“Movement Detected.”

Fel reports while touching the earring attached to her ear. This earring is a magical item called “Denwa,” created by Kuro, which allows communication with someone far away.

“I’ll request information gathering from your end. And please take care of Yuma for me.”


Fel ends the call with her conversation partner, Lulsiera, and turns her attention to Yuma and Alisha, who are accompanying her.

“I can’t find Nii-nii…”

Yuma grips her clothes, tears welling up in her eyes. She looks around restlessly, unable to find peace.

“Mm, Yuma won’t cry.”

Alisha gently strokes Yuma’s head. However, she herself also appears somewhat saddened.

(Should Ally tell Yuma-sama about the current situation…)

It was at that moment when Fel was pondering.

“— If you want it back, then fight me,” the voice echoed through the crowd. Among the bustling crowd, only Fel could catch that voice.

“Is that so? —Gleipnir,” Fel swiftly identified the source of the voice and unleashed his chains in that direction. However, they were easily evaded.

“Indeed, you can dodge them. You’re an interesting one, manipulating chains.” 

Amidst the sudden brawl, the spectators of the festival let out murmurs of surprise and quickly made way.

Standing in the cleared path was a succubus wielding a large scythe.

“I am Ichi. I’ll be your opponent,” she declared.

“So, it was your doing that the two of them disappeared, after all.”

“Ah, the masked boy and the female swordsman, right?”

“There’s no doubt that you’re the ones who abducted them. Please return our leader and comrades.”

“Our leader? You mean the masked one?” 


“Is that your boss? Hahaha, it’s laughable that such a pathetic person is your leader,” Ichi laughed, holding her stomach. Fel and Alisha frowned upon seeing her reaction.

“How dare you disrespect Master Kuro…” 

“Master, she insulted him.”

Amidst the angry words, one person had a different reaction.

“Nii-nii, I don’t like people who make fun of others…”

With tears in her eyes and clutching her clothes tightly, Yuma spoke. Upon seeing her, Fel and Alisha lowered their weapons and remained on guard.

“What are you blabbering about, kid?” 

“Nii-nii, where is he…?”

“Well? Where could he be? Maybe he’s already dead by now. Hahaha!”


In response to Ichii’s boisterous laughter, Yuma conjured her axe.


A weapon said to be wielded by Zeus, the supreme deity of Greek mythology, representing his omniscience and omnipotence. It has been remodeled into an axe. It is also known as the “Zeus’s Thunderbolt” and is said to possess the power of lightning capable of instantly dissolving and incinerating the world.

“Big sis, I don’t want him to disappear… Give him back…”


“Nii-nii, give him back…!!”

Yuma pleaded with tearful eyes, her voice filled with emotion.

Suddenly, vibrations occurred, and a crackling electricity ran through the air, catching Ichii’s attention.


As if resonating with Yuma’s emotions, the situation began to change. Just as Yuma started crying, the ground beneath her feet suddenly sank in with a squelching sound.

Not only that, but now the ground began to shake, giving the sensation of an earthquake taking place.

“What the heck is going on, you brat?!”

Ichii took a step back, remaining cautious.

Just as Yuma was about to swing her axe in her emotional state…


Fell wrapped Yuma’s body with her chains and pulled her towards herself.

“Please calm down, Yuma-sama…!”

“Ugh… Fuu… Fell-chan…”

Sensing Yuma’s power going out of control, Fell hurriedly embraced her, trying to calm her down. Perhaps because the axe was withdrawn, the earlier vibrations subsided.

“Excuse me, Lady Alisha. May I take charge for a moment?”

“Mm, understood. I’ll repay them for making Yuma cry.”

With that response, Alisha stepped forward.

“————Meteor Fire.”

Snapping her fingers and chanting, numerous fireballs appeared, and she directed them not towards the succubus, but towards the spectators.


“W-What’s happening?!”

The fireballs rained down towards the spectators one after another. However, whether it was due to control or sheer luck, they narrowly avoided hitting anyone.

Nevertheless, panic ensued around them. People screamed and fled in a frenzy, and in no time, there was no one left around them.

“With no more nuisances, let’s fight fair and square.”

“Tch, our hard-earned prey… Well, it doesn’t matter. You can’t leave this country anyway.”

Ichigo warily watched Alisha and readied her scythe.

Meanwhile, Alisha seemed to remember something and turned to Fel, who was behind her.

“Hmm, Fel. Which one should I use, ‘Uas’ or ‘Circe’?”

“It wouldn’t be wise to use ‘Circe’ here. Let’s go with ‘Uas’.”

“Okay, got it. – Uas.”

As she chanted the words, a staff appeared in her hand.


This weapon, passed down from ancient Egypt, is considered a symbol of domination. It is also used as a symbol to control the power of chaos, encompassing the meaning of “strength.”

“Don’t think you can defeat me with just a mere staff!”

Ichi closed the distance and swung her scythe towards Alisha, but…



(TL/N: “Boa” is used here to represent a spell or attack.)

That blade never reached Alisha, and Ichigo was engulfed in an explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Ichigo’s face bore severe burns.

“Approaching is impossible.”

Alisha twirled her staff and took a step forward.

“This staff is amazing. Master made it. It doubles the power. It’s a basic spell.”

She cradled the staff lovingly, looking down at Ichigo, who was crawling on the ground, clutching her face.

“In that case…”

Ichi averted her gaze.

As if it were a signal, several succubi appeared from various directions and attacked Fel, who was holding Yuma in her arms.

“…Hah. Even if one of my hands is occupied, you won’t be able to defeat me.”

Fel summoned multiple chains that moved like living creatures, deflecting the attacks one after another.


Clutching their fists, the chains wrapped around the bodies of the succubi, immobilizing their movements.

“What the hell are you all…?”

Blood drained from every inch of their body, and cold sweat trickled down their back.

In the face of overwhelming power, Ich’s expression was filled with fear.

And it wasn’t just her. The succubi who had come to support them were also restrained by Fel’s chains, dropping their scythes to the ground, their faces filled with shock.

“We serve under the strongest master in the world.”

“Do you still have the audacity to talk back? Then…”

As the words were interrupted, Fel held out their hand in front of Ichi.

“Well, it’s time for a fun little interrogation session.”

Fel smiled slyly and clenched their fist.