In fact, the system has already given Zhou Xiaofei an answer to this question.

Since it is attached to the force system, if we don't do anything, can we have a chance to force it?

Now that we have to pretend to be forced, can we stop making trouble?

In terms of system, pretending to be forced by thunder is a practice against heaven. If you want to pretend to be forced, you have to be prepared to be struck by thunder.

So with the forced system, Zhou Xiaofei's life naturally becomes very different.

Just like the protagonist in Detective Conan, people will die wherever Conan goes.

Sometimes it's not good to die one, but many more.

At this time, Zhou Xiaofei and Conan are almost the same, where they go, things will go where they go, and they just can't stop.

Zhou Xiaofei thought that he would understand this matter, but he didn't expect that Yu Xue also noticed it, so he could only reply with a very helpless sentence: "God is jealous of talents, there's no way!"

"Puchi --" seeing Zhou Xiaofei's feigned helplessness, Qin ruoro couldn't help laughing.

Yu Xue just casually asked, did not expect Zhou Xiaofei to give the answer.

It's going to rain. Zhou Xiaofei wants to make trouble. She has no choice but to watch Zhou Xiaofei make trouble.

The injury on Zhou Xiaofei's hand didn't matter. He came out after being bandaged in the hospital.

Without dinner, Zhou Xiaofei said to Yu Xue, "Captain Yu, let's have dinner together."

Yu xueruo took a deep look at Qin Ruo Ruo and shook his head: "you go, I'll go back to the Bureau and write a report. Goodbye."

When Yu Xue left, Qin ruoro suddenly said with a smile, "Xiaofei, I think captain Yu seems to like you too!"

"The cold faced violent woman?" Zhou Xiaofei snorted two times, "forget it, don't mention her, go to dinner!"

After they finished their meal, Zhou Xiaofei took Qin ruoro to the railway station.

The train leaves in half an hour. If Qin Ruo wants to enter the waiting hall, but Zhou Xiaofei can't, they say goodbye at the gate of the waiting hall: "Ruo Ruo, have a good journey."

"Well, thank you." Qin said with a smile, "Xiaofei, remember what you promised me."

"What I promised you? As a shield? " Zhou Xiaofei said, "I remember."

Qin ruoro looked at Zhou Xiaofei with a smile on her face: "I think it's good for you to be my boyfriend before I find that talented boyfriend."

As Zhou Xiaofei was about to say something, Qin ruoro continued: "but, you already have a girlfriend, so I won't be loved! Well, I'm going. Goodbye

"Goodbye..." Before Zhou Xiaofei's words were finished, Qin ruoro suddenly rushed over, hugged Zhou Xiaofei tightly, and put his head on Zhou Xiaofei's shoulder.

"Plop, plop..." Zhou Xiaofei felt Qin ruoro's heart beat faster and faster.

Zhou Xiaofei didn't know what to say. Qin ruoro didn't speak either. They just hugged each other like this. It seemed that time was fixed in a moment, and everything around them became irrelevant background

For a long time, Qin ruoro let Zhou Xiaofei go. His face was smiling, but he was already full of tears: "Xiaofei, take care."

Zhou Xiaofei realized that Qin ruoro had something on his mind. When Qin ruoro turned around, he took her hand: "ruoro, what happened?"

Qin ruoro wiped away the tears on his face and said with a smile: "it's OK, just some feelings about the impermanence of life. I'm really going. Goodbye

Qin ruoro turned to leave. Zhou Xiaofei watched her figure disappear in front of his eyes. Then he picked up his mobile phone and dialed his mother's phone: "Mom, I'm asking you something. What happened to headmaster Qin's family?"

"Alas, life is changeable! President Qin's wife said that if it's gone, it's gone. She's only in her early 50s! " The mother sighed, "if Ruo was still attending her cousin's wedding at that time, she didn't even see her mother at the last time. She made the child cry, alas!"

Only then did Zhou Xiaofei understand why Qin ruoro was so abnormal today. She wanted to be her boyfriend and take care of herself. This is Do you think of yourself as her spiritual and emotional sustenance and dependence?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaofei felt a sense of guilt.

If you believe in yourself so much, but you and if are together for the whole afternoon, you don't even feel that her mood is so wrong!

"Mom, I know, first of all!" Zhou Xiaofei hung up and immediately sent a wechat message to Qin ruoro: ruoro, be strong!

Qin ruoro quickly returned the message: I am not strong, can you lend me your shoulder?

Zhou Xiaofei's hand trembled slightly, but he still sent a message in the past: Yes.

Qin ruoro returned a smile, and then sent a message: Thank you, old classmate. In order not to affect the relationship between you and your girlfriend, we will contact you when we need a shield. Goodbye, old classmate.

"Goodbye." Zhou Xiaofei murmured to himself. Looking at the crowd coming and going, his mind suddenly returned to the age of high school when he was green and ignorant about his feelingsYes, in high school, like other boys, he liked Qin Ruo Ruo.

Qin ruoro is the first girl he likes in his life, and has appeared in his childhood dreams for countless times.

He still remembers that he wanted to give Qin ruoro a love letter, but when he saw Qin ruoro, he was so scared that he couldn't say a word. Finally, he threw the love letter into the dustbin.

He likes ruoro, but at that time, he felt inferior and thought that ruoro was too high for him, so he chose to give up.

Even so, he never forgot the girl with a bright smile.

Until the University, with a girlfriend Nana, Qin ruoro's figure gradually disappeared.

But now, he suddenly understood that the figure did not disappear, but fell asleep in the bottom of his heart.

Until the moment Qin ruoro held him, the sleeping figure woke up again.

"Zhou Xiaofei, you are such a scum eating in a bowl and looking at the pot! Who are you worthy of? Do you deserve ruoro, Wenqi and Nana? "

After realizing his playfulness, Zhou Xiaofei made a deep self-analysis and self reflection, and then heard the system say with disdain: "what's so tangled? Affectation! Don't tell me you only like one of these three girls, and you don't like the other two! "

"Don't you come!" Zhou Xiaofei became angry and said angrily, "what are you doing with a system without body?"

The system was not afraid of Zhou Xiaofei's anger, and continued: "I'll ask you, if they are willing to follow you together, will you refuse?"