Yu Xue looked at the computer and found that there was a special browser on the computer.

This browser is almost the same as an ordinary browser. If there is any difference, it's just that the color of the icon is a little darker.

Zhou Xiaofei opens the browser and enters the web address on the note

Daoguo, the operator of the dark network organization branch, is sitting in front of the computer, ready to receive a business commission from China.

When the salesman saw that the target of their task was Zhou Xiaofei, he immediately screamed: "president, someone wants to kill Zhou Xiaofei again! Commission 5 million! "

"Five million?" The middle-aged president of the island country moustache turned his eyes and said, "tell the other party that if you don't take this task, don't say five million, even if you don't take 500 million!"

"Good!" The operator immediately replied to the other party, which means that the target information is not complete, and the dark network organization will not fight unprepared battles, and will not accept the entrustment for the time being.

The other party had to cut off the contact bitterly, and the operator of the dark network organization just had a little rest.

It's just that he hasn't had time to rest for half a minute, so he has another entrusted task.

The operator unprepared to press the Enter key, his computer immediately appeared strange.

I saw the computer screen suddenly turned into a black screen, and brush out a row of computer characters, no matter how the operator can not stop.

Almost at the same time, all the computers in the whole dark network organization division sounded the "whoa whoa whoa whoa" alarm. After a few seconds, all of these computers suddenly "bang", the motherboard and hard disk exploded and caught fire, burning smoke!

The reason why the motherboard and hard disk are like this is that it is a self-protection program set by the computer experts of the dark net organization.

If a virus invades, these computers will automatically kill the virus to protect their safety.

But if you run into a virus that even these protective programs can't stop, then these computers will automatically burn the motherboard and hard disk, leaving no evidence for the other side.

Once this happens, it proves that the other party is stronger than them, and their IP address has been exposed!

Island country small beard president's face crazy change, roar: "everybody immediately take down the hard disk, pack up the important thing, quickly withdraw!"

In less than two minutes, the whole floor of the office was empty, as if there were no one here

"Damn it! They destroyed the data! " As far away as Zhonghai city in China, Zhou Xiaofei could not help slapping the table and said angrily, "but I found out the location of the dark network organization. Captain Yu, contact Lao Luo immediately!"

"Good!" Yu Xue dials Luo Shiping's phone, and Zhou Xiaofei gives Luo Shiping an address, asking Luo Shiping to inform Interpol to start.

As soon as he heard that he had found the location of the dark net organization, Luo Shiping was very excited. He immediately contacted the leader of the sick wolf army and asked the leader of the sick wolf army to contact Interpol.

After all, rospin is not strong enough to contact Interpol directly.

Without any delay, the leader of the sick wolf force contacted Interpol for the first time.

Half an hour later, the island's Interpol killed the office building and found nothing useful except a pile of computers with no hard disk and burned motherboard

Interpol gave back the information and praised the powerful ability of the Chinese police.

Although they didn't catch the members of the dark net, they were 100% sure that it was the Asian branch of the dark net.

When Interpol arrived, the main board of the computer burned out was still steaming. It can be seen that they didn't go long.

The Interpol didn't know how much manpower and material resources they had to pay to deal with the dark net. As a result, they didn't even catch a hair of the dark net. On the contrary, the police far away in China found out the base area of the dark net, which they had to admire.

Luo Shiping, who received praise from the leader of the sick wolf army, said with a smile: "old leader, now you should believe that what I introduced to you is a talent?"

The leader also laughed: "it's really a talent. Lao Luo, your vision is really good! The one you recommended last year is also one of the elites. Ha ha

Luo Shiping said with a smile: "it's just a pity that it's a talent. It's still a little slower..."

"Lao Luo, cheer up. Don't lose heart. Your wife's revenge will be avenged." The leader comforted Luo Shiping, and then said, "after the completion of Xu Sihai's task, let the boy start distance teaching! First of all, goodbye. "

"OK, goodbye to the old leader." Luo Shiping put down the phone and sighed helplessly.

Luo Shiping's heart was still very uncomfortable when his success fell short.

However, he also believes that with Zhou Xiaofei, a magical boy, his chance to avenge his wife will soon come!

Luo Shiping is not happy, and Chen Lizhong is even more unhappy.

He never thought that he offered a price of five million yuan, but the other party refused to bargain.

It's said that Zhou Xiaofei's information is not complete and he doesn't fight unprepared battles. Isn't he afraid of this boy?Chen Lizhong just thought about it, because he thought it was impossible.

Zhou Xiaofei is just a boy with a little ability. How can he make an international killer organization afraid to take the task?

What Chen Lizhong doesn't know is that his guess is right!

Since there is no way to find someone to kill Zhou Xiaofei, he has to bow to the Yan Family and send the Yan Family's antiques to xuzhouji, Zhonghai city.

However, it is impossible for him to apologize to Zhou Xiaofei in person.

If he does this, what face will he have in Chenzhou City in the future?

If he doesn't go, the old man can't go. Who can go?

After thinking about it, Chen Lizhong soon thought of his younger brother Chen LiXiao.

Anyway, this guy has no face and no skin. Who can't give such a shameful thing to him?

"What? Your grandfather said that in order to give me an explanation, let the Chen family personally send those antiques to me, give them to me free of charge, and apologize to me? "

Zhou Xiaofei, who received the news from Yan Yunqing, was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "your grandfather's revenge is really strong. I gave him a difficult problem, but he pushed it on me."

Yan Yunqing is not stupid. Of course, she understands that her grandfather's purpose is to deepen the contradiction between Chen family and Zhou Xiaofei.

Chen family wants to put Yan family together secretly. As a result, master Yan directly uses a move to rebound. It's really resourceful!

In this way, his Yan family not only gave Zhou Xiaofei an explanation, but also made the Chen family lose face. At the same time, he retaliated Zhou Xiaofei a little. It was like three birds with one stone.

But it was her grandfather's decision, and she had no way to change anything, so she had no choice but to say: "Xiaofei, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to become like this..."

"Nothing." Zhou Xiaofei chuckled, "anyway, I have nothing to talk about with the Chen family. What if I offend them to death? I can't wait for them to lose face. Ha ha ha