Hearing what Klaus said, the two policemen looked at Zhou Xiaofei in embarrassment.

Zhou Xiaofei is indifferent to the stall, humming said: "I did not hit him, so many people watching, how can I hit him?"? If you don't believe it, ask them. "

Before the two policemen began to ask, the people around them spoke to each other.

"The young man didn't hit anyone."

"It was the foreigner who fell down."

"The foreigner went too far. He fell down and the young man helped him up. He even framed others. If you don't learn anything in China, you'll learn to touch porcelain. "

So many people together for Zhou Xiaofei perjury, Klaus almost vomit blood: "you Chinese partner bully people!"

"No, we Chinese are the best guests. We don't have time to welcome such an excellent foreign guest as you. How dare we bully you! "

"That's it."

People once again you a word I a word to cross Klaus back, angry Klaus gnashing his teeth.

I can't find a witness and there's no monitoring here. What should I do?

Klaus turned around and suddenly saw his girlfriend Huang Keke. He quickly pulled Huang Keke to the police and said in a loud voice, "police comrade, my girlfriend can testify for me. This guy beat me!"

All of a sudden, everyone turned their eyes to Huang cocoa to see what choice Huang cocoa would make.

Zhou Xiaofei's face is very calm, but his heart is very nervous.

He is not nervous that Huang Keke's testimony will let him be taken away by the police. He is nervous that if Huang Keke betrays him, his teacher will lose one.

It's not wrong to associate with this man when he doesn't know his true face, but this man clearly looks down on the Chinese people and is arrogant and domineering. If Huang Keke still speaks for him, then she doesn't deserve to be her own teacher.

Because both of his parents are teachers, Zhou Xiaofei respected his teachers from childhood to adulthood.

Even if he and Huang Keke don't like each other, he still doesn't want to lose a teacher.

Huang Keke, at the top of the storm, looks at his angry boyfriend, at the people around him, and at Zhou Xiaofei. Finally, he lowers his head and murmurs, "Klaus fell down himself."

Zhou Xiaofei was relieved and showed a smile of appreciation on his face.

Although the female teacher dressed like a foreign girl worships foreign things and fawns on foreigners, she still has a bottom line. Zhou Xiaofei immediately changed her impression of her, and her previous bad impression was swept away in Zhou Xiaofei's mind.

People around also raised their thumbs to Huang Keke and praised him repeatedly: "this girl is good!"

"I didn't lose the face of our Chinese people!"

"Bitch!" Klaus scolded angrily and slapped Huang coco in the face.


Zhou Xiaofei took Klaus's hand and said coldly, "do you think you didn't fall badly enough?"

Zhou Xiaofei used a little bit of strength, and when klauston felt that his hand was clamped by forceps, his teeth were straight with pain.

Thinking of Zhou Xiaofei's horror before, Klaus restrained Huang Keke's impulse and said angrily to Huang Keke: "we've been dating for a month. Tell me how much money you spent on me! 100000! Your brand clothes, famous brand bags, famous brand perfume cosmetics, and famous brand jewelry are all I bought for you. You're so ungrateful that you're going to take revenge and give me all these things back! "

Huang Ke also knew that he had completely offended Claus. The two men had already ripped off their faces and had no compound possibilities. They had to put their bags, perfume, cosmetics and jewelry on the counter of the shop: "these things are first returned to you, clothes and so on I go back to change and give back to you......"

"Take it off at once!" Klaus yelled, "no, I'll sue you for fraud..."

"I dare to be here for 100000 yuan." Zhou Xiaofei took all those things back and gave them back to Huang Keke, "which boss has 100000 yuan in cash, I'll transfer them to you."

"I have 20000 here!"

"I have 30000 here!"

In less than a minute, Zhou Xiaofei collected 120000 yuan, then took out 100000 yuan and put it into Claus's bag: "this money is back to you, those things are my teacher Huang's."

Later, Zhou Xiaofei took out another 10000 yuan and fell on Claus's face fiercely, all over the ground: "this 10000 yuan is the youth loss fee given by our teacher Huang. Thank you for playing with us teacher Huang for a month. Now you can go away!"

"Ha ha..."

"Smashing people with money is domineering!"

The onlookers were so happy that you foreign devils took 100000 yuan to force you to meet the local tyrant of China. Ha ha!

People think that Zhou Xiaofei has done a good job in returning 100000 yuan and then smashing 10000 yuan.

Don't you think Chinese women love your money? We return the money to you and compensate you for the loss of your youth. In this way, you will become a foreign devil and eat our Chinese women's soft food, hehe.Don't underestimate the 10000 yuan. If Zhou Xiaofei throws out the 10000 yuan, he will redeem Huang Keke's dignity, leaving people speechless.

Klaus blushed with shame, but he couldn't beat Zhou Xiaofei again. It was useless to call the police. He didn't have as much money as Zhou Xiaofei, so he had to leave angrily.

Of course, he didn't ask for the 10000 yuan. He won't continue to be shameful for the 10000 yuan.

"Ha ha..."

"Go away! We Huaxia do not welcome foreigners like you! "

In the laughter of the crowd, Klaus rolled away.

Zhou Xiaofei rushed to the place where the money was thrown and yelled: "all the money is mine. You are not allowed to pick it up!"

All of you

"Didi, pretending to be forced to hit the face is successful, and the system judges it as intermediate. There are 43 pretending to be forced, and one face slapper. The reward points are 440. For us Chinese men and women long face fight for breath, an additional reward of 300 points, a total of 1300 skill points

On the way to the parking lot, the system reported a number to Zhou Xiaofei. Zhou Xiaofei immediately asked, "are your creators Chinese?"

"Most of them are Chinese, and some of the top talents in foreign industries are only a few, which can be ignored." The system is very proud to say, "otherwise you think those foreign devils can be so powerful?"

Zhou Xiaofei did not expect that the system was still an extremely narcissistic indignant youth. It is estimated that the Chinese among the creators gave it this personality.

Zhou Xiaofei is too lazy to ask about the founder of the system. He thinks that if the system wants him to know, he will say it.

Zhou Xiaofei believes that as long as he is strong, the system will tell him more.

He has a very strong feeling that the system is so adverse, its creation is not an easy thing, and it is likely to hide some terrible truth!