“Let’s have free time from here on.”

After arriving at the main square, we decided to have some free time based on Lulsiera’s suggestion.

Naturally, I wanted to separate myself from this group of attractive men and women and explore on my own.







Somehow, Lofia had attached herself to my arm as usual.


“What’s wrong, Kuro-chan?”

“Why are you clinging to my arm?”



“Because I’m your big sister, Kuro-chan.”

Even if she says it with such a beaming smile. Lofia and I aren’t blood related, so it doesn’t make sense as a reason.

“It’s free time, right?”


“I want to do things on my own.”

“Do you remember, Kuro-chan?”

“Huh? I was ignored. What are you talking about?”

“I remember you saying that you would listen to everything Big Sister said.”

“Yeah, I don’t remember.”

“You do remember, right?”

“I’m lying; I remember.”

With a huge smile and a dark aura approaching, I couldn’t help but respond immediately.

“That… I will use that right to go on a date with Kuro-chan, just the two of us!”

“What a waste.”

Wasn’t there a better way to use it? I don’t understand what difference it would make to go on a date with someone as unattractive as me, but to prevent any further complications, I decided to follow the instructions.

We were discussing whether to stop by a shop when it happened.


“Oh, it’s you.”

The one who appeared was the weak-looking succubus who gave me the paper.

You can play dumb again, but it’s so obvious when you’re trying to make it so obvious.

“This is for you.”

This time she was trying to hand me a drink, but…

“Tenjin, the Celestial Sword!”

Before it could reach my hand, the sword summoned by Lofia slashed through it.

Tenjin, the Celestial Sword

This weapon, said to possess such immense destructive power that it can cleave the seas in a single strike, originates from Japanese mythology. It is actually a sword, but I find it more stylish to pronounce it as “katana,” like me.

In addition to this sword, Lofia also possesses the Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi and the Futsumitama-no-Mikoto, known as the Three Sacred Swords of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. Of course, I’m the one who made them.


The drink in her hand was suddenly sliced, causing the seemingly weak succubus to let out a scream.

“Hey, I bet you’ve tampered with it, haven’t you?”

Lofia, with a serious expression, pressed the blade against the vulnerable succubus’s neck.

“Lofia, Lofia. Remember, we’re in public, so try not to brandish your sword recklessly.”

“What on earth are you thinking? What do you intend to do with Kuro? Hey, Kuro may be kind-hearted, but there are things that are good and bad, right? What do you want to do with Kuro? And what will you do then? If anything happens to Kuro, I won’t forgive you. Kuro, Kuro…”

No matter what I say, it doesn’t reach her ears.

Oh well, I guess I’ll use that method…

“I like Lofia.”

“And if it’s Kuro-chan—um, yeah, big sister likes you too.”

Their switch in attitude is so sudden. Only the members of this guild would be happy to hear someone say they like them. This guild is really strange.

“Lofia, put away your sword and behave quietly because I’m going to talk.”

“Got it. *hugs*”

So, why are you sticking to my arm?

“You’re the one who gave me this paper earlier, right?”

“Eh, ah…”

“Are you targeting me, a guy, after all?”

“I-I wouldn’t—”

“I had my suspicions ever since you handed me this paper. I sensed a trace of magic in it, so I thought there was something hidden.

Before I could finish saying that, another succubus, with a fierce expression, attacked us with a scythe.

“Tenjinchu, the Sword of Heavenly Power!”

The scythe, about to strike us, was swiftly sliced in half by Lofia’s sword.


The succubus was astonished to see her scythe split in two.

“Darn it. Even if it’s just the guy…”

“I don’t mind leaving a few scratches on you!”

This time, two succubi, wielding scythes taller than themselves, swung them down towards me from behind.

“Black Sword, Sword of Black Flames!”

I evaded their slow-motion-like movements with minimal effort and swung my sword, aiming at their scythes.


“That… can’t be…!”

My sword effortlessly split their scythes in half.

“Is this what they call a Succubus Fest?”

Does Succubus Fest refer to being surrounded and attacked by succubi? It’s definitely not something to be happy about.

Succubi continued to gather around me and Lofia, forming a circle. Just a quick glance revealed that there were at least twenty of them.

“Oh, what’s going on?”

“Awesome! Do your best!”

The tourists, despite the fact that the succubi are wielding terrifying scythe-like weapons, seem to mistake it for some kind of show and remain calm. Perhaps they were informed in advance that such things could happen.

It appears that they are targeting us—specifically targeting me as a male.

“Anyone who lays a hand on Kuro-chan is unforgivable. I’ll take this a bit more seriously.”

Lofia’s tone changed.

Once the battle begins, she transitions from that carefree state to a cool and composed demeanor. I call it her “Swordsman Mode.”

“Attack all at once!”

“Here they come!”

I effortlessly sliced through the scythes swung by the attacking succubi, shattered their weapons into two, struck them in the abdomen to make them faint, and scattered them without causing lethal harm.

However, in my focus on protecting the succubi and the tourists before me, I was slow to realize that the succubi were activating magic.

“———Random Move!”

A succubus holding a staff chanted those words from a distance.

A magical circle-like formation appeared at our feet, Ally and Lulsiera.

“Teleportation magic…”

Teleportation magic typically allows one to move to a specific location, but the one cast now was “random.” It meant we wouldn’t know where we would end up.

It was likely a last resort.

Once you entered the magic circle, there was no escape. However, a part of your body could be extended outside.

“Here you go.”


I took the hand of that seemingly fragile Succubus and led her into the magic circle. And then we were engulfed in a dazzling light.