Chapter 315: Playing Nice with the Neighbors
Bee tried to slink back into her seat as the Harkonnestan delegate approached. She didn't have anything against the pudgy man. He seemed polite enough, even if he spoke with a strange accent. But she really didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.
She had just gotten away from hours of people constantly wishing her a happy birthday and pestering her about every little thing. She had hoped that she would finally have had a chance to watch some of the events in peace, but no, even then, people really wanted to talk to her throughout them.
Unfortunately, despite wanting to, she couldn't just disappear and pretend she hadn't seen the man. She had to attend to her stately duties.
Greeting the delegate with a smile, she resigned herself to the meeting as he sat on the bench next to her. He bowed formally at her acknowledgment.
"How are you enjoying the festivities, Paul?" she asked.
"Right I am, Right I am," he said in a strange manner, his speech repeating more often than not. "Y'all guys take sweepin' something mighty serious around here. I don't know if I quite understand the comprehension of it, I don't, but it seems as though y'all enjoy it mighty much."
Bee kept her face as neutral as possible as she parsed through the words. "Yes," she said, "a lot of these events are rather new pastimes. We've adopted them as tradition as Void's teachings have shown us the way."
Paul nodded thoughtfully. "Right. Mighty worried we were when we heard that the Kingdom had become a bleedin' theocracy." He gave her a sideways glance. "No offense, 'course. There's just too many demon-worshiping cult crazies around, you know?"
Bee groaned. "Of course. We know."
Paul nodded, not seeming offended by her short answer. "Well, just making sure that y'all weren't the crazy crazies over here was only part of my mission. Now that I'm reasonably certain that I won't end up with my head chopped off or anything of that nasty, nasty sort of business, I think we need to talk about a few other things."
Bee nodded. Perhaps she could get something productive out of today after all. "Yes. I hear that your people might be interested in a lot of things we have to offer."
"Now, before you ask, not sure what my budget price would be here. There's a lotta things to figure out there. But a lot of the value we'd be getting is information, and, well, we could just reverse engineer a lot of it. We would like to compensate you for the learning and maybe learn it directly without any bad blood."
Bee nodded. "We greatly appreciate this gesture. There are many technologies that we have been working on that we plan to share with the world, and we'd be happy to do so for you as a gesture of goodwill in many of these places. For example"
Bee patted a book on the table in front of her. Paul smiled and pulled out a copy of the same book from his bag. "Oh, I know. I really do want to figure out how you make these books. I've never seen them with such availability, and the letters are all square and blocky. Weird, but if you can make them so easily Now that could change the world."
Bee laughed. "Many of these things can change the world. I just hope the world can survive the changes."
Paul smiled. "Perhaps I'm just an optimist, thinking the best of things, but I think the world will be much better after all of it."
Bee nodded. "Void willing."
Just as Paul was getting up to leave, Bee let out a long sigh. She was hoping that she'd have a few more moments to herself, but evidently, some of Paul's optimism had rubbed off on her. It wasn't even a moment later that a messenger ran up and whispered in her ear.
"High Priestess. The Warden requests your presence. Ocelot. Rooster. Blue Hamster."
Bee frowned at the gibberish before she translated the code, and she stood up. Well, perhaps this would be better than more birthday wishes. But Harold sending news was not always a good thing. The man had a certain knack for finding trouble.
As much as she tried her best not to hold a grudge over what had happened at the demonology school, she wasn't perfect. But she couldn't deny that Harold was a talented operative in the field and a decent magician as well. But she had stepped in and, with the agreement of the Warden, made sure that Harold would not be managing people anytime soon. Still, Susan claimed he was her best operative and, because of that, he had received perhaps an unfair amount of dangerous work. Still, his new class was something that she couldn't help but marvel at.
Void did do incredible things. With her master's assistance, all things were possible. Just looking at who surrounded them now made that clear.