Chapter 470

Fu Nanli's world has long been in turmoil. He followed the medical staff to push Wen Qiao to the door of the emergency operating room and was stopped by the doctor.

Fu Nanli had never felt that time was so long. He paced anxiously at the door of the operating room. Qin Bei could only comfort him that the lucky person had a natural appearance, and Miss Wen would definitely be fine.

Fu Nanli stretched out her hand and saw that the blood meridian in her palm had begun to dull, and the shirt was also covered with mottled blood, which looked shocking.

After receiving Wen Qiao's message, he immediately rushed to the location she sent. He didn't know what was wrong with her, but he was a little uneasy. He called her all the way, but he couldn't get through.

When he hurried to the beach, he saw a cruise ship not far away. She fell from above and fell into the sea.

He swam towards her, he called her name, only the moonlight was bright, he cheered her up, maybe the sea breeze was a bit strong, she might not hear his roar, her head suddenly disappeared from the sea.

It's like taking his heart and sinking together.

"Young Master..." Qin Bei's sudden voice made Fu Nanli withdraw his thoughts.

He handed over a piece of wet gauze he didn't know where he got it from: "You have blood on your face and hands. Wipe it first."

Where did Fu Nanli still have his mind to wipe the blood, like a knuckle in his throat, he stood at the door of the operating room, his heart desolate.

Wen Qiao let his heart hang in the crater for the second time.

Last time she disappeared from his world without a word, this time she was exposed to such a danger.

"Who is the other party?"

Qin Bei said solemnly: "A few escaped by speedboat on the cruise ship. The police arrested two. They are being interrogated. They look like foreigners. I'm afraid..."

Fu Nanli stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows: "You are staring, and you have news to tell me."

"Yes, Master, it seems that the eldest lady from the Fang family was kidnapped. Xiao Wen was just trying to save Miss Fang."

Fu Nanli's heart felt like being punched. This silly girl, he was distressed and angry. Who told her to save the stupid and ignorant Miss Fang family?

After a long wait, Fu Nanli almost had difficulty breathing.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the door of the operating room finally opened.

No matter how powerful a person is, there will be times when he is afraid. For example, standing at the door of this operating room, the lights in the corridor pouring down from the top of his head, he can even hear the sound of his teeth touching, hesitating to talk, he dare not ask about Her injuries.

The doctor took off the mask, and he saw the doctor's mouth opened and closed in a daze, what he was saying.

In the end, Qin Bei gently called him: "Master, it's okay, the doctor said he was very lucky, and there was no serious injury..."

As if the consciousness floating in the sea water was picked up suddenly, Fu Nanli's breathing finally became smooth.

It's another aftermath. Talking about an adventurous kid, will his life be uneventful?

He Yan's apartment, she waited until late at night, the bodyguard knocked on the door and entered her bedroom: "Miss..."

He Yan was drinking, and the blue side's whiskey was shaking at the bottom of the glass. The color of the crystal chandelier made the glass reflect the intoxicating aperture.

"How's it going?"

The man's expression was weak: "She escaped, she was hurt a bit."

He Yan's hand tightened suddenly: "What did you say?"

A student who has no power to hold a chicken, as long as she gets on the cruise ship, shouldn't she be at the mercy of others.

The plan is always good. As long as Wen Qiao sees Fang Duo being tied up, with Wen Qiao's curiosity, she will definitely suspect that it is related to the person who killed Fang Duo's hand last time, and she will definitely follow it instinctively.

(End of this chapter)