Chapter 680 Crisis In The Camp [Pt 2]

Name:An Extra's POV Author:
Chapter 680 Crisis In The Camp [Pt 2]

'It makes no sense...'

Adrien put on his best poker face, but he was actually stupefied underneath the face. To say he was completely discombobulated would still be a mild description of how he was feeling at the current moment.

'Everything has been going according to plan. I have made sure to keep track of all the variables, and I have painstakingly established the constants. So why...?'

Never before had such a thing happened.

As long as he planned sufficiently, Adrien had always been able to solve any challenge and make things go exactly as he wanted them to.

But now... now he was met with an inconsistency in his reality.

'Did I make a mistake somewhere?' He asked himself.

If he did, there was a chance that his conclusion would be flawed since he was working with incorrect information. The whole premise would collapse on itself.


'Is that even likely? I make sure to be very thorough with my analysis... so it's not really possible, right?'

Adrien often made a conscious effort not to make too many assumptions or reference to the past, but he couldn't help but recognize his efficiency and absolute correctness in all his past endeavors.

He had never been wrong in his life.

'Yet... this happens? No, there has to be something else going on here. Something I couldn't have been able to factor into my premise.'

To observe that 'something', Adrien recognized that he would have to personally observe the Camp of the Elves—or at least, the battlefield.

That was the main reason behind his decision to personally oversee the next wave of attack.

"It could be very dangerous for you by yourself, though. The Elves were able to destroy the armada we sent their way. Are you sure you'll be safe in the next batch?"

Adrien felt like scoffing at the question posed to him.

'But... I have to remain calm. I've come too far for mistakes...' He maintained his calm facade and nodded in agreement to the Dragon General.

"How many Commanders would you like to oversee me, then? Maybe two or—"

"Why not all of them?" Ce'phas blurted out with a bright smile, his wide eyes fixated on Adrien.

At this point, even his colleagues exhibited concern about his choice.

"All of them? As in all twelve? That's too much, even if we are—"

"Too much?" Ce'phas gasped as he slowly rose from his seat, pointing towards Adrien. "Too much to support our most valuable asset at the moment? You really think so?"

Not many could argue with Ce'phas on that issue.

Even the Commanders knew the value Adrien provided was far more than their individual worth—perhaps even their collective one... though that was a bit of a stretch.

There were a few who thought that, though.

"There's strength in numbers. If you're too worried to send all our Commanders with him, then doesn't that mean that any less would mean their demise? No matter how you spin it, it's more beneficial to have all of them go than to select a handful."

Adrien gritted his teeth a bit lightly as he heard Ce'phas' logic. 'He's not fundamentally wrong. If he goes on with this, there are two major things that will happen...'

Either Adrien wouldn't be allowed to go. Instead, a scout or some disposable pawn would be chosen instead.


Adrien and all the twelve commanders would go.

'It's not like my hands are tied per se, but... it's not worth it. In the end, I'm only going for a scouting mission. If anything comes up, my safety and the safety of the Commanders will be my topmost priority.'

Of course, Adrien had to be prepared for all of it.

'I can't afford to make any slipups now.' He thought to himself, calming his heart in the process.

Nothing would stop him now—nothing at all.

'I'm already so close...'