But she was still sick, sick every day, powerless.

The doctor said that she may have a heart disease, her heart is too heavy, so the cold has been bad.

Tang Yuchen knows what her heart disease is, she wants to leave here, leave him.

But he couldn't let her go.

After a week of cold, Enro suddenly had a high fever in the evening. She was burning so badly that she was unconscious and talking nonsense, and her mind was in a daze.

Although rescued, but she does not want to get better, her condition will only keep repeating.

Besides, if you have a cold for a long time, you will get pneumonia.

She was seriously ill, which was not what he wanted to see.

This day, if Ann took a nap and opened her eyes, she unexpectedly saw a person sitting by the bed.

It's not someone else. It's shano that I haven't seen for a long time.

"Shano, why are you here?" Ann if busy sit up body, unexpectedly ask.

"Why, don't you welcome me?" she said with a smile

"No, of course you are welcome." She just couldn't understand why Tang Yuchen would find her.

She thought he would lock her up for the rest of her life and stop her from contacting anyone.

Xia Nuo looks at an if emaciated appearance, very much loves her. When she disappeared, she also looked for a long time, but also sad for a long time.

I'm glad to see her now. But she lost a lot of weight. She must have suffered a lot.

"Is Tang Yuchen looking for you?" If Ann hadn't seen her for a long time, she had a thousand words to say, but in the end she just asked.

Shano nodded: "well, he said you are ill. Let me see you. It's worse to see you than I think

Ann if smile way: "just cold, not so serious."

"Why is it not serious? A cold can develop into pneumonia, and pneumonia can develop into lung cancer. You need to get better soon, but don't fall ill. When you are well, you should accompany me to go shopping and travel with me. I will only have you as a friend. You can't leave me. "

Xia Nuo said with a smile, every word is for her good.

Enro's heart is very moved, she asked her: "don't you ask me what I have done in the past year?"

She took her hand and said seriously, "anyo, no matter what happens, I will support you and always stand by your side. If you want to tell me, I will listen. If you don't want to tell me, I don't blame you. "

"I'm sorry, I really don't want to say it now."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you come back. Don't worry if you don't know

By us, she refers to her and Tang Yuchen.

An ruo's eyes showed a puzzled color, and Xia Nuo explained:

"when you were gone, I was very anxious. I looked for you everywhere and felt sorry for you for a long time, but I was not as sad as Tang Yuchen.

I saw him with my own eyes. He never missed any chance to find you. As long as someone provides your information, whether it is true or not, he will go to see it and never give up

Although he doesn't tell me anything, I can see that he cares about you every time he comes to ask me if I know about you.

Once, he came to ask me about you again. After asking, he was ready to leave, but he fainted. Cold word and I sent him to the hospital, the doctor said he was too tired, too sad, just fainted

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