Volume 1 - CH 1.5

Chapter 1: When the secret was found out

Translated by 64990022

Chapter 1: When the secret was found out

Part 5

“Of course. I can’t keep a secret half-heartedly, not me. Troubles of love are not something to be taken lightly. And the Angel, that’s something I can’t compromise.”

It was her turn to be silent.

I don’t expect her to understand my commitment to be the Angel.

Understand or not, my answer to her plea remains the same.

“Be assured. Do whatever you want, I won’t tell your secret. I’m going to prepare for the shut-in, bye.”

She remained silent.

“And don’t go around blackmailing others, okay? It’s effective, but so is its risk. And that… that Falling-in-love Peculiarity? Hope you get well soon.” With a heave, I stood up.

Perhaps it was because I could finally get over this, my tension began to dissipate. It was a nice feeling when you could finally decide on what to do.

[TN: I’m sorry for this interruption, but please read at Travis translations to support me, the translator. Other sites are aggressor sites]

At any rate, I should go home then review my Angel consultation schedule…



Her sharp voice made me turn back.

Yuzuki casted her eyes downward, her lowered hands clasped tightly.

The rippling, glistening surface of the lake, the swaying trees, the setting sun. In front of it all, she looked more an angel than I could ever be.

I guess I am a disgrace to my alias.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry that it seemed like a threat. I didn’t mean it. I just… I just really want your help.”

“Enough with that…” Don’t say in that quivering voice of yours.

“I understand that it’s not your speciality. I understand that it goes against your principles… But I have no one else…”

She walked over, then slowly looked up.

I could see my pitiful, troubled face inside her tear-stained eyes.

Hey, hey, don’t give in. You’re the Angel of Kuze High, remember?

“No, but…”

“Akashi-kun, look at me?”

Yuzuki suddenly took my right hand. Her hand that touched mine was soft yet terribly cold. She pulled my hand towards her face, then brought it to her cheek.

I was taken by surprise. I could only watch as the scene in front of me unfold.

My power activates.

“Ha? Hey!”

But I had already braced myself for the impact, so it wasn’t as bad as the first time.

But what happened was the same. Faces flickered in and out, in a moment, it was over.

“How many did you see?” she laughed painfully, “don’t you despise me? Do you think I can tell my friends about this?” Her voice rose into a shrill, her face a mess of tears.

She wasn’t asking me. It was Yuzuki that despised herself.

There’s nothing wrong with being in love with multiple people. But she sure has too many of them.

She hate that, she hate herself, more than anything, that’s why she–

“I want to be cured. I’ll do anything. So, please,” she sobbed. Tears flowed down, then stopped as it reached my hand. 

The way she held herself, even though crying, she looked strong.

“I said no blackmail, but tears are just as foul…” Moreover, tears of a beauty like her…

Troubles of love are not something to be taken lightly, I said that… myself?

…Hahh. What a stupid Angel. Damn.

“Got it.”

“R-really?” Her eyes flew wide.

“Yeah. You’re a special case, really,” I sighed

Yuzuki wrapped her hands around mine. Then lowered her head to her hand, as if praying, her damp breath moisturizing our clasped hands.

“I can’t promise anything though. It’s still not my expertise. No slightest experience in that area, even. Are you understood?”

“Um, yep. I understand. Got it,” she sputtered.

“But I ‘ll do anything in my power. And the ‘I’ll do anything’ earlier, don’t forget that,” I reminded her.

“Yep, yes! Of course. Thank you… really.” Relief swept over her.

Now that I have taken on this, I’ll just have to do whatever I can.

Just so you know, I wasn’t baited by a beautiful girl’s “I’ll do anything”, just so you know.

Well, I wasn’t baited by that, but I’m gonna use it anyway

“Well, the first of that ‘anything’, here’s my first instruction.”


“You said that yourself. Going to break your promise right off the bat?”

“G-got it… So what do you want me to do?” said Yuzuki anxiously, her cheeks flushed red. Her arms crossed as if hugging herself as she watched me. Her tear-stained eyes were incredibly amorous.

And with that expression that seemed to say, “I’m ready,” stop it, will you? 

Don’t be so suggestive. Don’t do that to high school boys, please.

“Ah, but… Let’s go somewhere inconspicuous… Here is…yeah?” she stammered.

“What are you thinking, idiot. I was talking about the Angel’s identity and my power. Those are to remain a secret. That’s all.”

“Ah. Yup… got it.”

Good grief.  I can’t wait to see where this goes.