
"No matter what you think in your heart, I will accept it, that is, don't say anything and let me guess your mind all day long."


"I'm not you. I can't know what you're thinking. Can you tell me?"

Jiang Yufei still did not answer.

She drooped her eyelashes to cover up the gloom in her eyes.

"Jiang Yufei, I beg you to tell me, OK?"

Jiang Yufei's fingertips trembled slightly. She raised her eyes and said, "in fact, I have forgotten those things."

"But you said it directly, let me face the pain again I can't take it... "

Ruan Tian Ling said: "I just want to share the pain with you. I want to say sorry to you and ask for your forgiveness."

"I know what you think, but you can't share that painful experience."

"I can!" Ruan Tianling hugged her and nodded heavily, "I can share it for you. In fact, when I saw your accident, I thought I was dead with you. Yufei, I am also very painful, watching the beloved woman die in front of him. Can you imagine the pain? "

Jiang Yufei's eyes turned red. She stared at him and said, "can you imagine the pain of being killed by the man you love most?"

Ruan Tianling was stunned, and his heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword.

"I'm sorry I really didn't know that would happen. I'm sorry... "

"It's already happened. It's too late to say anything. Let's not talk about that again, will you? I don't want to talk about it again

Jiang Yufei pushed him away and was about to get up. Ruan Tianling pressed hard on her shoulder.

She turned her eyes to his expressionless face.

"I said, you can punish me as you like. I hope you will not have any mental obstacle to me after you vent your anger."


"I don't want anything to affect our relationship. I don't know it will make you so sad to mention your pain again. I just want you to know some truth and make your heart feel better

Jiang Yufei said with a smile: "the truth in your mouth is that Yan Yue drugged you. Are you and her doing it in front of me? Isn't it your intention to love? Or is it not your intention to drive me out of the house and push me downstairs? "

Ruan Tianling's pupil was shrinking, and she was stunned and didn't know how to refute it.

"Ruan Tianling, if you have done everything, don't make excuses for yourself! I don't care. You don't have to pretend to be good in front of me Jiang Yufei angrily pushed him away and strode toward the stairs.

Ruan Tianling's voice whispered in the back: "do you think I'm shirking responsibility?"

Jiang Yufei clenched the armrest and didn't look back: "isn't it? It is a man who should bear the fault he has committed, rather than find an excuse to justify himself. Dare you say you are not wrong? "

Ruan Tianling opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "Yufei, that person is not me! In my life, none of those things have happened. "

Although that Ruan Tianling is also him, but in this life, he did not want to impose on his own head.

Jiang Yufei's heart is really painful.

"Yeah, he's not you, but I'm still me..."

Ruan Tianling suddenly opened his eyes, "I did not shirk responsibility, but that person is another me, you can hate him, I don't want you to hate me!"

"Even if you're not him, you hurt me a lot." Jiang Yufei cold channel.

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