Other than acupuncture, Chinese medicine also needed to treat patients. Sometimes they also needed to burn the skin with burning Elfin at certain points, using the stimulation of heat to treat diseases. Especially for some of the cold diseases, using moxa would usually have a good effect.
However, with the passing of time, the Chinese medicine field had suffered a serious impact from western medicine, causing the living space of Chinese medicine to become smaller and smaller. Even if there were still legacies to be passed on, it would often only be focused on one direction.
For example … The study of Chinese patent medicines had not regressed, and had instead been developed and promoted even more than before.
However, due to the limited range of application, there were very few people who used it now. Furthermore, when some Traditional Chinese Doctor were teaching their disciples, they would usually only teach them acupuncture, and would not use it. As a result … Many people thought that acupuncture was just a way of treating a patient with a needle.
Just now, when Lu Shan checked the pulse of the middle-aged woman, he felt that this big sister's cold Qi was entangled so deeply in her womb that it should have been caused by the cold weather when she was sitting in her place.
However, it would take a very long time to treat her. Furthermore, if she was to use the soup, once the first few medicines were used, not only would the patient's condition not weaken, but the patient's abdominal pain would increase due to the stimulation of the cold energy within her body. Furthermore, this process might continue for more than ten days.
So... Unless the patient had sufficient trust in the doctor, it might be difficult for the patient to persevere with the treatment. Originally, his stomach only hurt a little from time to time, but after drinking the medicine, he started to continuously wring his strength to make his stomach hurt … I don't think the average patient will accept it and have to fight with the doctor.
However, Lu Shan was proficient in nine needles, so using the combination of the needle techniques from Hua Tuo's Nine Needles and the scalding method, it was not really a difficult task to cure this disease.
This was the acupuncture room. Although the doctors here rarely used this method, but … If there were no Elfin or similar things in the acupuncture room, that would be too much!
Lu Shan took out his needle bag as he asked Chu Siqing to find some Elfin for him.
When Chu Siqing heard that Lu Shan still wanted to use Elfin, she could not help but become more interested. She was a Chinese doctor, and her medical skills were not very good. She had only heard her teacher say it before. Not only had she never learned it, she had never even seen it.
Unexpectedly … Lu Shan obviously looked to be a few years younger than her. Not only was he able to unleash the full potential of his acupuncture skills, he also looked like a genius. Did he actually know how to use even Ai Zhi?
After Chu Siqing brought the Elfin over, Lu Shan let her put it aside first and used a clean tray to prepare it. Then, he moved like the wind and pierced two or nine sets of needles into the big sister's body.
Two groups of nine needles, a total of eighteen golden needles. Lu Shan had used less than five seconds to accurately insert all eighteen golden needles into the acupoints on the big sister's chest.
Just this move alone was enough to cause Chu Siqing to be dumbstruck.
Previously, when Lu Shan was giving acupuncture to the old man, to be honest … She hadn't been able to see it clearly and had always wondered if he was hallucinating. And this time … She couldn't see it clearly! It was really a bit dazzling … How did he do it? Was this a magic trick?
Just as Chu Siqing's mouth was agape and she was in disbelief for a moment, she saw Lu Shan turn around and extend a hand towards her, saying: "Light the Elfin for me …"
"Ah …" This... "Alright …"
Chu Siqing originally wanted to say that she did not know how to do it, but upon thinking that she was also a Chinese Medical doctor, if she said that she could not even do it herself, then that would be too unreasonable, hence she hurriedly nodded her head and agreed.
Then, he hurriedly grabbed a Elfin. Without untying the Elfin, he held it up with tweezers and lit it up with a "Pa" sound from his lighter.
"Little... Dr. Lu... To... "Hurry up and give it to you …"
Seeing that the ball of Elfin was burning even brighter, Chu Siqing felt that she might have made a mistake somewhere, but she did not care about it anymore. She quickly shouted for Lu Shan to catch it, otherwise … In a short while, this Arcane Pocket was going to burn out!
Lu Shan turned his head, and saw this scene, he was immediately speechless. This Sister Chu really knows how to cause trouble! He let her light the Elfin for him, but she actually set it on fire. Are you kidding me?
However … Lu Shan also did not have the intention to let Chu Siqing change another one over. With this kind of burning Elfin, if it was given to other Chinese medical doctors for use, even if it could not burn her own hands, it would definitely burn the patient's body.
Suddenly, he took out a golden needle that was as long as two fingers. With the tip of the needle, he immediately picked up the ball of burning Elfin.
Following that, he swung his arm … The initially burning Elfin was suddenly shaken and dispersed. As a result, its original little fireball was suddenly flung away, turning into a thin fire dragon under the tip of Lu Shan's needle.
Chu Siqing screamed in shock and quickly retreated a few steps.
The middle-aged woman on the bed was also shocked when she heard Chu Siqing's scream. Originally, she was quite embarrassed when she fell like this in front of a young man, so she kept her eyes closed the entire time. When she heard the scream, she couldn't help but open his eyes to look … Lu Shan waved a long fire dragon and it flew straight towards her body.
"Ah …"
The middle-aged woman screamed out in fear and she instinctively wanted to get up and run, but Lu Shan had already expected that to happen. He promptly patted her body and said: "Big sister, don't be afraid … … I'll just make sure you don't burn it! "
Lu Shan's voice seemed to carry some sort of comforting effect, but of course, at the same time … Lu Shan's enormous hand force directly pressed down on the middle-aged woman, making it impossible for her to get up. She then looked at the thin "Fire Dragon" as if she was alive, and climbed up the eighteen golden needles that were stuck on her body. The burning Elfin wrapped around each golden needle, and with that … It was as if the middle-aged woman had turned into a powerful net of fire; it was extremely astonishing.
Fortunately, the fire net was wrapped around the needle. It was at least an inch away from the middle-aged woman's skin, so it would not burn her. At most, she could feel her entire body heating up.