CH 230

Name:Allrounders!! Author:
Ivana went with casual, harmless chatter while mindin’ Indra’s presence, talkin’ ’bout stuff like what we were doin’ right now, the development of the town, and so on.

But, in reality, Ivana and I had almost no contact. Back then, we encountered each other because of Luna, but I feel like she usually left after a greeting’, seemingly bein’ considerate of her sister. I didn’t get the impression that they were overly close though, and in the first place, I was datin’ Luna in secret and it only lasted several days.

…However, when I delivered the articles left behind by Luna in the end, I feel like I was blamed and questioned for a reason. I don’t quite remember the time from back then. I think she cried and screamed at me, but my memories are fuzzy on that part.

After a spell of silence as we ran out of topics, Ivana broached the main topic, “……I always believed that I have to apologize to you, Mr. Sword.”

Indra finally reacted with a twitch.

“…I’ve said some awful stuff to you, because I was a child, didn’t I? Adventurers dying in a dungeon is an everyday’s occurrence, and adventurers dive into those places while having resolved themselves for that fate, and yet… Back then, I didn’t understand any of it and unloaded all my grief, anger, and frustration on you, the sole survivor. I didn’t even comprehend just how amazing it was for you to come back from that. Nowadays, you see…look, I heard that you’ve been successful in the capital and even I grasped what incredible person you are, but…”

I stopped her by holding up a hand.

“No, it’s fine. I understand that it was inevitable. But…sorry, I don’t have any idea why your big sister died.”

Indra reacted once more with a twitch.

I continued speakin’ while focused on Indra, “…At that time, I was told to go ahead. And I advanced accordin’ to the map given to me, but…on the way, I ran into a place not matchin’ the map, and I was caught in a trap over there. The other party members…includin’ your sister…should have gone back or advanced along another route, but…when I got out of the trap and moved onwards, I ran into the boss room. I found the others over there, but mostly dead by then. Our party’s leader was barely breathin’, but when I looked back after killin’ the boss, no one was left. …I think they probably died and were eaten by the dungeon. But, I can’t tell. Everyone died before I could ask any questions, so…”

Ivana lowered her eyes lightly.

“…Everyone knew that they still didn’t have the strength to challenge the boss. That’s why they spoke about becomin’ stronger. Another boss was present at the place where I got trapped. Everyone should have been aware that this guy also possessed abilities makin’ it unclear whether they’d have been able to defeat him even if they challenged him together. And yet, why did they enter the boss room? And, although all of ’em had regularly said that they’d risk their lives for Luna as they all liked her, she died. Even though it’d have been fine for just her to escape the boss room, that didn’t happen for some reason…”

Indra pulled a pitiful face when I finished speakin’. …Did she understand the reason after listenin’ to my story?

But, you don’t need to tell me.

I don’t wanna know the reason as Indra understood it. Emotionally, I prefer sticking with 『I don’t understand』 as a romantic reason.

After listenin’ to my side of the story, Ivana hung her head in gloom.

“…I see, so that’s what happened. …Forgive me, I was truly a kid, so I didn’t understand something like that…”

“That’s only reasonable. Even I’d blame the guy who came back alive as the sole survivor after all his party members died, including my family, if he didn’t tell me the reason,” I shrugged it off, but Ivana shook her head with a smile.

“…Mr. Sword, you’re a kind man. You do understand that you were actually betrayed by my sister, don’t you?”

Because Ivana stated it so bluntly, my face froze.


“Hehe, you shouldn’t lie. But, it’s okay. I’ve become an adult too. Besides…I didn’t like my big sister all that much either.”

I stared at Ivana, and she looked back, smiling.

“My sister was resourceful and shrewd. Something I lack. Even though it was extremely rare for orphans to become priestesses, my sister was chosen. Once you become a priestess, you’re taught holy magic, regardless of the amount of mana you possess. The remuneration is completely different, too. …Because of her, I was bullied quite a bit… She was pretty and gentle, but a troublemaker. For this reason, I felt helpless and sad when she died, but some part of me was also relieved about it. After all, I wouldn’t be bullied anymore. I mean, no one would bully me for my sister being dead, right? Or rather, whenever someone used that as a reason to tease me, everyone stepped in and stopped it. Afterwards, I did my best, became independent, and somehow managed to find employment at this inn. …Hehe, it sounds like you suffered quite a bit due to my sister, Mr. Sword. But the same also applied to me, you know?”

…Is that somethin’ to laugh ’bout?

I cast a fleetin’ glance at Indra, but she was eatin’ her food without reactin’ to it.

――Your food is much better than this, so why are you eatin’ it so readily?