look further ahead. There is no guarantee that Cyclops wont appear again, and if it does, Japan wont have the power to handle it. If they foolishly provoke the Korean Union, it could become a dangerous situation.

However, most of the content reported in Korea was what the far-right was saying. Perhaps because it was provocative and made for a good topic. As a result, public opinion on the Korean internet flared up.

We helped them, and now theyre acting like they dont owe us anything? Dont they have any sense of gratitude even if they compensate us?

A mutually beneficial transaction? It wasnt a transaction; it was a request for help. These crazy people.New novel chapters are published on

I wont beat around the bush. We, the Union in the United States, highly value the worth of Platinum Slayer Hyun-seok and promise full support. We encourage you to join the Union in the United States.

The offer presented by the United States was astonishing. In exchange for joining the Union in the United States, they would spare no expense in providing state-of-the-art equipment and support. They would even provide a house and a private jet within the United States. Moreover, the United States had a considerable number of high-level monsters appearing, which would be of great assistance to Hyun-seok. They offered a staggering 300 million dollars for the initial scouting cost alone. In 2009, Cristiano Ronaldo transferred to Real Madrid for a value of approximately 134.5 billion won. A top-tier football player received some of that amount, but Hyun-seok was being offered more than double that.

Hyun-seok was aware that the Union in the United States had a slightly different structure from other Unions around the world. While the Korean Union was more of an alliance of guilds, the Union in the United States was a guild above the guilds, overseeing the management of guilds. In other words, it was closer to a higher-level organization than a guild.

However, it was quite astonishing to hear that they were willing to pay $300 million to scout. Without any other obligations, it was a straightforward statement to start with a payment of $300 million. The subsequent profits would mostly go to Hyun-seoks possession. Conditionally, it was much better than the present.

Was the power of the American Union really this strong?

Real Madrid had always been a prestigious football institution with the financial capacity to recruit star players, in simple terms, a wealthy group. However, the American Union had only emerged less than a year ago. They were a newly formed entity. Nevertheless, they offered $300 million to secure one slayer. $300 million is not a small sum of money. It exceeds 300 billion Korean won. The fact that they could spend such an amount to acquire a single slayer indicated that the power of the American Union was far greater than imagined.

Hyun-seok found himself immersed in contemplation.

300 billion along with exceptional treatment

He couldnt provide a definite answer. He took the contact information, promising to respond later. Hyun-seok meticulously read through the details Steve had handed over repeatedly for several days. Aside from the initial scouting cost of 300 billion, the conditions were undeniably favorable. After a few days had passed, Hyun-seok made his decision.

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