CH 120

Name:Apocalypse Forecast Author:
Huai Shi was counting his belongings.

There was still half an hour before dinner, and he needed to figure out what kind of state he was in and what he had with him.

One coat, a replaceable leather armor lining, a change of pants and shirt, a book called "The Holy Scriptures" written by the Holy Spirit lineage, a wanderer's coin, 345 Lira copper coins, which could be exchanged for 30 silver coins.

These were all miscellaneous items.

Then there was a set of small alchemical equipment, a box filled with green solidified grease, with 14 throwing knives that could be thrown at any time, which didn't seem to be a good thing.

A hand crossbow that could be installed on the inside of the arm, which couldn't be seen when wearing an outer garment. Two daggers engraved with holy words, a short knife that could be tied to the calf... these were just counted.

There were about sixteen test tubes filled with crimson liquid. Huai Shi tried to open one and smelled it. He felt a significant decrease in the thirst between his lungs, even feeling refreshed.

But he was filled with desire for the liquid in the test tube.

Alchemy concentrated blood plasma.

In addition to being a daily consumable, it could also be said to be a silver blood potion specifically for vampires.

As long as there was enough blood, he could quickly recover from injuries. When necessary, he could also use the two tubes of blood with silver markings - the plasma mixed with cool silver nitrate and ancient mycelium to create a powerful stimulant.

In addition, Huai Shi finally noticed the sixteen small bottles. When he opened one and smelled it, he found that they contained different types of sword oil, each with a different label - all of them were marks of various dark creatures.

In other words, these were all highly toxic substances created specifically for various monsters.

It could only be said that Fan Haixin's business was extremely skilled and professional.

Search for the original.

And the most important thing that Huai Shi checked was the hand axe with a style that he was extremely familiar with.

Even the weight and feel were exactly the same.

The purification runes on it made up for the lack of source material damage, making it a rare weapon that was not inferior to border relics.

The only drawback was that it was not very convenient to take and carry, but at least Huai Shi could hide it in his own instrument case.

If only he could take it out at any time like the Axe of Fury.

After entering the instance, his soul ability disappeared... it was understandable. Soul ability represented the essence of every sublimator. If KP could retain Fan Haixin's holy mark while giving him soul ability, wouldn't that mean he could become a sublimator at any time?

And this might not be a bad thing.

Huai Shi had already entered the mindset of a second-tier sublimator: after all, he was only first-tier, and even if he had it, its effect would be limited... and if he couldn't use it, others definitely couldn't either.

Everyone was on the same level... probably.

It's just that he didn't know the identities of the others and what holy marks they were given. Huai Shi had already started to familiarize himself with the vampire's holy mark.

Fortunately, vampires, like specters, followed an agile route, relying on speed and reflexes for high-speed attacks... if there was a support or heavy defense type, Huai Shi would be completely at a loss.

Fan Haixin's experience with weapons and holy marks seemed to have been retained along with the command that was almost engraved in his soul. After Huai Shi moved a bit, he miraculously mastered the speed and reflexes that far exceeded his previous limits.

Now he could silently jump around in the narrow cabin.

Not only the bed, deck, walls, and table, but even the back of the chair, he could use them as leverage. His weight seemed to disappear, turning into a shadow, quickly bouncing around the room, leaving only blurry traces.

What was even more surprising was that such high-speed movement didn't even create a gust of wind.

As Huai Shi waved his hand, several cold lights flew out from his hands and cuffs, silently entering the table without making any sound.

Huai Shi looked at his masterpiece in astonishment, shocked by his performance just now.

A complete assassin type... Fan Haixin must have put in a lot of effort to hone this skill.

But if he thought about it carefully, it wasn't difficult to understand where this guy's fanaticism for this mission came from... just like the former Red Glove, this guy was completely a tool created by the sect.

Creating dark creatures to eliminate dark creatures, cultivating executioners for the purpose of killing... all under the guise of righteousness.

Since Fan Haixin started learning to read and write in the Holy Hall, his teacher had told him: everyone has original sin, and some people have deep sins, like you and me.

Only devotion is the path to salvation.

Only by taking action for this devotion can the world become better and better.

Only by making greater sacrifices can this original sin be forgiven.

In the lineage of the Holy Spirit sect, there is a dark side belonging to this original sin.Even if they were all 'believers' in the first stage, they would start to go their separate ways in the second stage. By swallowing the golden apple given by the paradise, they would switch to another path of sublimation and transform into the impure ones, and then be specially trained as executioners and vampires.

Until the church considers your sins redeemed, they will bestow upon you the advanced holy artifact and grant you salvation.

In Fan Haixin's memory, the superior holy mark of the vampire turned out to be the Archangel...

It seems that the Holy Spirit lineage is very profound.

No wonder it was once the dominant lineage in the entire Western world. If it hadn't split, it would probably still be the most deserving first lineage.

While lost in thought and organizing items, time flew by quickly.

When the bell finally rang, Huai Shi, who had dressed up as a cellist, walked out of the room again, coincidentally meeting Lao Xiao, Lei Feizhou, Yue Jun, and a few others.

But Nie Heng and Clement were nowhere to be seen.

Did that guy leave early?

After knocking on the door a few times with no response, more and more people appeared in the corridor. Several people exchanged glances tacitly, and Lao Xiao took the lead and said, "Let's go to the restaurant. It seems that the restaurant is where the characters will appear. There may be some important plot developments."

Huai Shi still pretended to be controlled by Ai Qing, following the instructions transmitted by Ai Qing in his mind, and followed behind without any chance to make jokes or cause trouble.

Why does it feel so lost...

As they moved forward, more and more passengers appeared, but they carried a heavy atmosphere. Although they mostly appeared calm, one could vaguely sense a trace of sorrow or panic like a frightened bird.

Until they reached the restaurant, this abnormal feeling became more and more apparent.

Huai Shi couldn't help but frown.

As far as the eye could see, there were no smiles on any faces, or perhaps only a layer of polite false smiles. Most of them were filled with worry and concern, while others had an anxious and fierce look, making people reluctant to approach.

The entire restaurant was immersed in a gloomy atmosphere.

It seemed like a storm was about to come.

Even if there were occasional conversations, everyone was trying their best to lower their voices, as if afraid of being overheard.

"Why is everyone so downcast?"

Huai Shi was surprised and almost couldn't hold back his usual silly smile... It wouldn't be a big deal if it only disrupted the atmosphere, but when everyone was burdened with worries, being the only happy one might attract a circle of hatred.

"Don't you pay attention to your character card background?" He heard Ai Qing's reminder, "And Lao Xiao's and their identities..."

A destitute cellist who lost his sponsor, a worker who lost his job, a bodyguard with a bad reputation in the industry who couldn't find an employer...

It seemed that the public identities of everyone didn't seem to be the type of thriving individuals. Instead, they were one after another unlucky and tragic. Even if they had the opportunity to go to a new continent, who could say for sure what was waiting for them in that unknown world?

Therefore, it was only natural to put on a gloomy face.

But these people...

"This explains one thing." Ai Qing said indifferently, "It's not just us who received mysterious letters. It's possible that... everyone on this ship was invited by various mysterious letters."

Huai Shi took a cold breath.

Just as he was looking around, he suddenly heard a sharp and old voice.

"How many times do I have to say it for you to listen? It was stolen! My precious, it was stolen!" An old woman in despair grabbed a crew member and shouted sharply, "The person who stole my sweetheart must be hiding among this group of country bumpkins! Definitely!"

This old woman was obviously different from the other passengers. She was dressed luxuriously, and her hands and neck were adorned with precious jewelry. When she spoke, she exuded an air of superiority, indicating that her identity was extraordinary.

"Relax, my sister."

An old man beside her advised hoarsely. He was sitting in a wheelchair, as if he was too old to move, and his tone of voice was weak, "Maybe Bobby just went out to play temporarily. No one here would steal your pet."

"Shut up, you useless old man! If it weren't for you being sick in the head and wanting to go out, how could Bobby have gone missing..."

Being humiliated in public by her own sister like this, the old man seemed to have become accustomed to it, just sighing tiredly. He opened his mouth to say something but started coughing violently, almost coughing up his lungs.

Trembling, he took out a small pill box from his pocket and swallowed a few pills, struggling to catch his breath.

"You useless sickly man! You're of no use at all! All you do is eat! If it weren't for you, my Bobby... wuwuwu..."

The old woman, whose face was covered in age spots, became more and more excited as she spoke, crying and leaning on the shoulder of a young man beside her, "What should I do, my dear? You must help me, my Bobby... my Bobby..."Beside her, a handsome young man was gently patting the old man's shoulder, whispering words of comfort to the heartbroken elder. Huai Shi and his companions were left dumbfounded.

Ni Heng?!