Chapter 124 Keyla on fire

124 Keyla on fire

Keyla's situation was not looking the best for multiple reasons. For one, she was somehow caught in the middle of a gang war that she knew nothing about but couldn't afford to divulge her innocence for the fear of being discarded.

However, her apparent stoic demeanor and what appeared to her interrogators as a strong bravado being put on went so far as to misled them into opting for a better interrogation method. One that in fact seemed like it would be most suitable to their taste.

The four men in the room with Keyla could be said to be the high ranking members of the Gecko Brotherhood. The three men in suits were enforcers, tasked with the duty of making sure all rules were enforced and defaulters were punished swiftly. However, the man in the sunglasses was a lieutenant whose primary role was being the subordinate to a leader.

Should in case a leader be absent, the subordinate/s of that gang would take over the affairs of the gang and call all the necessary shots.

The lieutenant in sun glasses was called Kellogg. He was quite old for himself but the sight of a helpless, damp and cloth clinging girl's body was practically irresistible even as the notion of a gang war was set. All of these didn't matter as behind the sunglasses, within his mind, anyone who had half the normal brain cells could tell what he was thinking.

Unfortunately, Keyla didn't have to guess for long as his hands betrayed his thoughts and in a smooth flick of his zipper, he had let his trousers fall.

"You guys step outside for a minute," Kellogg said to the enforcers while keeping his eyes steady on Keyla.

Yet, Keyla didn't have to wait long to discern his intentions. As Kellogg's hands moved, the tension in the room escalated. nove/LB)1n

In such a hostage situation, anything could tip the scales. Keyla knew she needed a plan—and fast.

She scanned the room, assessing her surroundings for any potential advantage. The room's grime-covered walls seemed to close in around her, the air thick with tension. Her gaze landed on a rusty pipe, jutting out inconspicuously from the floor.

A plan started to form in her mind. She feigned a trembling breath, her heart pounding wildly. As Kellogg inched closer, she mustered every ounce of acting she could muster, her eyes widening in apparent terror.

Meanwhile, from behind she was undoing the strings that had her bound and was now free. Her hands however locked around something as she waited.

In one swift motion, she grabbed a pipe from behind her, swinging it towards Kellogg's advancing form. The metallic clang echoed through the room, followed by a guttural cry of surprise from Kellogg.

The enforcers, momentarily stunned, sprang into action. Chaos erupted, giving Keyla the split-second she needed. She darted for the door, using the element of surprise to her advantage.

Keyla's heart pounded, adrenaline surging through her veins as the enforcers closed in, their red bats crackling with energy. With a swift motion, she summoned her Elf magic, flames dancing at her fingertips. She twirled, creating a wall of fire that barred the enforcers' advance.

As they hesitated, she seized the moment, her movements fluid and precise. She darted forward, her speed seemingly unnatural, sidestepping their attacks with an elegant grace. The enforcers swung their bats, but each strike met nothing but air. With every miss, their frustration grew.

With a flick of her wrist, Keyla sent a surge of fire arcing towards them. It crackled and roared, forcing them to retreat. The heat licked at their heels, leaving scorch marks on the floor.

One enforcer, bolder than the rest, lunged forward. His bat swung in a deadly arc, but Keyla ducked beneath it, the bat whistling harmlessly above her. In a swift counter, she delivered a powerful kick, sending him sprawling to the ground.

As the enforcers closed in, Keyla's lithe form seemed to blur with purpose. She danced like a flickering flame, each step and sway calculated to dodge their advances. Her movements were a ballet of precision and agility, a dance of defiance against the encroaching darkness.

"There's a thing you don't get! Humans will always be inferior!" Keyla's voice rang out, laced with an otherworldly confidence that sent shivers down the enforcers' spines. It was a proclamation of her heritage, a reminder of the power that flowed through her veins.

The first enforcer swung his bat, its crimson glow slicing through the air. Keyla's response was a graceful sidestep, her form flowing like water to evade the deadly arc. Her fingers crackled with arcane energy, flames flickering to life. She was a force of nature, an elemental tempest.

"You and your gang killed Silo!" the second enforcer accused, his voice a venomous snarl. His eyes bore into Keyla, aflame with hatred and determination. He lunged forward, his bat aimed at her flank, but she anticipated his move. In a blur of motion, she spun like a top, the bat grazing the fabric of her jacket.

"We will never let you go unpunished!" he roared, his fury reverberating through the warehouse. He clutched his ribs, winded by Keyla's swift counterattack. Yet, his resolve remained unbroken, fueled by a burning desire for vengeance.

With an otherworldly grace, Keyla was behind them in an instant, fire swirling around her fingers like a halo of wrath. The flames surged forward, a torrent of searing intensity. The enforcers, caught off guard, were forced to leap aside, their clothes singed and their faces etched with surprise and pain.

The warehouse was alive with the dance of fire and shadow, an elemental ballet that seemed to defy the laws of nature. Keyla's movements were a testament to her elven heritage, a fusion of power and finesse that left the enforcers awestruck.

aiming for her head.


Keyla's instincts kicked in, and she moved with lightning reflexes. She ducked and sidestepped, The enforcers exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They'd underestimated this girl, but they wouldn't make that mistake again. With newfound determination, they advanced cautiously, bats poised for the next strike.

Meanwhile, the other enforcers regrouped, their determination hardening. They launched a coordinated assault, attacking from multiple angles. Keyla's movements were a blur, evading their strikes with uncanny agility. She spun and leaped, her every motion a testament to her Elven heritage.

Suddenly, a resounding thud echoed through the room. Keyla glanced over her shoulder to see Kellogg, the lieutenant, standing tall. He brandished a steel pipe, fury etched across his face. He approached with a menacing stride, his intent clear: he would not be as easily deterred.

As Kellogg closed in, Keyla's focus intensified. She needed to dispatch the enforcers swiftly to face this new threat. She summoned a burst of flames, directing them towards the remaining enforcers. They staggered back, temporarily blinded by the searing heat.

In the chaos, Keyla seized the opportunity. With a nimble leap, she closed the distance between herself and the enforcers, her blade glinting in the fiery light. She struck with precision, incapacitating them one by one.

Kellogg's eyes blazed with fury as he rose, the steel pipe clenched tightly in his hands. He advanced towards Keyla, each step calculated and deliberate. With a sudden burst of speed, he swung the pipe, aiming for her head.

Keyla's instincts kicked in, and she moved with lightning reflexes. She ducked and sidestepped, narrowly evading the deadly arc of the pipe. She retaliated with a swift kick to Kellogg's abdomen, but he absorbed the blow with a grimace, his resilience unyielding.

Their dance of combat was fierce and unrelenting. Keyla's Elven agility clashed with Kellogg's brute strength. She delivered precise strikes, aiming for vulnerable points, while he countered with powerful, sweeping swings of the pipe.

As the fight raged on, the room seemed to shrink around them, the air charged with tension. Each clash of metal against metal echoed through the space. Keyla's movements were a blur of calculated strikes and nimble dodges, while Kellogg's attacks were relentless and brutal.

Amidst the intensity, the last enforcer, desperate and cornered, fumbled for a vial. He pulled out a small, blue substance, a G-viagra pill. With trembling hands, he popped it into his mouth. Almost instantly, a pulsating blue glow radiated from beneath his skin, veins lighting up like neon threads.

The transformation was immediate. His muscles bulged, his movements became more fluid, and a newfound vigor coursed through him. With a triumphant roar, he launched himself back into the fray, red bat crackling with amplified energy.

Kellogg, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, pressed his assault on Keyla. His strikes were relentless, each blow delivered with bone-shattering force. She fought back with every ounce of her strength, parrying his attacks and seeking out openings to retaliate.

Just as the battle reached its zenith, a distant noise pierced the chaos. It was a cacophony of shouts and thundering footsteps, growing louder and more frantic by the second. Kellogg's attention wavered, turning towards the direction of the noise.

*Author's note*

I have been real busy.

Updates will return to normal soon!!