CH 127

Name:Apocalypse Forecast Author:
Baba Yaga, also known as Yaga Granny.

If there is anyone who can represent the term "witch," it would be her. Since her birth, countless terrifying legends have circulated among the whispers of fear of the Slavic people.

She is the witch who resides in the chicken-legged house, the creator of black magic potions... the eternal nightmare in the frozen wasteland and the forest.

Koshchey, the immortal, the wizard, the shapeshifter... even the spokesperson of evil who can be written into the source of Slavic mythology. He also inherits the blood of gods and has been famous for hundreds of years. It can be said that he is the epitome of the role of "demon king." Even now, there is still a place in Russia called Koshcheykovo.

But what is more terrifying than his infamous reputation is his incredible vitality...

It is said that he hides his soul in a needle, then hides the needle in a duck egg, and hides the duck egg in the belly of a hare, and so on, until everything is sealed on an oak tree in the endless ocean... Those who cannot find his soul cannot truly kill him.

Perhaps the rumors are exaggerated, but it is known that he became famous seven hundred years ago!

Seven hundred years!

More than twenty generations have passed, witnessing the rise and fall of countless dynasties, the changes of the world.

Nowadays, countless people of the same era have already decayed, but he is still alive and well. He can even eat oatmeal porridge and take a boat. He can go out for a walk when he has nothing to do.

As for the pharaoh and the sphinx, it goes without saying. If they are real, one is a true descendant of noble blood, and the other is a notorious monster...

It's just unclear which pharaoh it is and whether he has been stripped of his title and still retains some power... And how many generations has the sphinx gone through?

But even the weakest pharaoh is not someone Huai Shi can provoke.

He originally thought it was just a muddy place that suddenly turned into a dangerous situation. Now, four crocodiles have appeared out of nowhere, leaving Huai Shi, a newbie, at a loss. Everyone else is also in shock, dumbfounded.

Only after the big shots have left, everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

On the small boat, why are there so many big shots gathered... Everyone suddenly feels immense pressure.

And Huai Shi feels even more pressure because he knows that there is a hidden boss, Paracelsus, on the boat who can create philosopher's stones, and he has to find a way to kill him.

Damn, is this game really meant for humans to play?

If he's lucky, Paracelsus may not have the philosopher's stone at hand, but if his luck is not so good... it is likely that in his plan, everyone will become philosopher's stones.

Even a fool can see that if such an advanced thing can be artificially created, the materials required must be valuable. The philosopher's stone itself is the embodiment of miracles in the human world. What could be more suitable than these holy marks composed of countless miracles?

"It seems that the order on the ship can be maintained for now."

Old Xiao wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at Lei Feizhou and Huai Shi. "The first thing we need to do is to explore the entire ship."

Lei Feizhou asked, "What about Yin Yan?"

"Yin Yan has already hooked up with Baba Yaga, right? Let him improve his favorability..." Old Xiao suggested, "If possible, everyone should try to wander around Koshchey and the pharaoh's side to see if they can find any clues."

Forget it...

Huai Shi's face turned green.

Although Koshchey looks silly sitting in a wheelchair, it is still uncertain whether he is senile or not. As for the cat holder... he doesn't seem like someone easy to talk to.

That kind of indifferent gaze, completely disregarding others, shows that he doesn't care about these people at all. It's fine if he gets rejected when trying to strike up a conversation, but if he gets annoyed and releases a cat, who can handle it!

Whoever wants to go, let them go. He won't go!

He completely disregarded his seemingly highest charm value and charm skills. Today, Huai Shi is just idling around...

Seeing that Huai Shi refused to use charm and refused to die, Lei Feizhou seemed to snort coldly, feeling unhappy.

"But you can try to seduce that old woman."

Ai Qing sincerely suggested, "I think you will definitely succeed!"

No way!

Huai Shi recalled the layers of wrinkles on Baba Yaga's face and couldn't help but shudder.

In the end, the discussion among everyone came to nothing, and they could only temporarily decide to explore separately, and then gather in Old Xiao's room for a meeting when it was almost dinner time to see if they could find any clues.

In the current chaotic situation, there is really no place to start.

But as Huai Shi walked through the corridor, he noticed... that the things left behind by the crew on the ground seemed to have been touched by someone.

Except for the uniforms remaining in place, the ashes have disappeared.

They have been taken away.

"This proves that Paracelsus has taken action, right?"

Huai Shi suddenly felt a headache.

He miscalculated.

Although artificial humans consume a certain amount of source material during production, the materials can actually be recycled and reused. In other words, after one batch dies, the ashes can be collected and poured into a culture dish, boiled and soaked, and soon a new batch can grow.

More convenient than chives.

Moreover, with the sudden arrival of the dark night, shrouding the entire sea, it is uncertain when it will light up again... In other words, the endurance time of artificial humans has been greatly extended.

"I have a bad feeling about the situation."

Huai Shi sighed, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He smelled the scent of blood.

Coming from the direction of the entrance to the hold.Vampires are innately sensitive to the smell of blood, even more so than a dog's nose... especially this kind of precious plasma with a different kind of breath.

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Right under the stairs.

So, did Yue Jun break two of the three prohibitions on the ship last night? No, maybe he broke all three.

"The three prohibitions only apply from last night to six o'clock this morning, that is, the moment when the sun sets and the night comes again." Ai Qing said, "There should be no danger below now, if you are not at ease, I can help you sneak in."

Huai Shi stood in the shadows, and instantly felt as if his body had become transparent.

As if he had become a ghost again.

It seems that Ai Qing's stealth judgment has taken effect.

After checking his equipment again, he carefully stepped into the darkness of the lower hold.

Unexpectedly, there was no hideous demon nest below.

Even the sound of water often heard at the bottom of the cruise ship was absent, and in the silence, only the low rumble from the engine room could be heard. At the entrance, Huai Shi saw several dirty footprints, as if someone had already been in and out, and there was no blood, and probably no parts were missing.

Huai Shi felt much more at ease.

When passing by the engine room, the boiler room, and the electrical control room, Huai Shi still went in to take a look, but it seemed that the disappearance of the crew did not affect the operation of the cruise ship.

Everything was as usual.

As if it was being maintained by invisible hands.

Walking in it was like passing through countless invisible souls, feeling chilling.

Huai Shi let out a sigh of relief after closing the door, no matter what the principle, as long as the ship can move... He is naturally immune to such haunted phenomena, joking, what hasn't he seen growing up in the Stone Marrow Pavilion, you guys, it's just a drizzle...

Not long after, he followed the smell of blood and found a body.

Or Yue Jun's body.

There was no hiding or covering up, just like sunbathing on the beach, lying at the end of the corridor, with black blood flowing all over the place, and a foul smell.

Even though he had only been dead for one night, it seemed as if he had been abandoned for many days, and the rotting bones were about to be exposed.

The bloated body was full of maggots.

Undoubtedly, he was killed.

The headless knight representing death fell into death, and the headless knight also lost his own head when he died.

The headless corpse exposed the white bones in the stench, and traces of being searched could still be vaguely seen. Huai Shi pinched his nose and squatted down, enduring the nausea and dizziness from his heart, and looked carefully.

Then, of course, he didn't see anything.

He is not a forensic doctor, nor has he learned any autopsy skills, and Van Helsing would not know how to extract evidence from a corpse. The only thing he could see was that Yue Jun was really dead.

It's almost rotten.

"Can you see anything?" Huai Shi asked.

"Wait a moment, you look at the surroundings." Ai Qing commanded, and then a faint sound of dice, the dim bottom of the ship seemed to light up instantly, and all the scenes were vivid.

Including the mosquitoes that started to fly.

"He was killed."

After a brief thought, Ai Qing made a simple and clear judgment that had no meaning, and then added: "He was killed twice by different people."


"You'll know when you look behind."

Ai Qing guided Huai Shi to look at the place in the middle of the corridor where the blood had just appeared, all the way to the current position of Yue Jun's corpse.

"The Holy Mark of the Headless Knight does not mean that the Sublimator has no head, but after modification and correction, the life system of oneself is transformed in advance, and the thinking function is transferred to the soul and stored in the shell. This reduces the importance of the brain and skull, and even if they are lost, they will not die."

"In other words, even if the head is lost, it can survive for a long time, and it's no big deal to just connect another one." Ai Qing said: "When he reached the middle of the corridor, he was attacked, someone was hiding in the corner, and cut off his head, cleanly... Then Yue Jun was scared and wanted to run forward, but he didn't expect that there was another person in front, who simply and neatly killed him completely."

Two people, twice.

There were no traces of struggle.

Huai Shi felt a headache, but immediately, Ai Qing provided another worse guess: "Or after he was attacked, he ran forward because there was a person he knew in front."

Then, he died at the hands of his comrades.

Huai Shi took a deep breath.

—There's a mole, terminate the deal!

At this moment, Huai Shi heard the sound of dice constantly ringing.