Iris exclaimed.

Of all people, I had to be Iris!

The villainess Iris de Chevalley was the daughter of the Marquis de Chevalley, a family of valiant knights in the Kingdom of Florezon. She was the only villainess in Hanako. She was one of the candidates for the saint and a rival of the heroine.

In the bad end, she was responsible for stabbing the heroine, the saint Camille, to death. Iris’ stabbing Camille incurred the wrath of the gods and the kingdom of Florezon was enveloped in darkness.

In order to take responsibility for this, Iris was trapped alive inside a magical tool that converted life force into holy power as the activator of the magical tool, and she continued to offer her life force.

When she died, her descendants would succeed her, and the Chevalley family would be responsible for her for all eternity.

Iris held her head in her hands. In any case, if I proceeded for the bad end, it was Iris who stabbed the heroine to death in any route. In my previous life, Iris stabbed me over and over again in the game.

Perhaps due to the cost of drawing the characters, or the lack of female characters in the game, they had to cram all the villainous elements into Iris.

Thanks to that, Iris was left with nothing but ruin either way. Just like the heroine who was left with nothing but the Meriva or Bad ends, Iris had no happy future either.

Why did she stab people so easily in the first place? A young lady carrying a dagger was the most dangerous thing someone could do! No, she came from a family of knights, and we were trained in the ways of the ladies!

Iris realized and was stunned. She had more than enough background knowledge. She had trained many times on how to stab people to death with a dagger.

Oh, my God!! And she was confident enough to stab her to death! What have you done to my little girl? She’s not even old enough! Your father’s an idiot!

Iris threw a pillow with his name. It hit the window with a boffo sound. The window shook with a clang.

But there was no point in taking out my resentment on my father here.


A call echoed from outside the window. It seemed that someone had just seen me throw a pillow.

Iris hurriedly opened the window and peered down. The still chilly late winter breeze shook the curtains, and the sun shone brightly even with her dim mind.

I saw my brother there. Her brother Nigel noticed Iris and waved.

Iris made a face, but waved back in passing.

“What’s wrong? It sounded weird.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Yeah? I’m coming over there right now.”

Nigel said and ran off.

Iris and Nigel were twins. However, Nigel’s hair and eyes were an even darker green than Iris’. His appealing colours were beautiful in the garden, which had few colours in winter.

My family said that I was a brave green like my father. It was the evergreen that brung hope.

But wait a minute. That boyg, was absolutely—

While Iris was stunned, there was a knock at the door.

“Iris? Are you feeling better already?”

The door was opened with a loud sound. I could tell just by the voice. Iris whipped her stiff body and turned to the owner of the voice with a giggle.

He was one of the targets for capturing, Iris’s twin brother Nigel de Chevalley.

He was Nigel from the ‘Chains of Love’ route.

His sparkling emerald green hair was elegantly wavy and showed a softness that was different from Iris’s vertical rolls. His large eyes shone like jade and seemed ready to spill at any moment.

Although he had a pretty appearance now, he went to the royal palace with his father, the Marquis of Chevalley, and served as a martial arts training partner for the princes. Perhaps because of this, he was close to the princes and his future as a knight was promised.

And yet, in the future, this kid was going to tattoo the heroine and then walk around with her chained to himself. That’s scary.

Nigel was raised in a strict knightly family of heroes and was taught that as a knight he was supposed to protect the ladies of the house. Then the heroine, the saint Camille, appeared.

Nigel was attracted to her because of her wildness of her downtown upbringing, and because of her reckless behaviour, Nigel came to believe that he was the only one who could protect her. And the two fell in love.

But the heroine who fulfilled the duties of the saint would be seen by many men. Not wanting to do so, she was tattooed with a sign of possession and wore a chain.

The heroine was also fulfilled by their bondage. The two, bound by a chain that couldn’t be removed, lived very happily ever after—and so the game concluded.

Compared to the other endings, this was still pretty mild, but of course the villainess was Iris. In the bad end, Iris stabbed the heroine to death when she didn’t deserve her twin brother.

In the case of Meriva, Nigel bound Iris, who interfered with his relationship with the heroine, with layers of heavy chains so that she could not resist, and then drowned her in a fountain, treating her death as a suicide. Of course, no funeral was held. I think that it was got that it got through the R rating.

The pale face of Iris, who was sinking into the water with her eyes wide open in despair, was that evoking. The sale of Hanakoro was also in the way the villainess died. Her drawings were very well done. To be honest, I think that the scenes of Iris’s decapitation was much more powerful than the scene of the heroine alone.

As an otome game, I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, but I heard that was why it had some core male fans. Iris cringed as she recalled a fellow otaku boy grinning and rubbing his cheek against the clear file, “Iris-san,” No, at that time, Iris had done the same thing herself.

I don’t want to make myself look at her that way! Although I don’t mind looking!!

Shuddering, Nigel looked into Iris’s face.

“You still look a little pale …Take it easy, okay?”

His eyes that were worried for me were like jewels of purity, and my heart ached. The boy himself did not yet know that future.

Ugh. Sad. It’s too sad to see such a cute and kind kid become a douche in-training knight. Onee-chan, you’re making me cry…

Even if there was a merry bad ending for those around her, there was a happy ending for the heroine. I wanted the heroine to be happy. But I didn’t want to die either. Besides, the ‘Thousand Year Sleep Route’ would be a massacre. There’s only death.


No, wait, I’m the villainess. Then I’m supposed to stop the heroine from being happy! If I’m the villainess, then I should be a villainess and get in her way! No matter how happy the heroine is, I will prevent Meriva from ending it!

Iris made up her mind.

To stop the heroine from going towards Meriva. To keep Nigel from going astray. And of course, to prevent her own downfall.

She forcefully clenched her fists.

“Nigel, I’ll do it!”

“What’s going on all of a sudden? Iris?”

“I must stop the Meriva end!!”

Nigel was taken aback by Iris’s words.

“? Meriva end?”

Iris huffed when Nigel recited it.

I couldn’t help it, it was coming out of my mouth!

I was in a hurry to mend it.

“Um… Yes, I’ve decided to get out there!”

“Really? Iris!”

Nigel laughed happily and hugged Iris tightly.

”It was so boring not being able to sword fight with you!”

Iris made another face.

Yes, Iris was skilled in martial arts in a knight’s house. But I wondered if I could keep up?

“Oh, be easy on me, will you?”

“Of course I’m still sick! Let’s build up out strength little by little, okay? Can we take a walk first?”

Nigel laughed and Iris was relieved.


“Well, let’s start with the house!”

That said, I pulled Iris. The bell on Iris tinkled. Iris walked outside the door for the first time in a few months.

The chilly hallway caressed Iris’ cheeks.

I grabbed Nigel’s hand, and Nigel held mine back. His smile was dazzling.

I want to protect this kind smile. I’m going to stop the Meriva end from happening, and Nigel and I are going to be happy for sure!

Iris swore to herself.