273 There’s a big Boss behind Charlie (2 chapters in 1) _4

He didn’t expect MA cen to agree to it so readily.

“Naturally,” MA cen lowered his head and took a sip of tea.

Seeing MA cen like this, the first elder made a prompt decision. then let’s make a contract.

MA cen nodded. sure.

First elder was afraid that she would go back on her word, so he signed the contract with her in black and white and stamped it.

The first elder read the contract three times from the beginning to the end. When he was about to leave, he was finally satisfied. He respectfully bade MA cen farewell. first Madam, in that case, we’ll be leaving.

After the first elder left, su Tian lowered his head and pursed his lips. first Madam, why did you agree to such a shameless condition? ”

Xiao Cheng is now a thorn in their side. MA cen waved his hand, put down his teacup, and thought far ahead. he was selected to be the director of the sixie Special Affairs Bureau. The second branch has been watching him since then. They were the ones who did something to su Di’s injury. It’s just money to get rid of the disaster. We can afford to pay three branches.

Both she and the great elder knew how difficult it was to survive in the Federation. Therefore, when she signed the contract with the great elder, she knew that she would lose three branches.

At this point, MA cen suddenly remembered something. He looked at su Tian and casually asked, ” that little girl …

It was also because of the first elder’s sudden visit that she found out that her son had secretly done this.

Su Tian replied respectfully, ” it’s the popular celebrity on the internet, Meng Fu. He’s also from T city’s Jiang family.

MA cen did not care about the Jiang family from t city.

She waved su Tian off and took another sip of tea. Then, she took out her phone and slowly searched for two variety shows. She coughed, put on her headphones, and watched the show in the hall with a serious face.


Outside, su Tian complained in the group after he left.

[ the great elder is not human. ]

Su Huang immediately asked what was going on.

Su Tian explained.

In the Federation’s Lounge 105.

Meng Fu sat leisurely on the balcony, looking down at the spectators. Inside, ding Mingcheng and the rest were talking to su Xuan and the rest.

first elder did this on purpose. Charlie’s face was full of anger. it’s not because of miss Meng. Is Louisa someone we can meet whenever we want? ”

Su di thought about it seriously and could roughly understand MA cen’s approach. He said calmly, first Madam probably did this to prevent young master from becoming a thorn in the eyes of others.

but the three branches … ding mingcheng frowned. it’s too much of a loss. First elder and the others have big appetites, and they’re going too far!

It was indeed a huge loss.

it’s a pity that your hand is injured. ding mingjing looked at Charlie and pursed his lips. otherwise, without Bertrand’s fleet, you wouldn’t have been able to get a spot even if you tried your best.

At the mention of the Bertrand fleet, the group in the room could not help but look at the woman on the balcony.

Ding mingjing pursed his lips. you’re saying that miss Meng …

what are you thinking? ” su di looked at him coldly. this is a legitimate black market race. Miss Meng has never tried Charlie’s car before, so she might not be able to beat him. This race doesn’t matter if you die. Which one of you dares to let her take the risk? ”

On the road just now, Meng Fu and Bertrand were both driving a standard racing car. Su de could also see that when Meng Fu took Charlie’s car, he was a little obscure. It was only after he got used to the speed that they passed the hairpin turn.

As they were talking, Meng Fu pushed the door open and saw them gathered together. He raised his eyebrows.”What’s wrong?”

miss Meng, it’s nothing. Please continue to look after the car, ” su Xuan said immediately. He kept his phone and turned to Charlie. get ready to use the miracle doctor Feng’s perfume. In twenty minutes, get ready to enter the race track. I’ll go pick up the young master.

Charlie nodded and went straight into the lounge at the side to change into the red and black clothes commonly used in racing.

Then, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to pour the perfume on her wound when the half-closed door was pushed open.

“Miss Meng?” Charlie quickly got up and said respectfully.

Meng Fu nodded. Seeing that he hadn’t poured the perfume, he took out a glass bottle from his pocket and lifted his chin.”Try this.”

Charlie now idolized Meng Fu blindly. He did not even ask what it was and immediately applied it.

Meng Fu leaned lazily against the door frame and asked, ” what were you guys talking about just now? ”

the great elder shamelessly took away the three branches under the young master’s name … Charlie was silent for a moment, but he still couldn’t hide it from his idol, so he explained quietly, ” don’t you think that the first elder is very shameless? He clearly knows the SU family’s position in the Federation, yet he still uses it to threaten first Madam.”

He covered up the fact that first elder knew Meng Fu was here.

Meng Fu crossed his arms and listened to everything expressionlessly. He did not say anything and only nodded at Charlie. continue applying the medicine.

She turned around and went out.

Outside, su Xuan and the others had just brought su Cheng over.

The door of Room 105 opened. Meng Fu looked at su Cheng. who is Charlie’s Navigator? ”

Su Cheng was not sure. He did not pay much attention to the competition and only looked at the people in the room.

Ding mingjing immediately raised his hand. His tone was no longer as nonchalant as before. He was very respectful.”Miss Meng, it’s me.”

This time, the black market’s car race was divided into three parts, known as the long distance race, which was also known as the drag Race. This kind of race had a Navigator, who knew the road conditions. The extreme charm of this Drag Race was reflected in the corners, where the Navigator played a guiding role.

very good. Meng Fu snapped his fingers and smiled.”Then from now on, it’s me.”