"Then when they are four years old, it's time for them to go to primary school. They will send them to study abroad and receive open education abroad since childhood. University, master's degree and doctor's degree are also abroad. When they come back from their studies, I will let them take care of the company, get married and have children. Do you agree? I think this proposal is very good. I will discuss it with my family and I believe they will agree. For the good of the child, would you agree? "

Jiang Yufei:

Ruan Tianling smile more gentle: "you think not good?"

"The children's lives are planned like that by you. I don't have the chance to participate." She said stiffly.

Ruan Tianling pecked at her lips: "how could you not have a chance? You gave birth to them. In their lives, you play a very important role that no one can replace. "

Jiang Yufei stares at him and suddenly laughs out: "no, my child, I am the master!"

She pushed him away and got up to get out of bed.

"Yufei, I really do it for the sake of the children..." Ruan Tianling came over and tried to persuade her.

Jiang Yufei looked back coolly and said, "yes, but I will go abroad with them, take care of their food and living, and accompany them to grow up."

Ruan Tianling:

Jiang Yufei smiles and walks to the bathroom.

Closing the bathroom door, her smile suddenly disappeared.

Don't say to accompany the children to grow up, is to be able to contact them at any time, see their opportunity is no longer.

Maybe they don't even know what the child looks like

Jiang Yufei stroked her abdomen and whispered, "babies, what should mom do?"


After washing, Ruan Tianling helped her go downstairs to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Yufei thought of the scene in her dream and couldn't help asking Ruan Tianling.

"Don't you wonder what dreams I had?"

Ruan Tianling raised his head and said faintly: "I'm not interested in knowing anyway."

Jiang Yufei ignored him and said to himself, "I dream of the children. They are very cute, with big eyes and a small dimple..."

Ruan Tianling jokingly said: "you have dimples on your face. Your eyes and I are big. The baby must be like that."

Jiang Yufei retorted: "there are many people with dimples and big eyes in the world, but everyone looks different. Our kids are really cute, but you can't dream about them with me

Last words, she said very regretfully.

After Ruan Tianling estimated that even the children's face can not see, she very much hope that he can see the child's appearance.

Ruan Tianling thin lips slightly Yang: "I have a way to know what children look like."

Jiang Yufei looks up in surprise, "what method?"

"You'll find out in a moment."

Ruan Tianling said that the method is computer synthesis.

With the photos of parents, you can synthesize a picture of a future baby.

Jiang Yufei looks at his synthesis in a novel way. As soon as the baby's photo comes out, she exclaims.

"Like ah, and my dream baby looks like!"

Ruan Tian Ling raised his lips and said, "it turns out that my son looks like this."

Jiang Yufei was staring at the photo, reluctant to move her eyes: "can you print it out? I want to keep it. "

"Yes." The computer in Ruan Tianling's study is connected to a printer, and a picture of two small bean curd spits out from the printer.

Jiang Yufei holds the photo and looks at it fondly.

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