Chapter 388: Sheet Metal Strategy Mobile Games "The Land of the Earth" (four more)

Many designers are eager to try and make a different game of the Three Kingdoms to win the first prize of this competition.

However, the designers who are truly knowledgeable know that this game is not good.

The game collection activities of the amusement committees are often collected for the types of games that are currently on the market, such as the previous Chinese style games.

The Three Kingdoms game is currently not domestically considered. Or, very much. However, the quality is very worrying.

Because the three countries as an ip, it is completely free, which means that any designer can make the game of the Three Kingdoms, there is no threshold at all.

Although there are a large number of fans in the three countries in the country, the ips of the Three Kingdoms, like the Journey to the West, have been seriously overdrawn. A large number of crude and trivial games have made most players see that the words "Three Kingdoms" in the game name will be nausea. To the point.

Moreover, at present, there are no special games in the three countries in China that can reflect the culture of the Three Kingdoms.

Speaking of the game of the Three Kingdoms, there is a game that has to be mentioned, that is, a mmorpg that has been very hot, "Yi Yi San Guo". This game, like the "God of the Moon" and "The Legend of the Sword", is called the three major mmorpg in the country. It has a high reputation and has made its own characteristics.

"Yiyi Three Kingdoms" is the main national war mode. Players are distributed in Wei, Wu and Wu, conducting frequent national wars and siege wars. At the same time, they can also experience some mission scenarios related to the three countries.

At present, the domestic three-nation games, all of which are online games, basically follow the path of the "Three Kingdoms", with the national war type rpg game as the mainstream.

Moreover, the requirements of the Tourism Committee are "adapting to market demand" and "online games". That is to say, it is very likely that a stand-alone game will not be awarded.

Relatively speaking, stand-alone games are better. Whether it's story performance or strategy play, it's easier to do stand-alone games, because without the interaction of players and players, the designer's freedom will be high, don't worry about some uncontrollable situations.

In the past life of Chen Mo, those classic three-nation games such as "Three Kingdoms", "Three Kingdoms Cao Cao Biography", "Three Kingdoms" and so on, are stand-alone games. Obviously these games are more diverse in terms of story performance and strategy play, but there is a problem that can't be changed into online games.

For example, in the gameplay of "The Three Kingdoms", if each player plays a master, then at most a dozen people play together, and the balance is not guaranteed by different main open bureaus.

Therefore, how to do a three-country online game has become a headache for all designers.

Moreover, because the Three Kingdoms are an ip without any threshold, which means that its potential has been exhausted, many designers have racked their brains to make a different game of the Three Kingdoms. But most of them have failed.

So many designers have not made flowers, it shows that this subject is really bad.

In this case, want to make a unique three-nation game? It is very difficult.

However, for many designers, Chen Mo is busy this s1 world finals, and it is very likely that he will not participate. This should be the best news.


In the lounge, Chen Mo is typing on the keyboard of the laptop.

On the computer screen, it is the design concept draft of "The Land of the Earth".

If compared with the famous three-nation games of Chen Mo's previous life, such as "Three Kingdoms", "Three Kingdoms", "Three Kingdoms", "The Land of the Land" is a lot worse, but the reason why Chen Mo this time This game is made because it also has qualities that other games don't have.

It is a full-free sandbox strategy mobile game, which can support thousands of people in the same country, and in terms of data, it is a slg (strategic) game with 40% retention rate and up to 150. Arpu, and long-term retention is terrible, which is very good in the slg game.

In the past life of Chen Mo, after the rise of mobile games, there were also many three-country mobile games. Aside from the stand-alone game, let's not mention it. In terms of online games, "The Land of the Earth" can be said to be one of the best games.

Chen Mo does not intend to go back to the emperor to do big games. To do such a slg theme, the gold hand game should be enough to win the prize in this game collection.

Moreover, Chen Mo has not done a gold game for a long time, and must let the players feel the love of the players again.

From a technical point of view, Chen Mo is now doing "the land of the soil" without any difficulty, and the amount of resources required is also very small.

In terms of art resources, nothing more than interface ui, military original paintings, original paintings, etc. Chen Mo directly gave the demand to the Imperial Capital, and then waited for the art group to stay in the Imperial Capital to prepare the art resources to be sent back.

The big map of "The Land of the Earth" is a very real map of the Three Kingdoms period. It is piece by piece, but the plots inside are all reused, so the resources are very provincial and there are land (wood, stone, Iron ore, grain and other resources), rivers, mountains, cities, docks, checkpoints, fortresses, military camps, etc.

Although as a mobile game, the original art of "The Land of the Earth" is already very good, but Chen Mo is now not satisfied with this level of art, and intends to make some innovations in this game in two aspects.

On the one hand, it is the construction of the city.

The change of the city of "The Land of the Land" is relatively rare. The entire building upgrade is carried out in the form of a chart. Chen Mo intends to upgrade the building directly to the player's city, so that the player can upgrade the building every time. See it intuitively.

On the other hand is the battle screen.

The battle system of "The Land of the Earth" is quite unique, limited by the technical level, the battle screen is very monotonous, and it doesn't make sense to see it. It is better to watch the battle report directly. Although this is nothing for the veteran, for the novice, the battle screen itself has the effect of dissuasion.

Chen Mo intends to optimize the entire battle screen to better represent the key points of the military commander's damage, cast skills, etc., so that players can more intuitively see the effects of various tactics, on the other hand, enhance the performance of art, on the other hand It also allows the novice to know more clearly what happened during the battle.

In addition, for some specific performances on the big map, Chen Mo also intends to make comprehensive optimization, such as when the legion marches, it will fit more closely with the surface, instead of seemingly floating in the sky. The various special effects and performances during the siege will also be fully optimized.

As a slg game, the middle and late gameplay of "The Land of the Earth" is very mature, so Chen Mo's main goal is how to make this game leave more players in the early and middle stages.