Chapter 39: (1): Season 1: Preparation

Name:All Stat Slayer Author:
Chapter 39: (1): Season 1: Preparation

Among the trappers, Myeong-hoon was undoubtedly an exceptional trapper in terms of ability, although it wasnt certain if other people had the Trapper class yet. Since there had been no mention of another Slayer discovering a Hidden Dungeon so far, it could be assumed that the dungeon Myeong-hoon discovered was the first and his ability must have been outstanding to find a Hidden Dungeon for the first time.

However, the problem was that the Hidden Dungeon revealed itself as soon as it was discovered. Moreover, a nearby guild discovered the dungeon, leading to a dispute with Myeong-hoon over ownership(?).

It was not known how the conversation went with Myeong-hoon, but when Inha Guild arrived at the location, the other guild claimed ownership through PvP in an emotionally charged manner. Myeong-hoon might have planned for this. In reality, there was no guild that could win against them in a PvP battle with Hyun-seok involved.

In fact, it could have been resolved easily.

Because Hyun-seok was the only Platinum-ranked Slayer in Korea and could single-handedly defeat Cyclops. Connections are important anywhere in the world. And Hyun-seok belonged to the circle of connections that needed to be close or impressively showcased.

Despite the increase in numbers, there were barely 10,000 Slayers, and among them, top-tier Slayers who overlapped with Hyun-seoks hunting grounds accounted for at most 10 percent. So, it meant that it was a narrow world where you could easily know someone if you crossed paths.

There was nothing good about falling behind a Platinum-ranked Slayer. Of course, they wouldnt easily concede ownership of the dungeon, but if a guild with intentions approached them, they would gladly welcome slaying with a Platinum Slayer.

Hyun-seok shook his head.

When did dungeons become so easily to see?

It was the first dungeon that appeared in Normal Mode. Even if luck was on your side, discovering a dungeon was already a remarkable feat. But that wasnt all. Finding the vault but being unable to unlock it was no different from not discovering it at all. It was even more disappointing.

Youre taking the Normal Mode dungeon too lightly.

It seemed as if they had forgotten that when the previous dungeons first appeared, many Slayers went missing, and fatalities occurred. The rewards from dungeons were undoubtedly significant, but Hyun-seok considered his life more precious.

It seems they have excessive confidence in their abilities, wanting to enter so recklessly.

In driving, accidents are said to happen most frequently after driving for about 2-3 years. When youre a beginner, youre cautious, and when youre an expert, youre skillful. But when youre somewhere in between and have confidence, thats when it becomes the most dangerous. If Hyun-seok were a top-tier Slayer, after discovering the dungeon, he wouldnt have entered alone but recruited other Slayers nearby, even if they were from different guilds. As long as they had the skills, he would find a way to bring them in together and acknowledge the strength of the guild that discovered the dungeon, Inha in this case.

If I were an ordinary Slayer, I would have requested cooperation.

But that ship had sailed. With stats exceeding the Easy Mode standards, the Easy Mode dungeons were easily cleared. Similarly, with stats surpassing the Normal Mode standards, the Normal Mode dungeons could be cleared easily.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Acquiring ownership through PvP its better that it turned out like this.

Hyun-seok wasnt a saint. He didnt mind sharing rewards with friends or younger siblings, but he had no intention of sharing achievement rewards with a complete stranger who could even be considered an enemy at the moment. Strength in the Slayers world was relative. There was no need to help someone he didnt even know. It wasnt like helping IUET in the past, which brought benefits to Hyun-seok.

If he proved himself as a Platinum Slayer, they would yield and let him in, but he didnt do it on purpose. Initially, they challenged him first there might have been some scheme by Myeong-hoon before he arrived here and they nominated him for PvP. The women, being women, refused, citing it wasnt allowed. The remaining ones were Jong-won and Hyun-seok, and they seemed to perceive Hyun-seok as the weaker one. (The fact that they couldnt recognize Jong wons face also indicated their level of observation. Top-tier Slayers at least knew each others faces.)

Hyun-seok sighed inwardly without anyone noticing.

Slaying on such a topic Normal mode dungeon Seriously.

He didnt know the name of this guild, but they were definitely the type that shouldnt enter dungeons without properly assessing their own abilities. Hyun-seok mentioned their previous promise again and entered the dungeon with determination.

[Would you like to enter the dungeon? Y/N]

The notification was slightly different from the easy mode. In easy mode, it was called the Apprentice Dungeon. But now, its called a dungeon.

[In normal mode, enter the dungeon for the first time.]

[It is recognized as an easy achievement due to the first entry. Bonus stat +3 is given.]

[Due to the penalty of stats exceeding the Normal mode specification, 50 percent will be deducted and awarded.]

It was the first entry into a dungeon in Normal mode. That too was recognized as an achievement.

[The difficulty of the dungeon will be adjusted due to penalties for stats outside the normal mode specifications.]

[Safety zones and recovery zones will be abolished.]

[Monster levels will increase.]

[Monsters will become more aggressive.]

A new notification sound was heard. In easy mode, there was the penalty of abolishing safety zones and recovery zones due to Hyun-seok. But now, in addition to that, the monster levels have increased, and they have become more aggressive. Its hard to imagine where there were originally non-aggressive monsters, but thats what the notification said, regardless.

But the notifications didnt end there.

[Confirmation of the first entry into the dungeon in normal mode completed.]

A new system has been applied.

[Party system will be activated.]

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