Chapter 268: To think you have cornered me this much

Name:Amazing Village Building Author:
Chapter 268: To think you have cornered me this much

Watch out! Its coming back again!

Get away from it!!!

While the hunters were preparing to avoid the incoming dragon, I used Facility Customization.

That made a large fissure appear in the middle of the park. Immediately after, the side we were not in rose up almost instantly.


Everyone was shocked from seeing the park bend itself like that.

But even when it had bended itself to a 90 degrees form, I kept going. Before long, the other half was hanging over our heads, almost like it was ready to fall at any time.


As to be expected, the dragon was in complete state of panic.

After all, unless it did something, it would be sandwiched by the two halves of the park.

Moreover, since the dragon was flying toward where the ground bent, it found itself close to both halves of the park. It tried to change its course, but it was simply too late.


The dragon first hit the half on top. It then bounced toward the half on the bottom, which then made it bounce back up. This cycle repeated a number of times until the dragon got stuck between the two halves.

Even so, as though nothing has happened thanks to its resilient body, the dragon tried to escape through an available gap. Naturally, I didnt let it. I made the two halves move again, pinning the dragon down further.

Luke-dono, this?

Ahm, lets call it certain death through being sandwiched by the ground.

As to be expected, the scales of the dragons body made it hard to deal significant damage, but its underside looked to be considerably more vulnerable.


The dragon still hasnt given up yet and was rampaging as much as it could.

However, after taking away its ability to fly and even sealing much of its movement, a dragon, for all its might, couldnt put up much of a fight.

Or so I thought.

The moment the dragon raised its head in a large arc, Gori-chan shouted something while having an uncharacteristically serious face.

Oh no! Breath attack, incoming! Get away from it!

Breath attack?

Immediately after, the dragon released a breath of fierce flames. It then moved its head horizontally, thus engulfing the surroundings in flames.

Before any flames could reach us though, I made the ground rise up to block it. When Gori-chan shouted breath attack, I instinctively knew what she was talking about despite not having encountered a dragon before. It was likely thanks to my previous lifes memory.

It wasnt like the walls I put up completely blocked the dragons fiery breath though. In fact, the flames were so intense that it melted the earthen walls I built in almost an instant. Even so, it lasted just long enough for us to get away from the attacks range.


Probably hoping that the breath attack would have given it the upperhand, the dragon looked dejected when it found out that the attack actually did nothing.

Considering that it reserved that attack this late into the fight, it likely had a limit on the number of times it could perform them. And if that was the only one, all that was left to do was to deal the finishing blow.

<<To think you have cornered me this muchwell fought, humans.>>

However, I suddenly heard someones voice in my head.

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