Jiang Yufei urgent can not, she hurriedly took out the mobile phone, fingers trembling dial Misha's phone.

"Misha, come and help us. We are at sea, and the ship will sink --"

"where are you probably?"

"The East Sea Ah -- "

the boat suddenly tilted, and her mobile phone flew out of her hand and slid a long distance along the sloping deck.

Jiang Yufei does not dare to move. They are at a high place now. She is afraid that if she moves, the ship will lose its balance completely and sink down at a faster speed.

"Ruan Tianling, the boat is going to sink --" Jiang Yufei grabs the railing and shouts in panic.

Ruan Tianling held her in both hands and feet, and put her head on her body powerlessly, without any reaction.

"Ruan Tianling, are you awake? You speak, speak out


"I promise you that I will always be with you. I swear, what I say is true!"


No matter how she yelled, Ruan Tianling did not respond.

Jiang Yufei's head has been dizzy, although the body has no strength, but she did not faint.

But Ruan Tianling was in a coma. Why?

Jiang Yufei thought of the incident that she immediately vomited after drinking the soup.

Did she vomit most of the overpowering drugs?

She didn't drink too much soup and vomited, so she wasn't in a coma.

But Ruan Tianling drank a whole bowl and a glass of wine He's not in a coma.

Misha didn't know when she could come. At this time, she had to save herself.

Jiang Yufei wants to break off Ruan Tianling's hand, but his arm is still holding her, so he can't open it.

Why are you in a coma and still have so much strength?

Jiang Yufei dragged his body and couldn't move. She saw that there was a swimming circle in the bow of the boat in front of her. As long as she got that swimming circle, even if the ship sank, they would be saved.

Otherwise, if they fall into the sea, the weight of the two of them will sink rapidly.

Jiang Yufei grabs the railings, drags Ruan Tianling's body, and climbs hard to it --

for a few seconds, but she feels exhausted.

Jiang Yufei's gasping, sometimes blurred, sometimes clear.

She clenched her lips and bit out blood. The pain sobered her up.

She continued to climb -

and the boat slowly tilted

The more inclined the boat was, the harder it was for her to climb.

At this moment, the water in the bottom cabin of the cruise ship was rising, and many parts of the ship were broken.

There was water in the power cabin, and sparks came out in all directions

The gasoline in the fuel tank leaks, touches the spark, and burns with a bang

After climbing for a while, Jiang Yufei asked about the smell of burning.

She looked back and saw black smoke and even fire coming out of the cruise ship!

Jiang Yufei's face is as white as paper. If you go on, the cruise ship will explode!

She bit her lips hard, and the blood kept flowing, and her consciousness was a little bit clear again.

It's just a little short of catching the ring!

Jiang Yufei stretched out her hand toward the swimming circle and suddenly, the ship tilted more than half again. She and Ruan Tianling quickly slid down --

"ah!" Jiang Yufei screamed and grabbed the railing with one hand.

At that moment, she felt that her hands would be broken!

It's her alone in this situation to grasp things, the arm will not be able to withstand such impact.

Not to mention a person hanging from her

With the last strength, struggling to stabilize the body, Jiang Yufei can do nothing.

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