63 Chapter 63-I Want to Bring You Back

Institute of the Future.

"His situation is still like this, sometimes surprises us, and I don't know what he experienced in his sleep."

Zall Saint, Bai Lao, and Bai Yanyan stood by Shen Yuan's side. Just after the surprise move, there was still no movement.

After guarding for about an hour, Zall Saint sighed in disappointment.

His silly Yuan'er still couldn't find his way. Originally, he expected Shen Yuan to open his eyes in the next second, but obviously, he didn't open his eyes.

"Old Bai, I want to connect with Yuan'er spirit again."

Zall Saint is already prepared, because he thought that he might encounter certain dangers, so he just went out, handled some things, and arranged the military area affairs. If the miracle just now was that Shen Yuan woke up, he would definitely hug him. Looking at his Yuan'er, there was a good burst of joy.

However, since Shen Yuan did not wake up, then he must go and bring him back.

This is his person, and he is responsible to him.

"it is good."

Elder Bai didn't notice the strange feeling that Saint Zall had when he was speaking, and he started to be busy with the past.

Zall Saint lay on the spiritual connection stage again, closed his eyes, and soon came to a familiar place.

However, this time and the appearance of the last time, there has been a change.

The space has become bigger, and besides the dark clouds, it seems that there is also a ray of light in the air now.

Zall Sheng smiled, the space is getting bigger and bigger, this can only prove that his Yuan'er is getting better and better.

Since the discovery of the ability, he has been improving, and the space has gradually improved, a little bit, so his Yuan'er should be somewhere, working alone.

He just moved manually, which means that he must be in a corner, struggling to come back.

If there is a mist covering him in front of him, then as his person in charge, Zall Sage has a firm heart, and he will be the light to dispel the mist for him.


A new round of experiments has begun again, and crystals of spiritual attributes have come in. Of course, this is just a foreshadowing. From the last discovery, two crystals must be needed to go to the place where Shen Yuan exists.

The space crystal will definitely help him. There is turbulence in space. This is the result of all the scientists currently researching.

The space is mysterious and unpredictable, and he, only by making himself stronger and more stable, and finding the safest way, can he safely bring Shen Yuan back from a place he doesn't know.

The spirit crystal was caught by the drow saint, and the drow saint was very sensitive to energy. He knew that the spirit crystal could strengthen his spiritual power here.

After he went out, he really felt it.

The scope of the original mental power that can be involved has also become larger.

He can even stand at one point and "see" a wide range of things around him, which is undoubtedly a surprise.

There are a large number of spiritual crystals, and there are not many people who can truly temper a strong spiritual power.

As an admiral, everyone has their own different training methods.

He is the youngest general in history, relying on his strong perseverance and physical elements.

His original body is very powerful, but he is alone against an admiral, no doubt, if he really wants to win, it will definitely take a lot of effort, and it is very likely that both will lose.

For example, the generals of the Shen family, if one day, they really face each other because of their interests, first of all, regardless of the rights under his hands, first of all, by virtue of his strength, he will not be able to completely defeat the opponent.

Each of the five generals who guard the country has his own strength. In addition to his own strength, mental strength is also a magical thing.

When it becomes strong, it can crush people with its mind.

In terms of spiritual power, because he is the youngest, in fact, the original spiritual power is the weakest.

Therefore, he cherished Shen Yuan's appearance even more, and Shen Yuan brought him more and more surprises.

His Yuan'er is definitely destined to Vanves. With such a lady, he will not only feel comfortable in his heart, but his strength will also greatly increase.

His mental strength became stronger, and then he entered the mysterious vortex, he had a hunch that he could see Yuan'er.

In the 21st century, at Shen Yuan.

Because it is a soul, there is no obstacle to entering the mansion of others.

The person Xiang Tiannuan said was a long... a cute man.

The man's tender face at the moment is distressed.

Xiang Tian Nuan hadn't spoken yet, and when she saw this person, she was actually on the side and was very awkward.

She wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"What is this person's name?"

Therefore, she did not speak, only Shen Yuan asked.

"His name is Maureen."

"Oh, Maureen."

Shen Yuan chanted the name in silence, and suddenly thought of the same name in his mind.

That was also a man named Maureen, a very well-known contemporary entrepreneur. It is said that as long as it is his own business, no matter what the industry is, it is very prosperous.

Nowadays, since he is rarely exposed to the power of the 21st century business circle, it is not known how much money he has and what he looks like.

It is rumored that he may be one of the richest people in the world.

"His name is the same as the celebrity Maureen, and he seems to be a successful person."

Shen Yuan made a speech.

"You mentioned the famous Maureen, that's him. He is Maureen who is known as a gold bullion merchant, and many people like him. He is my childhood sweetheart, we grew up together, but, later, I am sorry for him."

Xiang Tian Nuan scratched his hair in distress, Gao Leng turned into sadness.

"My sister didn't say that he could help you, but if you said so, shouldn't you have enemies?"

"No, it's not like that, he..."

Xiang Tian Nuan hesitated.

"He told me that he liked me, but I hadn't considered him at all at the time, so I refused. In fact, he is very good, especially to me. It is...that is, I may...not like him... …his height……"

After that, Xiang Tian Nuan really felt ashamed of himself, so he covered his face, not daring to let Shen Yuan see it.

"his height?"

Shen Yuan looked over, and this Ma Lin's identity surprised him, but when he thought that this was the real Ma Lin, he felt as if he was too ordinary.

He has a baby face, looks cute, and he is tall...Shen Yuan measured it with his eyes.

"Um...probably... one meter... one meter five?"

Shen Yuan said hesitantly.

"No...no, he is only 1.4 meters!"

Reach out to Tian Nuan to seriously correct!

"He has a disease and his body has stopped growing. Although he is not tall, it can be said that he is very short and looks like a primary school student, but he is very powerful! He has a smart brain and is very gentle with people, except for his height. He is my male god!"


The space was suddenly quiet...

Xiang Tiannuan, does he...like others or... don't like them?

Shen Yuan was lost.

"Sir, sir has your call."

When they fell into a quiet state, the phone of Maureen's house rang.