Chapter 97 - Chapter 97: Chapter 94 There Will Be A Day When Nobody Worships_i

Chapter 97: Chapter 94 There Will Be A Day When Nobody Worships_i

Translator: 549690339

“I assume you’re not in a good mood today.”

Wu Yong moved closer to Lin Yuan, noticing that Lin Yuan seemed a bit distracted: “Who has upset our star composer from the tenth floor?”

Lin had already written four songs that had exceeded one million downloads each.

With one more, he would officially be promoted to senior composer – the company’s star composer.

Everyone in the Composition Department knew about this situation, so they would occasionally tease Lin Yuan.

“Two million…”

Lin Yuan stared out the window in melancholy.


“Two million…”

Wu Yong was speechless: “What two million?”

Lin Yuan didn’t answer, just repeating: “Two million…”

Wu Yong decided to ignore him.

All morning, Lin Yuan seemed to be in a daze, much like how Sun Yaohuo had been before.


01’ Zhou was already confronting the review department.

The department’s director personally catered to him with a friendly face: “Director Zhou, just here for a visit? Why don’t we have lunch together?”

“To hell with that.”

OF Zhou grumbled: “The folks in your review department flout the rules. Now, I usually wouldn’t pretend to be unaware of such behavior, because it usually just makes things easier for some internal folks without doing any real damage. But this time was different. Who leaked ‘Red Roses’?”

The other party laughed awkwardly: “I’ll reprimand them…”

Zhou Ruiming glared at him: “You know that’s not what I am asking.”

The other party repeatedly nodded: “I understand, I understand, I will punish him hard!”

Zhou Ruiming declared, “That’s not enough.”

The other party’s smile gradually faded. He carefully pointed upwards, lowering his voice: “Director Zhou, in plain words, this is not my decision.”

“Fire him.”

Zhou Ruiming said flatly.

The other party was taken aback. “If that’s the case, I better notify higher-ups.”

Zhou Ruiming sat back in his chair: “Do as you please.”

The other party quickly texted someone.

Not long after, Zhou Ruiming’s phone rang. The moment he picked up, a cold voice hissed: “What are you trying to do?”

“There’s someone in the review department violating company rules.”

“I approved.”

“Still, I want him fired. Is that okay?”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m in a bind.”

“Do as you see fit.”

The call ended abruptly. Likely, he wasn’t pleased.

Zhou Ruiming glanced at the department’s director: “You’ve given your heads up. Now, it’s my turn. No need for me to say more, right?”

“Fair enough.”

The other party chuckled, giving a thumbs-up: “As expected from the guy in charge of the composition department, you really have backbone. Don’t blame any of this on me, after all, I’m just following orders. Since you took the responsibility, I will fire the guy.”

“I’m leaving.”

Zhou Ruiming turned and left.

Upon returning to his office, his assistant gingerly approached him: “Boss, did you have another run-in with some bigwig at the company?”


Zhou Ruiming gave a bitter smile: “In the past, I had confrontations with them for Maestro, but this time it’s for Xian Yu. Being a department head is really tough.”

“You’re amazing!”

The assistant smiled: “Following your instructions, I just received an initial copy of ‘Red Roses’ from the recording studio. Would you like to listen to it now?”


Zhou Ruiming put on his headphones, reclined in his chair, and began listening to ‘Red Roses’. Halfway through, he slowly got up from his chair.

“What is it?”

The assistant looked at him, puzzled.

Zhou Ruiming suddenly slapped the desk, startling the assistant. Then they heard his hearty laughter: “It’s worth it!”

By noon,

OF Zhou called Lin Yuan into his office, smiling: “The guy responsible for the song leak has been fired, I assure you that this kind of thing will absolutely not happen again!”


Lin Yuan did not seem that excited.

01′ Zhou carefully massaged his own hands: “Would you like some coffee?”

Lin Yuan quickly refused: “No!”

01’ Zhou looked surprised.

If he didn’t want coffee, why the big fuss about it?

He coughed slightly: “How about a cup of tea, then? The best kind, from my own stash.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

01’ Zhou personally made the tea.

Once it was ready, 01′ Zhou rubbed his hands nervously: “Was ‘Red Rose’ a song you recently composed?”


Lin Yuan gently blew on his tea.

From now on, he would ditch coffee for tea.

Tea was good for both mental and physical health.

01′ Zhou relaxed into the couch: “That song is so good.”

Lin Yuan continued to lightly blow on the tea: “Huff… Huff…”

Regardless of whether Lin Yuan was responding to him or not, 01′ Zhou was content enough to laugh all by himself.


Lin Yuan’s phone rang.

It was a call from Zhao Jue, “Tao Ran has been suspended for a month, all of Jin Shuyu’s activities for this month have been cancelled too. 01′ Zhou already handled the review department issue so I haven’t stepped in. If you have any other complaints, let me know.”

“Thank you, Ms. Zhao.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

01’ Zhou chuckled: “Little Zhao is nice to you. She’s Tao Ran’s superior, as well as the chief agent of the whole company. With her around, Tao Ran doesn’t stand a chance.”

Lin Yuan said nothing.

The next day, news of Jin Shuyu and Tao Ran’s severe punishment from upper management spread throughout the entire company. Gossip started early morning in all departments:

“Who on earth did these two offend?”

At this time, Lin Yuan was helping Sun Yaohuo record a song.

Sun Yaohuo was in a great mood today. The recording was going smoothly, exactly to Lin Yuan’s liking. If all went well, the song would be done soon.

During a break from recording,

Sun Yaohuo approached Lin Yuan. The usually glib, dedicated yes-man was surprisingly wavering: “Thank you.”

“What for?

“Thank you for choosing me.”

Lin Yuan naturally didn’t know what Sun Yaohuo had been through, and he only felt confused by the sudden gratitude: “Didn’t we agree that you would sing it?”

Sun Yaohuo was taken aback.

At this moment, he recalled the scene when he first met Lin Yuan in the company. He was feeling a mix of emotions.


For someone like his junior, things were that simple. The song was originally chosen for him, how could it be given to someone else?

“You didn’t do it for me…”

Lin Yuan looked at him puzzled: “What do you mean?”

Sun Yaohuo didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The penalization of Jin Shuyu and Tao Ran was widely known throughout the company. Everyone was discussing whose influence led to it. Yet, he knew that it must have been related to Lin Yuan. For a while, Sun Yaohuo thought that Lin Yuan had taken revenge for him.

It seemed like he misunderstood.

But that’s our Xian Yu!

With that thought, Sun Yaohuo cheerfully said: “Junior, let me treat you to a meal at the upper management cafeteria. I just received a special meal voucher for that place yesterday, it’s enough for us to have a meal there!”


Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up.

The food at the upper management’s cafeteria tasted significantly better than at the regular one. Zhao Jue had taken Lin Yuan there once before and it left a lasting impression on him. However, he couldn’t go there himself.

Wait a second.

Even if he could, he wouldn’t. It was far too expensive. Nobody could afford to eat there without someone else treating.

“Let’s go.”

Sun Yaohuo took the lead and opened the door for Lin Yuan.

Sun Yaohuo made a vow in his heart. One day, he would be able to stand tall and proud in this industry. He wouldn’t have to feel inferior, and when faced with people like Tao Ran, he would still be confident!

One day, he wouldn’t have to fawn over anybody!

….Except for Xian Yu!