Chapter 710 The Great Elven War [Pt 6]

Name:An Extra's POV Author:
Chapter 710 The Great Elven War [Pt 6]


The sound of rumbling lightning sent the entire Esteemed Council in an uproar.

The imminent destruction that was averted by some unknown power was felt by every single Esteemed Elder, causing them to abruptly end their meeting.

"Did you hear that?!"

"Is that even a question? We all heard it!"

"Do you all feel it? The concentration of energy atop our Community?"

Panic spread across the Esteemed Ones, but the shout of a single one brought order to the Council.

"That's enough!"

Everyone instantly stopped with their shouts and looked in the direction of the Head Elder, who was looking up for a well-suspected reason.

"I feared that this day might come, but it is beyond escaping now..."

All the Elders stared at each other, and then gazed up so they could see and sense the same thing that the Head Elder did.

"The Dragons have arrived here."

Once she uttered those words, confirming the appearance of a threat that sent shivers running through the bodies of most of the Elves in the room, everyone gasped.

Still, there was no time for such frivolities.

"We have too many Youngs here to allow our sanctuary to fall. Everyone... be prepared for the fight of your lives!"

Despite how scared and reserved most of these Elders were, the moment they heard the call to duty, they all straightened their faces and nodded.

Every Elf knew how valuable their fellows were, and the duty they owed their Community.

Elders protected the Youngs, and the Youngs obeyed the Elders.

There was an equilibrium to be kept.

Right now...

"Let's go, my sisters! We will confront those vermin before they can further do harm to our people!" Discover new chapters at

... There was no time to think, no time to fret, and no time to doubt. All that mattered were their duties, and they were ready to fulfill it to the letter.

All of them... without exception!


Guided by Magic, each of them had intense Mana flowing out of their bodies. They circled the explosion, arms outstretched for the next volley of attack.

"Give it everything you have!" The oldest-looking among them, also recognized as their leader, let out a sharp cry.

None of the Elves hesitated in casting their Spells upon hearing the command.

Bursts of lighting, mixed with plumes of flames, supported by swirls of wind, danced out of their outstretched hands and shot straight for the target.


The explosion was much larger than the previous one, and once the attack was sent from all sides, all flying Elves recoiled backwards before floating off to rendezvous with one another.

Seconds after, they were together in a group—surrounded by a powerful barrier that warbled with intense power.

All eyes were on the site of the explosion, with gazes focused past the smoke and what lay beyond. Despite such destructive efforts on their part, the Elves did not—for even one second—let down their guard.

They kept their eyes focused on—

"Hehehehehe..." A loud snicker began to echo from within the smoke.

"... Hahahahahahahaha!"

In a single flash, before anyone could utter anything in response to the howls of laughter, the smoke cleared.

It seemed like a whirlwind was responsible for the dispersion of the thick clouds of remnant heat, but it wasn't at all.

That was nothing short of the manifestation of the energy of one of the Generals.

"Already established your defenses, huh? I'm impressed! You're certainly not dumb!" Ce'phas was the one who spoke out, and it seemed he was the one most excited for the battle to come.

The other two Generals coolly looked at their opponents with more observant eyes, but he didn't seem to care that they far outnumbered him and his comrades.

He was simply out for blood.

"So many of you... where to even start..." Ce'phas eyed the Elves one after the other, licking his lips in anticipation. "How about we each take four? There are a total of twelve, so it makes sense." U'riah muttered.

"I agree." R'azak responded with a sigh.

Usually, C'ephas would agree with them and reduce his bloodlust.

But no.

Not this time.

"I want to fight ten of them." Steam proceeded from his lips as he uttered those words.

Not even bothering to get confirmation from his fellow General, he readied himself for action with a big grin.

"You can handle the remaining two."