The guy said with an obscene smile: "if you can pay the money back in time, I'll be fine with you. If you don't have any money to pay back, your daughter will send it to the nightclub covered by dragon brother. How about it? University teacher, or an English teacher, I think there must be a lot of people willing to pay high prices, maybe there will be foreign talent, ha ha! "

Hearing that guy's words, Zhou Xiaofei's eyes couldn't help a flash of cold light, which made him kill.

However, he soon calmed down, thinking that this might be an opportunity for his teacher Huang Keke to get rid of her cruel father.

Seeing the usurer's eyes fixed on his daughter, Huang Dayou's face also drew: "brother dog, don't be kidding..."

"I'm not kidding, hehe." Huang Dayou, who was called brother dog, said with a smile, "200000 yuan is here. Maybe you are lucky today and can win back the hundreds of thousands you just lost with this money? So you can win back the money without losing your daughter, don't you think? "

Gamblers are gamblers. They are always thinking about how to turn over their books. They don't consider whether they have the possibility of turning over their books or not.

Maybe he thought about it, but he instinctively overestimated the possibility of losing money.

After some inner struggle, Huang Dayou gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I borrowed it!"

"Ha ha, that's right!" Brother Gou asked someone to print out an IOU, and then asked Huang Dayou to sign it and put his fingerprints on it.

Huang Da you wrote his name with a stroke of his pen, but his hand trembled slightly when he stamped it.

Of course, even if a trace of human nature does not work at all when he loses his mind, this guy finally presses his handprint.

At the moment when Huang Dayou turned around, brother Gou showed a funny smile on his face. It's a pity that Huang didn't see it.

Of course, even if he saw it, it was useless, because the gamblers had no reason to speak.

With the 200000 yuan, Huang Dayou sat on the mahjong table again and continued to fight.

The same as before, Huang Dayou's card is very good, but only listen to the card can't Hu card.

In less than 20 minutes, he lost all his 200000 yuan.

"This It's impossible... " Huang Dayou murmured to himself as if he had lost his soul.

He thought today was his lucky day, but he didn't expect it to be the day when he fell into hell.

Before today, he could live on the help of his daughter and not starve to death.

But from then on, he didn't even have a daughter.

He really has nothing to lose his daughter!

"No, I don't believe it!" Huang Dayou rushed in front of brother Gou and cried to him, "brother Gou, lend me another 100000 yuan, and I will turn over the book! I'll give you back the money if I get it back! "

"Hehe, still want to borrow money?" Dog brother jokingly said, "do you have a daughter? No, ha ha. Your wife's already gone, right? Even if you can sell your wife, we don't want the old one, ha ha! "

Knowing that he couldn't borrow money, Huang Dayou suddenly knelt down in front of brother Gou, hugged brother Gou's thigh and cried bitterly: "brother Gou, please don't embarrass my daughter. I can do anything you want me to..."

"Get out of the way!" Brother dog showed his fierce face and kicked away Huang Dayou. "What do I want you to do with this rubbish? If it wasn't for your daughter's beauty and selling money, do you think I would lend you money? How far is it? Get out of here

Huang Dayou finally completely sober, yelled: "you pit me!"

Brother dog said with a grim smile, "what did I do to you? Gambling is your own. Did I force you? You want to borrow the money yourself. Did I force you? You are willing to do everything. Don't insult me

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight with you!" Huang Dayou pours on ah Gou and strangles ah Gou by the neck, trying to strangle him.

But they run casinos. How can Huang Dayou mess around here?

The two thugs came over, pulled Huang Dayou away and laid him down to the ground. They gave him a fierce beating.

Huang Dayou was beaten so much that he cried and begged: "please let my daughter go, please, let my daughter go..."

Looking at this scene, Zhou Xiaofei shook his head speechless.

If you had known that, why did you have to do it in the first place?

Zhou Xiaofei can make Huang Dayou less beaten, but he doesn't think it's a bad thing to let this guy get beaten.

No, at least he's more sober now.

Brother Gou rubbed his sore neck with his hand, rushed to Huang Dayou with a ferocious face, and stepped on Huang Dayou's chest with one foot: "I told you to pinch me!"

Seeing that brother Gou's foot was about to step on Huang Dayou's chest, he suddenly felt that he was floating and stepped on the air.

"Who? Who is it Brother dog roared, "put me down!"

Zhou Xiaofei threw the dog brother aside. The dog brother swayed back a few times before he got a firm foothold."Even my dog brother dares to move, you want to die!"

The angry dog brother roared, and was about to come forward to find Zhou Xiaofei. As soon as he raised his fist, he slowly put it down. His face didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Mr. Zhou, this is..."

Many people in the gambling house didn't know Zhou Xiaofei. They were very curious: "who is this man? Even brother Gou doesn't dare to touch him. How can he be so powerful?"

"You don't even know Zhou Xiaofei? Well, it's normal that you don't know. Anyway, as long as you know, even LAN Haolong doesn't dare to provoke him. "

Looking at the dog brother with a forced face, Zhou Xiaofei said faintly: "take out the usury IOU, and I'll pay back 200000 yuan."

"You want that IOU?" Brother Gou was stunned for a moment, but then he thought of Zhou Xiaofei's identity, and his face changed wildly. "Huang cocoa is yours..."

"She is my English teacher." Zhou Xiaofei didn't hide anything. He pointed to Huang Dayou, who was bruised and bruised on the ground, and said, "I came here with this guy."

The people in the casino understood what was going on, and the stone in their heart finally fell to the ground.

They have been worried that Zhou Xiaofei is here to make trouble. They are always on guard against Zhou Xiaofei. Unexpectedly, this is what happened.

Brother Gou was relieved and politely gave the IOU to Zhou Xiaofei: "Mr. Zhou, this IOU is for you, no money..."

"I don't accept any benefits from LAN Haolong. Give me an account and I'll transfer 200000 yuan to you. That's all."

Zhou Xiaofei took the IOU and said in a cold voice, "but I warn you that if there are any casinos or mahjong halls in Zhonghai city in the future, if you dare to let this guy in, I'll charge you all. I'll bear the consequences!"