"What are you talking about?" She asked him softly.

Ruan Tianling looked at the sea through the window: "let's talk about our future. We don't have two children. Can we have two more in the future? No, three, two sons, one daughter. "

Jiang Yufei was stunned, her dim eyes drooped.

"Ruan Tianling..."

"Shh, listen to me." Ruan Tianling held out a finger and pressed her lips.

"Yufei, I want to start over with you, forget everything in the past and start over with you, would you like to?"

Jiang Yufei held up her body. Her eyes twinkled and said, "even if I hurt you to go to prison, I will divorce you mercilessly You don't care? "

Ruan Tianling shook his head: "I don't care. I did that to you in a previous life, and you finally forgave me, and now I forgive you too. "

"Because I forgave you, so do you?"

"No Ruan Tianling looked at her, eyes color is very deep, "because too much love, can't hate."

“……” Jiang Yufei's eyes suddenly moistened.

"In these ten days, have you ever thought about changing your mind and starting with me again?" Ruan Tianling asked her.

Jiang Yufei clenched her hand and tore her heart.

She thought, every day in the imagination, but that can only think about.

"Ruan Tianling, we Will you leave for a while? Don't you find that there are too many injuries between us. Our hearts are already scarred. Maybe it will be better if we separate for a period of time

If you can't come back for two years, I'll take a breath again Forget me

It was the best way she could think of.

In two years, she will try her best to get rid of all obstacles and bring her child back to see him.

She didn't want to lose him, so she gave herself a chance.

If it doesn't work She's dead, she's done it!

And then completely let him go, no longer let him continue to suffer

Ruan Tianling's black eyes flickered slightly: "Yufei, don't you think it's too long for two years?"

"Don't you want to wait? Just two years, OK? " Jiang Yufei prayed.

"But I want it now, I don't want to wait! I don't want to wait! " Ruan Tianling's tone is very firm.

Jiang Yufei dropped her eyes and said, "I don't want to be right now..."


"I'm sorry..."

A word of apology showed her mind and thought. Ten days of warmth and love, did not call back her heart.

She really can't continue to love him She said two years of time, are all excuses?

In fact, she could not wait to get rid of him.

Never know, he will be disgusted to this extent His love, in front of her, was not worth mentioning at all.

Ruan Tianling's eyes are slowly extinguished

"The soup is stewed. Have a meal."

He didn't say much. He got up and went to the kitchen to bring the food.

Not too many dishes, three dishes, one soup, and a bottle of red wine.

Ruan Tianling personally gave her a bowl of soup: "drink it, see how the taste."

Jiang Yufei was surprised by his calm face.

I always feel that he is too calm

But she didn't think much about it. She took a spoon and drank it.

"Is it good to drink?" Ruan Tianling asked her in a low voice.

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