He went downstairs and asked the servant, "who has seen the little grandmother today?"

The servant who cleaned the study raised his hand and said, "I have. Grandma, please take it to my study half an hour ago

Tang Yuchen went upstairs to study again. There was no one in the study. Everything was as usual.

His sharp eyes darted through the room and quickly noticed that the papers on the desk were not in the right place.

Whatever he put, the servant would not move it, so it should have been moved by an Ruo.

The man's sight falls under the bookcase that only can hide a person, then walk slowly past.

If an heard Tang Yuchen's footsteps, she also knew that she could not escape. I was very nervous, but I calmed down when I was dying.

Forget it, instead of being caught by him like a thief, it's better to go out and retain some dignity.

Pushing aside the cupboard, she came out with a cold face and looked at his gloomy expression.

Tang Yuchen looked at her dead and cold, as if to eat people in general.

If Ann glanced at him and didn't explain anything, she went outside.

The man grabbed her wrist and squeezed it tightly: "tell me, why hide?"

"I like it."

He pulled her into his arms, gritted his teeth and glared at her angrily.

"You want to use a computer, don't you?" He asked suspiciously.

If an eyes light slightly flash, pursed lips do not answer.

"You want to inform yunfeiyang that he will come to save you, don't you?" Tang Yuchen said again.

How does he know what she thinks?

Seeing her look, the man knew he was right. He hooked his lips and sneered: "I'll tell you the truth. Yunfeiyang has actually found her door."

"What do you say?" Ann asked expectantly.

Tang Yuchen can't see her look of looking forward to cloud flying. He is very jealous in his heart and is so jealous.

"He knows you're here, but he can't get you out. His parents also knew about it. He had intended to come to ask for someone, but he was persuaded by his parents. Enro, he will not come to save you. In his heart, his family is more important than you. You should die that heart

If the eye light of an is tiny quiver, she suddenly sneers: "you are deceiving me, I won't believe what you say."

She and yunfeiyang have nothing, he only needs to call the police for her to rescue her, so she will not believe what he said.

Tang Yuchen thin lips micro Yang, dark eyes flash a trace of cold ran, "I need to cheat you, if I said is a lie, why cloud flying Yang now do not come to save you?"

“…… You let me talk to him on the phone

"Yes." The man is very straightforward to answer the way, he took out the mobile phone to her.

If you look at him suspiciously, let him call her?

Take a mobile phone, she tentatively look at him, see he did not stop, dial the number of cloud flying Yang.

The phone rang twice and got through.

"Hello, Feiyang?" She was busy speaking.

"Miss Ann?" There came a woman's cold voice, like the voice of mica.

Ann if tiny Leng, do not know how to answer.

Mica said to her coldly: "don't call my family Feiyang later. Since you are a woman of Tang Yuchen, don't provoke Feiyang. Also, Feiyang won't help you, and we won't offend Tang Yuchen for you, you understand

Also did not give her a chance to speak, mica directly hung up the phone.

Enro clenched her cell phone with no expression.

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