Chapter 375: Superman, you were arrested

Li Ya and Superman's voice came from the communication channel, but Barry began to blur his consciousness.

的 The counter-shock force hitting Superman just now shattered the bones of his arm, and his internal organs were shattered a lot by powerful shock waves.

He fell down from the sky with only one thought in his head.

为什么 Why do mortals fight with gods?

Maybe it would be better to kneel from the beginning? Of course, this is a joke!

Clark doesn't hurt himself, so that person must not be Clark!

For a second, a silvery white aperture appeared in the direction of Barry's fall. After passing through the aperture, Barry suddenly appeared in a medical cabin.

Murmur! Grunt!

At the entrance of the cold medical night irrigation, Barry's conditioned reflex struggled a bit. This is the instinct of all drowning people. However, the super medical fluid coupled with the rapid recovery of the speeder, Barry's consciousness was awake.

"Watchtower? Am I back?"

Li Ya stood in front of the medical cabin, followed by Diana. He tapped on the glass of the medical cabin and said, "You have three minutes to recover. When you return to prison, remember to take off the Flash suit. ! "

After speaking, Li Ya struck a finger, and a silvery white spot appeared under Barry's feet.

Hearing what Li Ya said, it seemed that after three minutes, this spot of light would become a portal to teleport Barry back to Tieshan Prison.

等等 "Wait, Li Ya, there's a criminal like Superman, right ... And Joe, Joe, he's injured!"

"Have a good recovery, no matter who the other party is, the genuine Superman has passed, as for Joe ..."

Li Ya struck another finger, and in the empty medical cabin next to Barry, a black man appeared instantly. It was Barry's adoptive father, Joe Wei, who was injured by 'Superman' while preventing 'Superman' from robbing the bank Ster.

"Joe! Joe! Look at me, Joe, look at me, I'm Barry!"

韦 Barry tapped on the glass, trying to cause drowning Joe West, who was struggling frantically. The latter calmed down after hearing Barry's voice.

I can breathe in the nourishing fluid.

The nourishing liquid contains a lot of nourishing gas, and after the nourishing liquid enters the human body, it will be converted into energy and absorbed by the body, creating a strong body.

"Two more minutes, Barry!"

After saying this, Li Ya opened the portal again and appeared with Diana in the central city.

被 The robbery of the Central City Bank has attracted the attention of the people around it. Especially listening to the words of the people and security guards, it seems that the people who looted the vault were still Superman!

Look into heaven again ...

The superman with the red cloak was flying in the sky, and the information about the superman robbery on the Internet came overwhelmingly.

"Superman, please land on the ground, you are arrested!"

警 The police car on the ground chased Superman in the sky, while roaring with a large horn.

The superman flying in the sky is scanning with a see-through eye to camouflage himself, a super criminal who robs the bank, but he does not see the criminal after he appeared in the central city.

听到 At this moment, hearing the voice of the police below, Superman's mouth twitched.

"You are going to arrest me? But I am not a criminal!"

Superman slowly descended from the sky. He scanned the city and did not see or hear anything suspicious. He had to go down to the police to make sense.

白人 A white policeman holding a pistol, approached Superman and said, "Someone saw you rob the bank, Mr. Superman, so I will arrest you, and please cooperate."

"You know your pistol is useless to me!" Superman sighed and said, "I said it, it wasn't me who robbed the bank!"

"But many people have seen you rob the bank with your own eyes, and I must arrest you!"

After the white policeman took out the handcuffs, he froze for a moment. He also knew that the handcuffs were not useful for Superman, but still brazenly tried to handcuff Superman.

"Who dares to shackle him!"

Li Ya flew out of the portal and landed alongside Superman with Diana.

The white police saw the three giants of the Justice League appearing in front of them, and suddenly took a step back in shock, stuttering, "I ... I'm just doing business!"

Superman showed a helpless smile to Li Ya, "If the people can be more at ease, even if they grab me, it will be fine."

人 Superman doesn't care about this. In his opinion, the body is not afraid of shadows.

Li Ya gave Superman a glance, "Are you an idiot? When you meet you are handcuffed by the police, who knows how unscrupulous media will say you, with me, no one can frame you!"

"Mr. Avengers, please don't make us embarrassed."

That's what he said, but none of these policemen dared to step forward.

In the final analysis, the image of Superman is too righteous. Those police officers will not be afraid of Superman, but Li Ya stops here, and no one dares to approach.

When the atmosphere was extremely tense at the scene, another police car drove over.

Li Ya, the person who got off the bus, knew that it was Hank Henshaw who was the person in charge of the "Supernormal Activity Investigation Bureau" after Tianyan would be destroyed.

"I'm Hank Henshaw of the National Security Agency. Superman is not a robber. Please leave this case to my people to handle it!"

Hank Henshaw really took out a National Security Agency certificate and showed it to the white police.

The white policeman is in a dilemma. There is an avenger here. He doesn't dare to do anything. Now the people above are going to pick up this hot potato. Naturally he has no opinion.

He and Hank Henshaw greeted each other, and the white police immediately quit the team. All the police cars were evacuated except for the presence of law and order.

"Thank you!" Li Ya gave a profound look at Hank Henshaw.

Although Li Ya could solve it without him today, but others would kindly come to help, and Li Ya naturally thanked him.

Moreover, the Hank Henshaw in front of him is not an Earthman ~ ~. There is an extraordinary energy fluctuation on his body. It seems that the other party is probably a Martian hunter.

"You're welcome." Hank Henshaw nodded to the three of Li Ya and Diana Superman, "Superman, rest assured, I will investigate the truth about this matter."

Uh ...

The West House.

Wally West hasn't gotten a lot of speed in this timeline.

最近 However, he has always been in his sleep recently, dreaming that he, like the Flash, wears a yellow speed suit and ran on the street.

In my dreams, he is the Flash!

"It's time to wake up, Flash!"

A sudden noise sounded in Wally's ear.

He sat up in shock, his body sweating, looking around, trying to find the person who said, "Who is talking? ... Am I sleeping?"

"No! Flash! You should have a better life and experience a better life than ever, but ... you are deprived of everything by Barry Allen!"

There was a murmur in his ears again, and this time Wally listened really well.

Thinking of the situation in his dream, Wally's heart began to shake.

"who are you?"

Wally wanted to find out where the speaker was.

At this time, on the glass on the wall, a noun "alchemist" appears empty!
