Chapter 1289 I knew now why it was

Mrs. Du suddenly said, "Didn't she want Lin Lang's blood? I'll go to Lin Lang first and persuade her. If she agrees, Wen Qiao should also let go and continue to treat us Boyan."

Du Weiyang: "Try it, I don't think my cousin will agree."

Lin Lang never expected that she had worked hard for Wen Qiao, and finally her aunt would come to her to persuade her to compromise, as if the design was only for Wen Qiao to get her blood faster.

Lin Lang was so angry that he listened to her aunt's advice, "Don't even think about it."

Du was too anxious: "Lin Lang, when you were young, you always brought a lot of aunts, now for your brother, are you reluctant to make this sacrifice? It's just 600 milliliters of blood."

Lin Lang gritted his teeth and said, "Did Wen Qiao let you come?"

"No, I did it myself."

Lin Lang's eyes twitched, and said: "Auntie, think about it, is it possible that Wen Qiao's self-directed and acted in this incident, conspired with that clerk to add a medicine, and then made you angry, then deliberately quit, and then let Come and beg me."

Mrs. Du didn't dare to doubt Wen Qiao anymore: "What is she doing so hard? She is not that kind of person."

Lin Lang's eyes flashed over the dark bird, "Auntie, you believe her."

Can Mrs. Du believe it? If she doubts that there are any, it will really annoy Wen Qiao. Now only Wen Qiao can save Boyan. No matter what she thinks in her heart, she must trust Wen Qiao wholeheartedly on the surface now. Ah, otherwise it can only drive people farther and farther.

"Lin Lang, I beg your aunt, so donate blood to her, okay? Aunty promises you whatever you want."

Lin Lang sullen: "I don't want to, auntie, don't force me."

Mrs. Du's tears were raging: "For your brother, don't you even want to make this sacrifice? You can come back after a few days of raising 600ml."

Lin Lang suppressed his boredom: "Sorry, I can't do it."

She has no feelings for this family, so she won't donate blood to Wen Qiao for some cousin. There will be endless troubles at that time, and she will not take this risk.

Mrs. Du was depressed and puzzled: "Lin Lang, I don't understand. Auntie has always treated you very well, only six hundred milliliters of blood. Why are you so persistent?"

Lin Lang was too lazy to say to her: "I have to go to the crew, auntie, I will leave first."

After speaking, he left the room mercilessly.

Du Taiyin held back the cry and beat her chest. She really hurt this girl all these years.

The next day, Wen Qiao went to Xiaotangshan. While eating dinner, Du Weiyang called again, saying that her parents wanted to see her and asked where she was.

Wen Qiao said that she was in Xiaotangshan, but she didn't want to see her parents.

Although she had already made it clear that Mr. Du was missing, the Du family drove to Xiaotangshan.

At the entrance of Xiaotangshan Club, Mrs. Du carefully asked the doorman: "Where is Miss Wen, please?"

The doorman said politely: "Miss Wen is in the wine room reserved for the young master."

"Can you take us there? Tell her, we are Du Hongsheng, his wife and daughter, come to visit her."

"Miss Wen said, no one will see you."

Mrs. Du's smile was embarrassed on her face.

"Then I will wait here until she is willing to see us."

The doorman took them to a lounge on the right hand side of the entrance.

Mrs. Du sat on the sofa nervously, weeping silently: "It's all my fault."

(End of this chapter)