Zou Zhuo, who wanted to enter Dalong County for exploration, soon met resistance.

Many ghosts began to attack them. They all had the appearance of human beings, but it was clear that they had completely lost their sense.

Finally, Zou Zhuo and them found Pamela redpass in the ruins of a house. She was wearing a good-looking ponytail and a dress, and she was bouncing and playing. However, she was surrounded by light blue light, and her body was translucent. Obviously, she was dead and became a ghost.

"Where is my sister Jessica? She left when I was a little girl. I don't know why she cried when she left. We often play games together, dance together, gather flowers around the house together. We often hide and scare Dad! I hope Jessica can come back soon. If she comes back, dad should come back too. We can play together as before... "

"My aunt asked me to stay at home because my father went out to fight. My father is the bravest fighter! After dark, I can only play with my doll, but I seem to have left it in the town. Can you help me get the doll back? "

Zou Zhuo tries to talk to the little girl, but the little girl doesn't seem to know the fact that she is dead and has become a ghost at all. She is still happily remembering the beautiful things.

Obviously, Pamela, the little girl, doesn't remember what happened. She is just a ghost now, living in the memory of the past.

Looking through the whole county, I finally helped the little girl find the parts of the doll. After combining the doll's head, right body and left body, Zou Zhuo handed the doll to Pamela.

Pamela was very happy, and then hoped Zou Zhuo and them would help her find her aunt and uncle Carlin.

Pamela's aunt is in a lonely house in andohar, a place called regret ridge in the West plague land. Zou Zhuo finds Malayan redpas who has become a ghost.

Aunt Maleen was worried about Pamela, but she didn't dare to tell her the truth about her father Joseph. It turns out that Joseph, Pamela's father, died in the battle against the scourge of the dead and became a monster. However, aunt Maleen hopes to change his fate. As long as she finds Joseph's tombstone, finds the ring buried under it and gives it to the infusing mage cromie, she may be able to change all this.

After finding the ring in the graveyard outside the house, they all went all the way to the northwest of andohar and found the eccentric Gnome mage, clomi, on the second floor of an abandoned hotel. Kromi told the crowd that the situation is irreparable, but maybe we can go back to the past to save the soul of the soldier.

First, you need to go to the town center of andohar and find a book called the history of dalongshire.

The abandoned Municipal Center in andohar is full of moldy books. Several people sit among the bones and smashed tables and chairs on the ground and start a local search.

"This is not."

"This one How can a ghoul be summoned out of the manger! "

"Lying trough, I seem to have found it. Help me to kill this monster!"

"Well, it's settled. Look at what's said in this book. "

They sat on the ground in the center of the town. Lin Xue began to read the book to them.

The book details the origin and history of the name of dalongshire, where many heroes have been born. In the middle of the second demonic war, Dalong county was cut off from the main force of the league. The town's garrison consisted of a group of paladins with silver hands and a militia led by Joseph redpass.

They fought bravely and smashed the attacks of the Scourge army again and again, but Joseph was controlled by the dark magic of the dark knight maduke. The fallen captain Joseph spread this evil power to the garrison of Dalong county. The infected soldiers turned back and finally extended the butcher's knife to the people hiding in Dalong county.

In the end, dalongshire was destroyed, and the Legion of the dead and captain Joseph left the ruins and went to battle in Lordaeron.

Cromie completed the book and hoped Zou Zhuo and his family could take it to the Holy Light prayer hall and hand it to Joseph's younger brother, Pamela's uncle Carlin.

Zou Zhuo and others came to the holy light wish church, where they found Carlin redpass, who had become a silver Northern Expedition army. Carlin hoped that Zou Zhuo and his family could hunt the ghouls and release the souls of Dalong people.

After Zou Zhuo showed him the complete history of Dalong County, Carlin was shocked because it told the whereabouts of several leaders of the scourge Corps. Hogus, the predator of the king of ghouls, and Marduk, the knight of death, were defeated and are now missing. Carlin hopes that people will find hogus's emblem and maduke's sword to prove that the history written by clomi is true.

In addition, Carlin also hopes Zou Zhuo and others to find the deed of Davy, the paladin of Dalong County, and the shield of Captain Joseph.

They ran all over the plague area and finally collected all these things. The heroes, defenders and demons of Dalong County, all the props related to the incident, were collected and handed over to Carlin.One of the most difficult items to get is the sacred deed of the knight David. It's in the fireplace Valley, which is the base camp of the bloody crusaders. Zou Zhuo and other teams killed together to get the holy deed.

According to cromie, these relics are necessary for casting a powerful spell, but in addition to that, they need the scourge Legion badge to participate in the battle of Darron.

After collecting these things, they went back to the ruins of andohar to find the Gnome mage kromi.

Kromi told Zou Zhuo that as long as you put the relic bag in the square of Dalong County, you can awaken the souls of the residents of Dalong county. They will again be involved in the battle in Daron county.

But in the process, two things must be guaranteed:

after the death of hogus, the paladin David must survive.

Moreover, Captain Joseph redpass must survive until he is corrupted and degenerated. At this time, if he is defeated, his soul will be saved.

When the purification is completed, Captain Joseph redpass's soul will appear in the square. At this time, talk with his soul, and then find the little girl Pamela, so that the dead souls of dalongshire can regain peace.