Ruan Tianling was sitting in a daze at his desk. His face was gloomy, as if he had maintained a posture and never moved.

Suddenly see Jiang Yufei come in, he is staring at her tightly, the eye color is black.

Jiang Yufei is short of breath. She firmly walks to him and looks at him without blinking.

Ruan Tianling stood up and asked, "what's the matter?"

Jiang Yufei didn't answer. She threw herself into his arms and held him tightly.

Ruan Tianling was stunned. He raised his hand and was a little at a loss.

"What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Yufei did not answer, just holding him, deeply breathing his breath.

"Jiang Yufei, what do you mean?" Ruan Tianling asked.

It doesn't mean that I want to hug you and feel you

Ruan Tianling pushed her away a little and held her chin with his fingers.

His sharp eyes looked into her eyes: "tell me, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yufei pretended to be silly.

Ruan Tianling gritted his teeth and said, "first, he ignored me, and then he wanted to leave me What do you mean by embracing me now

"It doesn't mean anything, just do what you want."

Ruan Tianling slightly Leng: "do what you want to do?"

Jiang Yufei nodded: "yes."

Ruan Tianling sneered: "if you want to ignore me, you will ignore me. If you want to separate from me, you will be separated from me. If you want to be close to me, will you be close to me? What do you think of me, your servant, come and go as you please? "

"No Jiang Yufei looks calm, but there is no redundant explanation.

Ruan Tianling more angry: "you have!"


"Jiang Yufei, you are going to piss me off, aren't you..." Ruan Tianling suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole person was silent.

Because she caught him by the neck and stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips.

"You..." He tried to push her away. Jiang Yufei held her tightly.

***********I'm the one who omitted the plot. After that, Jiang Yufei blushed like a cooked shrimp.

She had no strength all over her body. Ruan Tianling carried her back to her bedroom, took a bath for her, and changed her clean pajamas.

Jiang Yufei is so tired that she doesn't want to move. She wants to lie down and sleep when she wears pajamas.

Ruan Tianling held her, not let her fall down: "hair has not dried, do not sleep."

"Sleepy..." Jiang Yufei's defiance of being coquettish.

Ruan Tianling eyes gentle, face is doting smile: "lean on first, I give you dry hair, then sleep."

Jiang Yufei yawned and leaned obediently against the head of the bed.

Ruan Tianling came to blow the wind tube, gently dried her hair, and then helped her lie down.

Jiang Yufei closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Ruan Tianling sat beside her, touching her face lovingly.

"I don't know if you have forgiven me, but I will use a lifetime to make up for the pain you once had..."

His low voice, Jiang Yufei did not hear.

Jiang Yufei had a dream, or a beautiful dream.

She dreamed that she gave birth to the children, the children are very lovely, big eyes like jet grape, pure and innocent.

His face is full of flesh, white and red.

A small mouth is tender and lovely. When you open your mouth, you will see a few white baby teeth.

they are as like as two peas. When they smile, they have a dimple, which makes people want to kiss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!