In the lounge, Chen Mo listened to the recording of this key team battle twice and looked at the translated text given by the translator.

Sun Xiao stood by and did not speak.

Chen Mo looked at Sun Xiao: "Is this translation correct, right?"

Sun Xiao nodded: "Of course, our translations are professional. How can a few swear words be translated wrong?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "Publish it."

Sun Xiao is hesitant: "Chen Chen, after this announcement, will it inspire players to hate the Korean team? This..."

Chen Mo shook his head: "Since you have released the silenced version, isn't it equivalent to 'there is no silver three hundred two here?' The more you let the audience guess, maybe the words that are ugly are all made up, not as good as Give them the original recording directly."

Sun Xiao said: "So, what about these Korean players?"

Chen Mo looked at him: "You don't care about Yanhuang. These South Korean players will have corresponding punishments and must make a public apology. Others will not have to pay for fines and bans. After the team battle, they are excited. Forgetting is also something that cannot be avoided. I would like to see domestic teams defeating them on the court."

Sun Xiao nodded: "Yes, Mr. Chen, then I will go now."

Originally, this part of the microphone was not explained to the players. These players did not know that their voices in the game would be recorded all the time.

Because there is no such link in the group stage and the quarter-finals, these Korean players are obviously playing forgotten, so they swear a lot after winning the last key team battle.

Of course, the quality of these people is not so good.

Yan Huang was the first to encounter this kind of problem. When the video was cut, the translation was translated as it was. The person in charge of the microphone hesitated, and finally decided to put the silenced version.

After all, this wave of battles directly determines the outcome of the entire bo5. If there is voice in the previous group battle, it is too strange that this group battle is not.

For this reason, the relevant person in charge of the program put it up after the video was silenced, and did not expect this event to cause such an uproar.

Chen Mo did not know this after the video was sent out, but at this time the public opinion on the Internet has been out of control, so he can only act decisively, release the original recording, and warn these Korean players to order them. Immediately apologize publicly.


The official microblog of Yanhuang’s event released the original microphone of the group battle. Although there is no Korean language translated, there are so many Korean gods in the player group, and the translation of the whole microphone is coming out very quickly.

"I gave ez a big move, ez rushed over, ah, wait!"

"Win won, won, won!"

"Airplane! Airplane!"

"After, the back is hitting me, the nightmare is hitting me!"

"Emperor Prince of the Emperor!"

"Win! This won! Win won!"

"Oh, wow!"

"Push in the push and push, kill the emperor and push it directly!"

"Don't kill him! Kill him! Sample!"

"Don't kill you, the dog is forced to scorpion!"

"**You, ** raise!"

"Hey, come over, you are forced by this dog..."

"Haha, kill him, the bitch!"

"Don't kill him!"

"Ok, won and won!"

After the translation broke out, the major forums exploded in an instant!

"Mom, what do these sticks mean?"

"Oh, this quality, I really saw it, I still have a good impression on sot, now? A lifetime of black!"

"This is already insulting? Chen Mo? The organizer does not punish? The ban is light!"

"Is these people not wanting to return home alive?"

"Mom, think about it, get angry, and blame if you don't live up to expectations, it's the last wave of things!"

"Oh, sot won the audience and applauded them. As a result, they came here? The audience should throw the sticks and kill the pens!"

Obviously, this kind of behavior of the sot players is already a kind of insult, no matter from any angle, it is completely contrary to the spirit of competition, and it shows that the quality of these players is low.

In addition to the silence of the sot's single-sports player from the beginning to the end, the other four players said more or less swearing, the wild players in the team said the most.

In the first time after the announcement of this video, Chen Mo also sent a Weibo to officially appoint South Korean players to make a public apology.

Soon, under pressure, four Korean players who insulted the if players in the microphones publicly apologized.

However, it is obvious that the wild players of sot are still very dissatisfied, privately said that they do not know that this microphone will be recorded, and this situation can only be self-confident.

The netizens snorted, and even the overseas official accounts of sot were smashed by angry netizens.

However, as the organizer, Chen Mo is not suitable for doing anything else. The impact of this incident is not good, but it does not involve racial discrimination. It only takes a few swear words and does not have to ban.

It can only be said that after this incident, the contradiction of the Korean team of the domestic team has directly risen to the peak. All the audiences are looking forward to the final finals, and expecting nrg to beat the faces of the group members of the sot.


Nrg in the training room.

Nrg's wild player Jiang Hao took a breath on the e-sports chair.

"Yes, this routine is feasible, rest for ten minutes, sum up the experience of this, and then we will continue to test the next routine." Jiang Hao said, "I also inform the if side of the players, take a break."

Not long after, Hu Jing pushed the door in.

Jiang Hao looked up: "The routine has been feasible, and you have worked hard."

After the semi-final, if directly stay in the hotel, accompany nrg to practice.

Of course, the two teams are still in different training rooms, so the main consideration is the issue of sound insulation.

Hu Jing sat down on the seat next to Jiang Hao.

"Nothing, this s1 championship trophy must stay in the country. We should be the team that knows soot best, and we are similar to sot's style. Only we can simulate the sot style."

Hu Jington paused and said: "Not to mention, sot people can not be considered dirty when they export to dirty."

Jiang Hao nodded. "Well, mad will definitely work with sot."

Hu Jing said: "Yes, your team's ad online ability is weaker, so that tomorrow, let Luo Yongchang play against him well, at least to ensure that there will not be too much disadvantage."

Hu Jing patted Jiang Hao's shoulder: "Come on, the hope of the domestic team is all on you. You are the best field in the country at present, I believe that playing wild is a place to create miracles!"

"I understand." Jiang Hao's expression is very serious. "If we can't win the championship this time, maybe we all have to regret it for a lifetime."