Chapter 397: , Star Blue Stone Corps

Amami Man Begins the Iron Body from Superman Chapter 397, Star Blue Stone Corps. You are not Earthling, are you with these disgusting rulers? "One of the women asked, standing in front of Superman with her hands on hips.

"I am a human, at least in identity, who are you?"

Superman put on a stance, he could feel the powerful aura of the three women, the kind of energy fluctuations is similar to Hal Jordan and Atositas.

Is it also an emotional color light?

But they have no energy ring!

我们 "We are from the planet Zamaron, which is tens of thousands of light years away. We were originally looking for the blue star stolen by the dominator, but ... we seem to have discovered something unexpected."

Another woman went on to say, "Yes, I discovered that a queen was born on this backward planet!"

According to the tradition of the planet Zamalen, the queen must be mortal, and the star blue stone will choose the next queen, and the woman warrior of Zamalun only needs to follow the guidelines of the star blue stone.


Superman frowned, thinking about his knowledge base, but found no information about Zamalen.

This is not surprising. Pluto is not the strongest overlord in the universe, especially when he blocked the planet and devoted himself to genetic technology, he even gave up exploring the vast universe.

Superman looked directly at the three women and said, "I don't care what queen, as you can see, this planet is going through war. If you don't want to help, please don't hinder us!"

"Oh, we just want to find the Star Blue Stone stolen by the dominator, and ... our queen!"

Speaking, the headed purple woman passed by Superman, came to the host of the mastership of the dominator, reached out a move, exuded purple energy from her body, penetrated into the hostship of the mothership, and hardened a piece of energy stone. Take it out.

"Punk, who cut our star blue stone in half ?!"

I looked at the originally large star blue stone, and now it was split in half by some kind of energy ray. The female warrior of Zamaron was furious and turned to look at the only living person in the mothership.

Superman was stared at by this angry lioness, and he shook his head subconsciously.

女士 "Madam ... this must be the ruler!"

After saying this, how did Superman feel that the skill of dumping the pot is similar to some flickering god? Could it have been his bad influence?

女 The female soldier snorted coldly, saying nothing, holding her hands on her chest, as if she was chanting something softly.

After a short while, the broken star blue stone emitted a soft purple light, spreading out at a slow and fast speed.

Superman was swept by this soft purple light, and for a moment his heart seemed to be filled with the emotion of love.

Even for the three women in front of her, there was no initial defense.

The purple light is still spreading, whether it is the ruler, or the people of the Justice League, or the civilians and the army. Under the envelope of this purple light, they instantly wipe out all the negative emotions, and they are called a love Infected with emotions.

"I don't want to fight anymore, I want to go home!" Shazan struck on the spot.

侠 Batman resisted the emotion that suddenly appeared in his heart. He drove the Skywalker and flew to Shazan, just trying to scold him, but found that the mad dominator just now stopped suicide attacks at this moment.

Li Ya looked up at the broken Dominator Mothership in the sky.

He clearly felt that the emotional energy just emanated from there.

"Purple Light? Star Blue Stone?"

"Avenger, what happened?"

Two flashes of light flashed, and Barry Allen and Wally West appeared next to Li Ya.

"It is the power of Star Blue Stone, the Flash, the Flash Boy, you take the army of the Justice League outside and arrest all the remaining dominator soldiers." Li Ya commanded.

"Are you going to hand it over to the military?" Barry Allen asked subconsciously.

"What to do to the military? What else can they do besides doing some biochemical tests? This is all free labor ... Ahem, I mean, since they are intruders, they should use labor to pay for their crimes. , Send to another planet to mine! "

Now there are probably tens of thousands of surviving dominators, armed but a powerful army, but now they do not need to fight, so serving free labor is also excellent.

Barry heard a black line on his face, but the flash boy Wally West felt fine.

Sympathize with the invaders, is there a pit in your head? Don't even think about if the Earth is defeated, will they sympathize with the Earth people?

"Mr. Avengers, can these monsters be controlled?"

This is the most worrying part of Wally.

The Dominators are fierce and powerful, and most people can't care about them.

"This is easy to handle. Let's learn the methods of Tianyanhui before, and press a bomb in the minds of these dominators ... or an electric shock bomb. If you don't obey, you can use 100,000 volts. The electricity is until they obey."

"They are all living lives, wouldn't it be too cruel to do so?" Barry had just been hit by the emotion of love, and now love was overflowing.

Wally was more thorough than him, without Li Yaduo saying, he was pointing at the wreckage around the city.

看看 "Look around you, Bari, this battle destroyed many buildings, civilian lives and property were threatened, UU reading these monsters should pay the price for their actions!"

Li Ya stared at Barry. If this person is BB again, he will kill the flash festival.

Fortunately, Barry shrugged and accepted Li Ya's offer.

The next thing is cleaning. Li Ya is not paying attention, but flies up into the sky. At this moment, three purple figures are flying out of the master ship.

Li Ya greeted.

"You ... are the Star Bluestone Legion?"

The predecessor of the Purple Lantern Corps was the Star Blue Stone Corps.

Later, with the help of the female guardian, Zamarun star made the blue light ring into the purple light ring to create the purple light legion. The three people in front of them did not wear the purple light ring, so they should not have developed the purple light. .

I heard Li Ya say the name of their legion.

The woman headed by clasped her hands on her chest: "Yes, we are the strongest guards of Queen Zamaron, the Star Blue Stone Army. Don't block our way, otherwise you will suffer!"

Originally, these female soldiers of the Star Blue Stone Army did not wait to see men. They thought that the lowest Zamaron newcomers were stronger than any man.

Especially, Xing Lanshi just positioned the whereabouts of the new queen, so they didn't want to talk nonsense with men at all.

The next moment, the three bypassed Li Ya, turned into three purple lights, and landed in the seaside city.

As soon as the three of them left, Superman chased after him.

"Li Ya, are they friends or foes?"

不好 "It's hard to say, Clark, you have to know that women are a terrible creature, and the whole universe is like this ...... Anyway, look at what they call the queen!"

After speaking, Li Ya and Superman followed.

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