CH 217

Name:Allrounders!! Author:
The news about the cancellation of the engagement between Scarlet and Prince Elias spread like a wildfire. Scarlet took it dashingly, suffering no particular damage to her reputation.

On the contrary, she took out some peculiar board and wrote something on it.

“…Lady Scarlet, what might that be?” Another noble daughter asked timidly.

Scarlet flashed a broad grin at her, and answered while reining in her pride, “Oh my? You mean this? This is a ground-breaking, new magic tool.”

“Eh? A magic tool, you say?”

The young ladies were surprised, staring at the board.

“Quite so. I begged Lady Indra…you know, the commoner and hero’s partner who attended here before the summer vacation…and had her make it for me. That person is very unusual, but she possesses the intellect of a genius, so she makes things like these on the fly. Hohohoho,” Scarled laughed boastfully.

As a matter of fact, she was showing it off because she wanted to brag about it.

Very likely Indra is the only person on this planet who can make something like a “tablet.” It doesn’t have overly many apps installed, but the brave called Amato, whom Indra is sheltering,…the youth, who’s being toyed with by the monsters and seems to have come from my world, used to be an app developer, I hear.

Indra and Amato joined hands and created this tablet as a prototype through a series of trials and errors. Even though it was still in the middle of development at that time, it immediately drew Scarlet’s attention, and while pestering both to finish it, Scarlet secured one for herself, too.

The apps installed on it included a clock (with alarm function), a memo pad for handwritten notes, a map (the detailed maps were limited to the places Indra already visited while the rest of the land only provided a rough layout and locational information), a messenger, and a few games.

But, that didn’t change its status as being ground-breaking. Since it used biometric data, it unlocked the instant Scarlet touched her tablet. If she put it away while covering it or pushed the lock button, it’d enter sleep mode.

This is the height of cheating! If I had shown it to father, he’d have doubtlessly confiscated it, and even if I had only shown it to mother, she’d have likely taken it away, too. I endured until today thinking that it has to be the academy, if I’m going to show it off. It’s also the perfect distraction to make everyone forget about the matter with Prince Elias!

Even while feeling flabbergasted by Scarlet’s giddy explanation, everyone immediately got interested in the magic tool. They had been interacting with Scarlet as if tip-toeing around her due to the matter with her engagement, but their curiosity, urging them to ask all kinds of things, easily closed that distance.

“What is this?”

“This is a substitute for a notebook. Look, you can write with your hand on it like this. Also, if you “tap”…err, touch it, characters will appear.”

“Oh my…!”

“How wonderful!”

“Also, these here are games. It only possesses simple ones, but Lady Indra’s acquaintance, someone experienced in creating such function, told me that he would add all kinds of functions when he finds some free time, so I hope they will grow in number over time. Right now it has…ah…this one should be good, I think…”Reversi” can be played with two people, you see? The rules are fairly easy, so how about we play a few rounds?”

Nothing less of a summoned person aka 【Brave】. He totally fits the standard template for fantasy stories, Scarlet thought while explaining the rules and inviting people to play.

Just like this, the troubles with Prince Elias were completely erased from everyone’s memory, replaced with 『Lady Scarlet owns a fantastic magic tool, and moreover, it’s super fun!!』

The ones having the reputation damaged by the cancellation were Prince Elias and Genius instead.

“Humph! She’s saying all that, but it’s clear that she’s full of regrets! But! As long as she doesn’t apologize meekly, promises me to never speak up again, and doesn’t offer me that golem, I won’t forgive her!” and such Prince Elias blurted out.

Genius, on the other hand, was greatly perplexed as he didn’t know what to do with the prince who was still clamoring about such things.

Even if I tell him to apologize to Lady Scarlet and persuade her to reconsider, he likely won’t hear any of it.

Genius felt like crying. He hadn’t been able to see through Primrose’s true motives, and he completely underestimated Scarlet, believing that she wouldn’t abandon the prince since she was in love with him. And only now that he couldn’t take back either of those, he realized his blunder.

….Primrose apparently had her marriage to a wealthy commoner decided during the vacation, was forced to quit the academy, and got wed right away. In short, she was sold off by her father as collateral for his debts.

Prince Elias’s little brother had said that Primrose should become his bride after taking a liking to her, but it wasn’t as though he was as serious about her as Prince Elias. And although he had also stepped on the stage back then, it didn’t mean that he understood what was going on, nor could he follow the developments. However, the dreadfulness of Indra and Sword as well as the knowledge that he should never defy Scarlet had edged themselves deeply into his heart.

He had looked at Prince Elias with a cold and indifferent expression as his big brother continued to bicker about Scarlet and further admonished him, “Brother, if you keep saying such things, you will never succeed the crown, you know?”

His worldly wisdom had developed enough for him to clearly distance himself from Prince Elias.

Genius looked up to the sky.

…Prince Elias is smart and excels at military arts. And by all rights, he should have taken the crown if everything had proceeded favorably. So, why did it all go haywire? Was it such a bad thing for him to get misled by Primrose after all?

But, I was misled as well. I was charmed by her innocence, uninhibitedness, and gentleness. She showed me sympathy after understanding my position and hardships, and she accepted me, who has treated others coldly, with a warm smile.

…That’s why I thought she’d be suitable for Prince Elias. I thought that her not being able to follow manners didn’t matter at all. I was certain that a girl with a bright and positive personality would fit Prince Elias much more than a girl with a personality that pissed him off, even if that girl might have perfect manners.

But, that was wrong.

Indra said, 「Become a commoner then」. He told the prince to become a commoner instead of a king, if he thought that manners were unnecessary.

That was a sound argument.

But, Primrose had no use for a commoner. Once she learned that the prince would become a commoner, she swiftly cut him off. Moreover, while acting as if she was being torn by their difference in standing. Just as Scarlet said.

Direck, who even went as far as attacking Scarlet for Primrose, was thrust aside and discarded.

…As he was thinking, laughter welled up within him.

Right now, I’m here. Full of regret while unable to take back any of my naive thinking. Very likely I’ll not only be removed from Prince Elias’s side once my failure is reported to my family, but also be forced to leave the academy in the worst case. I might be put up for adoption somewhere.

But, that’s inevitable. I was simply too indulgent and optimistic. Because Prince Elias is much more excellent than I am, I misunderstood that everything would be fine as long as I obeyed him and followed his lead. But, that was wrong.

If only I had advised him properly…

“…Genius?” Prince Elias called out to him hesitatingly.

When Genius came to, he was apparently crying and laughing while staring up to the sky.

He must think that I’ve gone crazy. But then again, I might as well go mad for all I care.

“Prince Elias, our time to part will come soon,” Genius informed his lord with a smile while wiping the tears away.

Prince Elias was bewildered, not understanding what Genius was talking about.

“The failure this time is irredeemable. I think I’ll soon be relieved of my post as your valet, my Prince.”

“I won’t allow that to happen!”

“Prince Elias, you’ll be removed from the succession line as well, I think.”

Once Genius stated so after recovering his composure, Prince Elias went pale, “…Genius, what are you talking about?”

“You still don’t get it, even this late in the game? Lady Scarlet Chaudgal, whom you thoroughly scorned and insulted, has given up and discarded you. Because of that, I will be removed from your side as valet, and you will lose your right to succeed the crown. …That is what has been decided by my family during the vacation. That is the very reason why I have been so naggy. Though, you didn’t listen to me as you probably found me annoying…”

“……” Prince Elias stayed silent while looking awkward.

“No matter how much you treated Lady Scarlet as an object, ignored her personality, and regarded her as your possession, Lady Scarlet is a person and not an object. She isn’t yours either. That is why she has already stopped being your fiancée. …In the past, Lady Scarlet might have certainly loved you. But, even I can tell, that all her affection for you is completely gone. The same was also reflected in her mother’s eyes. Because of that, she has already left you, even if you insist 『that you won’t forgive her as long as she doesn’t offer you her belongings』.”

Genius stared at Prince Elias with a serious expression. The prince was dumbstruck.

Rather than not being able to understand, he simply doesn’t want to understand, I guess.

“…I do understand your feeling of not wanting to face reality. Be it Lady Primrose or Lady Scarlet, both have slipped out of your hands. I…wanted to stay your attendant until the very end, but it doesn’t look like that wish will come true. I’m a noble as well and as such I cannot escape my parents’ shackles.”

Prince Elias seemed absentminded, listening to Genius’s monologue.

“Soon my parents will visit. Until then I shall stay by your side, my Prince. I don’t know what will happen afterwards, nor whether I will be able to stay at this academy… But, I shall stick with you until such a time comes.”

Genius bowed deeply.

Prince Elias was staring blankly, but he still mustered a mutter, “…I won’t allow that to happen. I’m……a prince. I’m the one who will inherit the crown. I always gave it my best for that very sake. Even though I made up my mind to become king and split up with Rose, I’ll still be deprived of my succession right? ……No way!”

At the very end, he woke up and raised his voice into a loud shout.

No way! This late in the game? Deprived? Just what is Genius yapping about?

“It’s because you didn’t cherish Lady Scarlet,” Genius calmly pointed out.

“Even you told me that she doesn’t suit me, didn’t you!?”

“Yes, indeed. I advised you while believing so. I thought that she, who only scolded you with thorny words, wasn’t suitable for you as she wouldn’t soothe your heart, even if she might have been much more perfect in manners, social interactions, and other teachings for ladies than any other noble lady. …Oh right, she might reconsider the marriage, if you turn over a new leaf and cherish Lady Scarlet properly from now on while claiming that you’ve been tricked by me…”

Prince Elias could only stare in shock at Genius, who was talking with a cold and dispassionate voice as if being somewhere else with his mind, while wondering whether he was still facing his loyal attendant.