Wang Feng had returned from the Korea plastic surgery. As expected of the strong nation of the Korea, Wang Feng's nose was beaten to the point that it seemed like he had not been injured at all, he did not notice anything strange at all.

Wang Feng would occasionally sniff twice, and the most people would think that he had rhinitis.

When Wang Feng returned, he immediately contacted Lan Haoloong and asked if he had managed to deal with Zhou Xiaofei.

When Lan Haoloong said that he did not manage to deal with Zhou Xiaofei, Wang Feng did not say anything. The Mrs Wang was furious on the spot: "Lan Haoloong, do you think that since Ah Feng's father is dead, you can fool us two as you please?"

Mrs Wang's words could be said to be heartbreak, as Lan Haoloong's face fiercely slapped him a few times.

He may not have been much in other areas, but he was a man of honor and had never been one of those people in the Mrs Wang.

Wang Feng's father had saved Lan Haoloong before, so Lan Haoloong had always accepted this favor. For the past ten years, everything that happened in the Wang Family that could not be exposed to the light was taken care of by him.

Other than returning his life to the Wang Family, Lan Haoloong had actually long repaid the debt of saving Wang Feng's father. However, Mrs Wang still felt that Lan Haoloong owed them for this.

Lan Haoloong was also righteous. No matter how hard it was for Mrs Wang to speak, he could only endure.

"If we want to kill this kid, we don't have to use violence. We can use other methods as well."

Knowing that it would be impossible to reason with the mother and son using a normal method, Lan Haoloong said, "This brat is so lucky. He managed to earn more than 10 million after selling an antique. We will think of a way to make him lose everything again, make him kneel down and beg us for help. At that time, wouldn't it be our decision to kill him or cut him into pieces? "

Wang Feng felt that this idea was good, but Mrs Wang simply sneered: "Based on what you said, have you thought of a method?"

"Of course." Lan Haoloong chuckled, "Xu Lu offended her grandfather, so you two should know about her grandfather's influence in the Zhonghai City and antique industry. She still dares to open an antique shop in Zhonghai City with Zhou Xiaofei, she is simply courting death. "

"Even if the Xu Family elder does not deal with them, I still have a way. As long as a few people are sent to stand before their store every day, anyone who dares to come to their store to buy items will be scared off.

After hearing Lan Haoloong's plan, the Mrs Wang finally nodded his head: "That brat has already opened his shop?"

"No, they probably want to go to Chengzhou City's antique exchange market to shop in half a month's time, then let them stock up first." Lan Haoloong laughed sinisterly, "When they put all their money into it, they realised that they could not sell any of it, and that brat will know how powerful we are then, haha!"

Zhou Xiaofei didn't know how Lan Haoloong and the Mrs Wang mother and son had plotted against him. His entire mind was on this Chengzhou City trip.

Whether or not his antique shop would open smoothly would depend on his Chengzhou City.

Of course, Zhou Xiaofei was a good student who never skipped classes. Even if his mind was already focused on business, he would still insist on going to class everyday.

In his words, learning is fulfilling...

Alright, in truth, the main reason was because he was afraid that his parents, who were teachers, would find out about it. After returning home, he would feel guilty.

Especially when his strict father was so angry that he sometimes dreamed about it.

Therefore, Zhou Xiaofei never dared to skip class before, and obediently became a good student.

"Eh, why isn't Teacher Wu here yet?" At 8: 05 in the morning, Zhou Xiaofei and the rest of his classmates were sitting in the classroom.

Wu Zhangkong was famous for his dedication. Even if there was something he needed a leave of absence from, he would make it clear to the students beforehand, not to mention skipping classes for no reason.

It had been five minutes since the class started, yet Teacher Wu had still not come. This was very unusual.

At this moment, a classmate who was often late ran in and panted, "Oh no! Teacher Wu's electric car rubbed against a car outside the car park and scraped off the paint on the car. It was stopped by the owner of the car."

"Ruined someone's car?" The students could not help but say, "If that's really the case, why not compensate them?"

The classmate said, "But the problem is, that guy wanted Teacher Wu to compensate him with ten thousand yuan is simply extortion!"

"This is bullying!"

"Let's go and take a look!"

About thirty students in the class went out together and marched into the parking lot.

It was precisely this kind of aura that they wanted to stand up for their teacher.

Two minutes later, they were outside the parking lot where their teacher Wu and the owner of the car were still arguing.

Teacher Wu, who wore glasses and was refined and refined, quarreled with the other party until his face was completely red. He looked just like a useless scholar.

The other party was a young man in fashionable clothes. He appeared to be arrogant and hung his head high as if he was superior to others when arguing with Teacher Wu.

As the students were about to step forward to help Wu Zhangkong, the young man suddenly slapped Wu Zhangkong.


A loud and clear slapping sound could be heard clearly.

Not only that, but Teacher Wu's glasses had been knocked off and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his injury was not light.

"This is too much!" How can you hit someone!? "

"Charge forward and kill this brat!"

The students were filled with righteous indignation. They immediately rushed forward and surrounded the young man.

Seeing so many students coming over, the young man wasn't scared at all. On the contrary, he had a disdainful look on his face: "Hehe, you want to use your students to suppress me? Save it! Do you know who I am? "

"Who cares who you are, you have to apologize for beating him up!"

"You won't leave without an apology!"

The students began talking back and forth, extremely angry. A few of the male students who had a bad temper started fighting as soon as there was a disagreement.

"I am your Principal's son. My name is Yao Yaoliang. Your Principal, Yao Hsingguo, is my father." The young man very calmly revealed his identity, then looked at the group of students with a provocative look, "Didn't you guys want to hit me just now? Come on, come on and hit me! "

Hearing Yao Yaoliang introducing himself, the students became silent.

Unlike primary and secondary schools, where primary and secondary schools are compulsory, principals do not have the power to dismiss students.

And universities had a lot of autonomy. If a student offended the principal miserably, being expelled was only a matter of time.

It was because Yao Yaoliang was the Principal's son that he dared to be so arrogant in school.

Wu Zhangkong wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth and helplessly said to his classmates, "I'll handle this myself. We'd better return to class." "Oh yeah, my glasses fell off on the floor. If any of you see it, help me pick it up."

The studying committee member Lian Xiaojuan squatted down to pick up Teacher Wu's glasses. Unexpectedly, Yao Yaoliang suddenly stretched out his leg, and together with the girl's glasses, he stepped on them: "I'll let you, four-eyed field chicken, scrape my car!"

Ka-cha! *

Ah!" Lian Xiaojuan screamed miserably. Not only was her hand stepped on, it was also in front of a shattered eye shard.