Ruan Tianling thought she had forgiven him. He was in a good mood and was smiling all the time.

I was used to seeing his scrupulous manner, and suddenly saw that he was smiling all the time. The elders of the family were very surprised and happy at the same time.

The whole family had a meal. In the afternoon, Ruan Tianling will leave with Jiang Yufei.

Farewell to the elders and get into the car, Ruan Tianling is still smiling.

"Want to go for a ride? Shall we go for a walk by the sea He asked her.

Jiang Yufei rubbed his eyebrows: "I'm tired and want to go back to rest."

"OK, let's go home." Ruan Tianling leaned over to tie her seat belt.

Jiang Yufei looks at his meticulous action, and his heart is extremely sour.

"Ruan Tianling..."

"What's the matter?" Ruan Tianling raised his head with gentle eyes.

Jiang Yufei drooped her eyes and said faintly, "do you think we will separate?"

Ruan Tianling's face went down: "this is impossible!"

Jiang Yufei looked at him: "why not? In this world, anything is possible. "

"It's impossible if I say it's impossible!" Ruan Tianling's eyes are sinister, and the corners of his mouth tear off a surly radian.

"Yufei, we won't separate, we won't die!"

Jiang Yufei eyelashes fretting: "you do not say too full, if really will separate, no one can stop."

Ruan Tianling pinched her chin and forced her to look at him.

He asked in a deep voice: "do you mean separation, body separation or heart separation?"


"The body is separated, I will find you all over the world! The heart is separated We will die together

Jiang Yufei's pupil shrinks, and she holds her hand unconsciously.

Ruan Tianling's eyes were dark and did not have any light, but she still saw the crazy color flashing in his eyes.

Pulling his hand away, she frowned and said, "I just asked casually, what do you say is so serious?"

Ruan Tianling took back his hand and sat down.

He held the steering wheel and started the car slowly.

For a long time, she heard his voice without ups and downs: "it's not OK to talk casually. It's not allowed to say this again in the future."

Jiang Yufei looks at him, his side face three-dimensional deep, sexy thin lips pursed into a straight line.

She just said that he was just like this.

If she does leave What will happen to him?

He will look for her in the end of the world, will be distressed?

Jiang Yufei can't breathe again. She opens the window and lets the cool wind blow in outside to disperse her boredom.

"Close the window!" Ruan Tianling was very busy.

"I'm a little bored."

"Turn off the boredom!"

Jiang Yufei looks at him, really, what fierce.

She closed the window and Ruan Tianling was satisfied.

Back home, Jiang Yufei said that she would go to her room to rest, Ruan Tianling did not disturb her, he went to the study to work.

Today is the day to make a choice.

Jiang Fei's phone is on.

"Have you thought about it?" Misha asked her lightly.

"If I don't choose, what will happen?" Jiang asked

"You should know what the consequences are. If you don't make a choice for Ruan Tianling, he will only die! "

Jiang Yufei clenched his hand. "You can't kill him."

"Oh, shall I kill him at once? Don't kill him, it's for you. It's the boss's biggest concession. All we want is the child in your belly. He's a damned man , the fastest update of the webnovel!