Jiang Yufei's face was even more pale: "where are you and brother Chu..."

"We are not their opponents either. In fact, we are serious businessmen with little influence. Nangong family is different. They are not only rich in financial resources, but also have their own army and killer organizations, and even have relations with many royal families Yufei, tell me the truth. Did Ruan Tianling offend them? " Gong Mei is worried.

Jiang Yufei shook his head: "no, it was I who went to the temple of Saint Anne and heard something about them. So ask it curiously. "

Gong Mei obviously didn't believe her words: "Yufei, if you have something, don't hide us."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Jiang Yufei smiles.

Knowing that Nangong family is powerful, Jiang Yufei's heart is no longer holding any fluke psychology.

They can't resist

Her baby, she can't hold it.

Seeing Gong Mei off, Jiang Yufei sits in the living room in a daze.

All of a sudden, her mobile phone rings, it is Ruan Tianling's assistant Wei Ping.


Wei Ping's anxious voice sounded at the other end: "madam, there's something wrong with the president, but don't worry. There's no big problem. He's in the hospital now and he's just come back to life. "

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yufei rushed to the hospital.

Even if Wei Ping said that Ruan Tianling had no big problem, she was still worried.

Good people, how can faint?

His body has been OK, why still faint?

In front of the VIP ward, two rows of bodyguards stood neatly.

Jiang Yufei opened the door and saw Ruan Tianling leaning against the head of the bed and calmly told Wei Ping some words.

See her come in, he says to Wei Ping faintly: "go out."

"Yes." Wei Ping leaves respectfully. Jiang Yufei grabs Ruan Tianling's hand with a worried tone.

"Wei Ping told me that you fainted in the parking lot. What's the matter?"

Ruan Tianling said coldly, "he told you to come?! I'll let him go at once

"It's also for your own good. I'm your wife. He should have told me that he did a good job. You are not allowed to drive him away." Jiang Yufei refuted.

Ruan Tianling snorted coldly: "I am his boss, he should obey my orders!"

"Come on, don't pursue that. What did the doctor say and why did he faint? " Jiang Yufei asked.

At the mention of this, Ruan Tianling's face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing to say!"

"You..." Jiang Yufei was speechless. "I have nothing to say. Do you want to worry about me?"

Ruan Tianling tightly pursed thin lips, but did not say.

"Forget it, I'll ask someone else!" Jiang Yufei gets up and is about to leave. Ruan Tianling grabs her wrist.

"Don't ask!"

"Tell me, then."


Jiang Yufei was too anxious: "what's going on? The virus from last time has recurred? "


"What is that for?"

Ruan Tianling felt that it was a very humiliating thing. It was a great shame to him.

He didn't want to talk to Jiang Yufei, to lose face in front of her, or to misunderstand her.

But Jiang Yufei's pressure is so tight that he can't say it.

"All right, I say!" He said impatiently, Jiang Yufei stopped nagging and looked forward to him.

Ruan Tianling snorted coldly and said uneasily, "it's not a big deal. It's just that someone used overpowering drugs on me

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