The brilliant flame burns everything, the void distorts, and all things are dead.

Nine Phoenix sharp neigh, for fear that someone snatched the bead.

Between the heaven and the earth into the sea of fire, billow.

Ask Zen master FA, Yixiang, Yulin and other people to step back one after another. Their faces are pale, but the waves are hard to resist. Let alone Linghao who is near, it's like shouting: "be careful!"

"These flames can't hurt him at all!"

The essence of man's cultivation lies in the Yuanshen and the flesh body. If there are few of them, it is difficult to prove the way.

He has been practicing for thousands of years. In the ancient temple, he has been closed for hundreds of years. He is so diligent that he has entered the second heaven of daohuang. He knows that he dare not face Jiufeng so closely, but Linghao can. For a while, his mind is complicated.

Is it better to be a young man?

It's time to grow old!

Yulin said, "master, do you think he can win Xuanyuan pearl from Jiufeng?"

To this end, Yulin is envious. He doesn't want to see Linghao accept these treasures. You should know that these are left by the powerful people of the human race. Their value is incalculable, and they are at least a royal magic weapon.

He can't get it, and naturally doesn't want others to get it.


The reply was as if, seeing only as if his eyes were shining, he said: "his wife is waiting for him, and he is not an ordinary person."

Although we didn't see each other for a long time, we kept seeing each other. It seems that we also have a simple understanding of Ling Hao.

This person is by no means simple, full of the general atmosphere of fascination, as a friend, inexplicably born of admiration.

Nine Phoenix pounced, they present encirclement shape, Ling Hao sees this, the figure is like unreal, allow the flame to burn the body, but not move.

The domineering Zhenyuan tilts down, and the holy body of the gods and Demons unfolds. His flesh and bones are yellow in cash. With each punch, one of the nine phoenixes wails and retreats.

After a dozen breaths like this, Jiufeng is not in front, but unwilling to give up the beads, turning into a haze, and running towards the sky. In the blink of an eye, there is no trace.

Linghao murmured, "if I didn't save my beloved wife, how could I take you and other treasures?"

He would never be defeated by his strength.

With a wave of raising his hand, xuanyuanzhu reached his hand. He was slightly relieved. The purpose of this trip was achieved.

"Almsgiver is superior. I admire him." Ask the Dharma Master to come over and smile.

According to his words, Yulin said, "yes, nine ancient beasts are not rivals. You are so strong."

"They are just souls. If they are the essence, they are not rivals in my current cultivation." Linghao said lightly.

After listening to them, they were all stunned.

Is the fire just fake?

"The fire is real," he asked

"Yes, the flames are real, but this is not their essence."

Ling Hao continued: "the attack just now is not substantive, so they can't take the xuanyuanzhu before they leave."

He looked at the bead and saw that it was golden on the outside, but scarlet on the inside. There was pure light flowing on it and it was remarkable.

"Alas, it is this thing that caused the division of the teachers and apprentices in those days." Ask Zen master FA for a sigh at the moment. Ling Hao frowned after listening. He didn't know the secret. When he went to the starry sky, he just threw down the magic weapon of Kung Fu and let the people live by themselves. Many years later, when he came back to hear the news, some felt sorry for Xuanyuan's breaking. He thought to accept him as a disciple, but he didn't see him.

I think at that time, xuanyuanpo had already lived in the desert of Xiyin, where he spent his later years.

"Can you tell me something about that year, elder?"

Ling Hao smiled.

Asked Zen master FA for a moment, and said: "it seems that benefactor is very interested in these secret spices. Well, I will tell you about them."

Several people sat on the bluestone and listened to the words of the Dharma Master. They were like the forest, and their eyes showed their longing for ancient times.

It turns out that there are two disciples in xuanyuanpo, both of whom have unique skills of xuanyuanpo. According to the records of unofficial history, the name of the eldest apprentice is xuanyuan1, while the name of the second apprentice is xuanyuan2. This extremely simple name doomed their extraordinary lives.

At the end of ancient times, the demons were in charge, the human race was weak, and the great world of Taihao was in chaos. All the big races showed their tusks because of their selfish desires.

Xuanyuan breaks and is invincible. His birth in the sky makes the demons and Demons fall into a state of fear. With the formation of his Xuanyuan army, two disciples of the powerful become his right arm. It can be said that the gods block the killing gods and the Buddhas block the killing of Buddhas.

For a while, the demons were in panic.

At its strongest, Xuanyuan army has a million troops!

He holds the Xuanyuan sword and steps on the nine phoenixes. Where he passes, the people worship him. The demon family is frightened and the color of the demon family changes.

History says, the governance of Xuanyuan.

This achievement is second only to that of emperor Tai Hao, who suppressed all ethnic groups in the first year of Taigu.

It can be seen how dazzling those two disciples should be.

However, the hearts of the people were not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant. The two disciples felt that the wings were hard. They suddenly turned against each other when the twenty-four giant giant giant of the demon family dueled with Xuanyuan broken. For this reason, Xuanyuan broken was seriously injured. Xuanyuan sword was destroyed by the twenty-four giant giant, and his body was almost smoke and cloud.

He had been exhausted by years of war and endless killing.

In addition, the two disciples turned against each other. He was discouraged and left a million Xuanyuan army to go to the desert alone.