Misha announced: "ye xiaoyansheng, PK is over!"

Hearing these words, ye Xiaoyan suddenly fell to the ground.

"Brother Xiaoyan..." Jun AI wanted to rush up, but someone rushed up one step ahead of him.

Jun Chen catches Ye Xiaoyan's body, ye Xiaoyan's trance sees his face, the person faints in the past.

"Take him to the infirmary." Misha said solemnly.

Jun Chen back Ye Xiaoyan, toward the infirmary rushed.

He had just run for a while when a man came up to him and said, "give him to me. I'll do it."

Jun Chen raised his head and turned to Jack's face.

He looked at him coldly: "go away!"

Jack tiny Leng, wait for him to return to God when, Jun Chen already carried leaf Xiaoyan to walk far.

Jack looked at Jun Chen's back with a dark look in his eyes.

It was his illusion just now. He was fooled by a little fart


Ye Xiaoyan was sent to the rescue room.

The doctor gave him a simple examination and found no major problems.

Jun Chen has been waiting outside, after a while, other people all came.

This PK, the most serious injury is Ye Xiaoyan.

However, his shock is also the biggest

They did not expect that he was so weak and so powerful in his heart.

He is not like an 11 year old boy at all, he is like a man who has seen all the glitz in the world and has already jumped out of the secular world.

But what, let such a young boy, unexpectedly have a strong will and calm to a strong heart?

What did he go through in the past.

Jun Chen found that ye Xiaoyan attracted him, not only his unique temperament.

And his mystery, his strength, his calmness.

He is like a gentle jade. He is not sharp, but he can't help being attracted by him

Jun Chen and sad discovery.

Not only did he not forget Ye Xiaoyan, but he was more and more attracted to him, and he was getting deeper and deeper.

He shouldn't have come here to train.

In this way, he doesn't have to meet him

But deep in his heart, he was very glad that he had met such a person.


As time went by, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

Jun Chen goes up to ask lightly: "how is his condition?"

"The child's life is not in danger, but he has broken a rib and is seriously injured. He has to stay in bed for at least a month."

Jun Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He'll be fine.

"Brother, let's go in and see brother Xiaoyan." Jun AI said to him.

Jun Chen hesitates a way: "I don't go, you go."

You love to quibble, "brother is obviously very concerned about Xiaoyan brother, why always avoid him?"

Leshan blinked: "yes, I don't understand."

Jun Qi looks at Jun Chen and says nothing.

"Don't worry about my business."

"I'm your sister!"

"I am my elder!" Two little guys protested.

Jun Chen turns to leave, attitude is very firm.

"Brother is really a weirdo. Forget it. Let's go in and see brother Xiaoyan." Jun AI takes Leshan and Jun Qi into the ward.

Jun Chen came out of the hospital and met Misha.

Misha asked him, "is Ye Xiaoyan OK?"

"He's OK." Jun Chen answers lightly.

"It's OK." Then, Misha looked at Jun Chen thoughtfully, "there is something wrong between you and ye Xiaoyan."

"Have you?" Jun Chen picks eyebrows.

Misha chuckled: "you can't hide your business from my eyes!"

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