CH 144

Name:Apocalypse Forecast Author:

KP exclaimed and applauded without reservation, showing his appreciation: "You are an excellent investigator, Miss Ai!"

Congratulations on solving the hidden puzzle in this module - the death of Paracelsus!"

He paused for a moment and smiled mysteriously: "If you can complete the secret mission, I will give you an additional reward after clearing the module. Trust me, it is definitely not inferior to a fragment of the philosopher's stone."

However, Ai Qing did not feel the slightest joy about this.

Because this was the task that Abraham Van Helsing could not escape.

- Completely kill this miracle!

In silence, Huai Shi stared at the ceiling blankly for a long time, then looked at Lily's back as she operated the alchemy equipment, and suddenly said softly, "It would have been better if I had discovered it earlier."

Ai Qing sneered at his weakness, "Would it make you feel better if you acted earlier?"

"I don't know, at least I can deceive myself - those who board this ship deserve their fate."

"You can deceive yourself now too. This is just a game, a piece of history. No matter what you do, there will be no record of it."


Huai Shi closed his eyes.

This was just a record, a record of the past. It couldn't even be considered a real event, just a game constructed with fragments of the philosopher's stone.

Just like what he had done in the records.

He should have already gotten used to it.

Just pull the trigger.

Don't care whether the person in front is an old man or a child, they are already dead and have nothing to do with you... This is just a game, but you can still grow.

How wonderful.

But when Huai Shi looked at Lily's back, he didn't know what to do.

She was facing away from him.


She was adjusting the proportions of the medicine in the crucible with full concentration, as if she were humming a song from somewhere in her throat, just like she was in her own home.

Huai Shi could almost be certain that this was not an illusion like a doppelganger, but the real person.

He didn't even need an axe.

Just pull out the throwing knife that was within reach, and everything would be over.

His fingers moved.

Finally, they weakly retracted.

"I can't do it, Ai Qing."

Huai Shi sighed in frustration, and wearily lowered his eyes. "If I kill her, I'm afraid I will become the kind of person I hate the most."

If he killed Lily here, what would be the difference between him and the instructor who slaughtered an entire village for trivial reasons?

Where would he put his anger and sadness towards his past self?

We are "pawread dot com", find us on google.

Kill his past self?

Perhaps Ai Qing would tell him that this was growth.

The so-called growth was to deny his past self.

Huai Shi never minded denying himself.

But he couldn't imagine how to face Lily lying in a pool of blood.

Would her pure eyes regret trusting him in the end? Anger? Sadness? Or would it be a calm acceptance of everything?

"What would you do in my place, Ai Qing?"

"I would probably hesitate, just like you." Ai Qing calmly replied, "But in the end, I think I would kill her... I want to save myself. No matter what happens, I want to survive."

"... " Huai Shi fell silent.

"Do you want me to give you an order, Huai Shi?"

Ai Qing asked, "Just like ordering you to spare Qi Yuan's life, I can order you to kill her - if you want, I can do that. After all, that's the kind of relationship we have. You are responsible for the action, and I can handle the rest.

That's what a supervisor is for. You don't have to worry about anything."

Huai Shi didn't speak anymore.

"Well then, Huai Shi, I order you."

Ai Qing's voice became cruel, "Complete your mission and kill Lily."


Huai Shi instinctively opened his mouth, but in that instant, he finally realized.

"Look, only when the coin falls, will you know which side you want."

Ai Qing sighed and lowered her eyes, "From now on, I won't give you any more orders, Huai Shi. You have to make your own decisions and face the consequences."

"But is this really okay?"

Across the table, KP smiled and asked, "He doesn't even know that this decision is related to your life."

"No, I should say that you have been confusing him from the beginning."

Ai Qing looked up at him, "Even if he doesn't complete his mission, as long as he can set foot on the new continent, it means he has cleared the module.

To stay alive, it is not necessary to kill Lily."

"It does sound like that. I don't deny your speculation." KP shrugged, "Unfortunately, I thought you would be more decisive, more resolute... more like the person I saw in the files.""People always change, don't they?"

Ai Qing coldly retorted, "Moreover, your goal is to make me force him to kill Lily, isn't it, KP?"


KP remained silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Indeed."

"I didn't see fairness in your game, at least not the fairness mentioned in your rule book."

"Ah, you need to understand that, just like 'justice'," KP smiled ambiguously, "it sometimes arrives late, but occasionally... it is absent."

"But not this time." Ai Qing stared at him, firmly telling him, "Wherever I am, it will never be absent."

"I look forward to it."

KP smiled.

And rolled the dice.

The game continued.



Lily's medicine was effective.

At least, the large amount of sedatives in it was effective.

Now Huai Shi could barely restrain the killing intent surging in his heart and engage in some weak activities, like a patient who had been bedridden for a long time taking a walk in a narrow cabin, doing some rehabilitation exercises.

In fact, it was not necessary.

As long as there was enough blood, vampires could quickly recover their health. And for Lily, artificial blood plasma was effortless.

It even had an apple flavor.

Although the effect was slightly inferior, it was still better than nothing.

Huai Shi had already recovered sixty percent of his state.

But due to his chaotic thoughts and uncontrollable killing intent, he didn't know how to face Lily. After the initial gratitude, he didn't speak anymore. He just sat in the corner, holding a pen and writing and drawing in the Book of Fate, trying to organize his thoughts.

However, he quickly realized that it was of no use to his frustration and restlessness.

In addition, there was one thing he didn't tell Ai Qing.

Because he found out that the Holy Mark of a believer... was extremely similar to the Abyss lineage.

No, if you looked at it in chronological order, a part of the core of the Abyss lineage came from the "believers"... they were just completely opposite.

The former selflessly shared this grace by infusing pure source material with devotion, while Huai Shi... was a machine that generated negative energy.

And now he had become a vampire, an absorber of negative energy. It was like walking on a road to the abyss...

So, how many parts of the Abyss lineage did Crow use to assemble this illegal vehicle called the Abyss lineage? No, how many miracles and Abyss lineages were involved besides the Holy Mark of a believer?

How deep was the water of the Abyss lineage?

By now, Huai Shi was no longer the ignorant boy he used to be. At least he understood a little bit.

In this world, there were no miracles without reason.

True miracles didn't suddenly appear, suddenly descend, and then suddenly disappear.

In other words, no lineage appeared out of thin air; there must be a source.

So, where did the Abyss lineage come from? Or could the Astronomical Society be so powerful that it could create a non-existent Holy Mark lineage out of thin air?

This was even more terrifying than Paracelsus creating an artificial human out of thin air.

After all, there was only one Lily, but a lineage could exist for eternity and be passed down to millions of people. Each lineage could be said to be the foundation of a divine being in the world's axis. Now that the gods were dead, the Astronomical Society's actions were no different from creating a group of divine beings out of thin air, and they even gained the recognition of the world's axis.

Was it possible?

The more Huai Shi thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He rubbed his forehead irritably and then... noticed Lily's cautious gaze not far away.

It seemed that she sensed his frustration and depression, she had never disturbed him. Instead, she flipped through the dictionary in her hand and secretly watched him, thinking she was being very discreet.

When she noticed his gaze, her expression paused for a moment, then became calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Cough, cough." She asked, "Are you busy?"

"No, not really..."

Huai Shi shook his head, not knowing how to explain to her.

But she had already approached, curiously examining the messy words Huai Shi had recorded in the book, and then looked at the doodles he had hastily drawn in the corner.

Then she paused for a moment.

"Who is this?" She leaned closer, looking at the face with a mocking and arrogant expression in the notes.

With just a few strokes, it vividly depicted the cold and cruel gaze, as if he was about to spit out venomous words.

It made people feel uneasy.

"Uh..." Huai Shi didn't know how to explain, so in the end, he could only say, "This... this person is called Brother Wuying."

Then, Lily suddenly realized, "Bixie Mo?"

"...Uh, probably." Huai Shi wiped the sweat from his forehead. "He really likes to make people eat shit."

"And what about this black guy?" Lily continued to ask, "He looks very confused."

"Yes, he is very confused."Huai Shi casually added three question marks to the head of the black man's graffiti.

"What about this one?"

"This is a frog called PEPE."

"Why does it look so sad?"

"I don't know," Huai Shi sighed, "maybe it's because it's painful to be alive."

"That's a shame, it looks cute." Lily shook her head regretfully, "It's like a doll, but Hornheim doesn't like it and even threw away what I made."

"Is that so?"

Huai Shi fell silent for a moment and shook his head, "He shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah, people's temper gets worse as they get older, but they regret it after losing their temper and apologize to me, hoping that I forgive him... But I've never been angry with him."

Lily curled up in her chair and sighed softly, "He was always panicked before he died, as if he was avoiding something, but he never told me. After giving me this ticket, he passed away... In the end, he didn't even allow me to call him father."


In silence, Huai Shi hesitated for a long time and reached out to touch her hair, "I believe that in his heart, you are more important than anything else."

"Who knows?"

Lily shook her head, "Everyone's heart is hidden inside their chest, and no one will let others see what's inside until they die. Hornheim told me to learn to protect myself, but I don't even know what I should be guarding against. How can I know what others are hiding in their hearts?"


Huai Shi echoed dryly, feeling the boiling killing intent in his chest, making him want to vomit.

He felt nauseous about his own hypocrisy.

"By the way..." He awkwardly changed the subject, "How old are you this year? I mean, your age."

"Well, let me think."

Lily seemed to have never paid attention to this before. She lowered her head and quickly wrote and drew on her notebook. Huai Shi leaned over to take a look and felt his vision blur.

Among various long numbers and calculations, there was even a simple diagram of planetary motion... It was as if he was recalibrating the calendar. Is calculating age always this hardcore?!

Soon, Lily finished her calculation, "Four and a half."


Huai Shi was astonished.

Four and a half?

Are you kidding me, sis?

Huai Shi stared at her mature appearance in astonishment. Even if we have different ethnic backgrounds, you should at least be an adult, right?

"Oh, my physique is different from ordinary people." Lily seemed to realize this and awkwardly avoided the question, "What about you?"

"I'm seventeen," Huai Shi answered.

Lily's expression instantly turned disdainful, "You're lying. But your bone age is already 38!"

"...I can only say that it's due to various reasons."

Huai Shi sighed, feeling that he had sighed more times today than in the past year.

He had no idea how to introduce himself to Lily.

After all, he was now Abraham Van Helsing.

A member of the Order, a vampire hunter, the killer who came to kill Lily...

While he was lost in thought, he heard Lily's cheerful voice, "Look, I'm done drawing!"

"What did you draw?"

Huai Shi looked down and then sprayed water out of his mouth.

Under the front page of his dictionary, there was a lifelike panda emoticon, but the face was empty...

"Because I don't know what expression to draw." Lily scratched her head in distress, "It feels like no matter what I draw, it can't surpass what you draw."


That's because what I drew is the crystallization of wisdom from countless people's hard work!

How can you compare to that alone?

Being able to compete with people in 1620 with facial expressions can only be described as... an experience that Huai Shi never imagined.

In the midst of a tangled mind, he heard Lily's voice.

"Huai Shi."

At some point, the girl had already turned to face Huai Shi, blinking her eyes full of anticipation, "I just thought of something: why don't we travel together after we arrive in the New World? After all, I don't have anywhere to go... and you don't have anywhere to go, right? And I can make blood plasma for you, so you don't have to worry about finding food anymore."

Huai Shi stared at her blankly.

He didn't know how to respond.

"Is it not possible?" Lily asked.

"No, it's fine."

Huai Shi shook his head stiffly and asked dryly, "Is there anywhere you want to go?"

"How about Yellowstone?"

Lily thought for a moment and suggested, "I've always wanted to go to Yellowstone. They say there are many hot springs and lions and elephants there. What about you?"

"...I don't know."

Huai Shi lowered his eyes and his voice became hoarse, "I haven't thought about it, so let's talk about it next time. I need to sleep for a while."

Lily paused for a moment, nodded, and returned to her workbench to continue staring at the progress of the potion. But after a long time, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Huai Shi leaning against the bedside, "Am I bothering you?"

"...No."So, she breathed a sigh of relief and nervously asked, "We are friends, right?"

"Yes," Huai Shi lowered his eyes, "We are friends."

"That's great."

Lily smiled happily, like a child, ran over and gently hugged him. Huai Shi didn't even react.

"Then you go to sleep, I won't disturb you." She realized her own behavior and took a step back, picking up her dictionary. "Ahem, let's chat again when you have time."

Huai Shi stared at her blankly for a long time, then closed his eyes.

"Damn it..."

Looking at the unsuspecting girl with her back turned, Huai Shi reached into his pocket, gripped the cold handle of the dagger, and silently drew it out. He stared at the pair of crimson eyes reflected on the blade.

Then, he threw this broken thing aside.

To hell with the sect!

To hell with Fan Haixin!

To hell with everything!

I'm done!

Enduring the intense pain of anger in his heart, Huai Shi looked up, took a deep breath, and smiled. "Lily, let me teach you how to draw a crying cat head, okay?"

"Sure, sure."


By evening, there was a commotion outside the door. After a while, someone gently knocked on the door and asked if anyone was inside.

When they cautiously opened the door, the person outside smiled and brought good news.

America is coming.

Thanks to the chaos and the many deaths, the ship was unbelievably fast. Not long ago, a witch on the ship who was good at astrology calculated the distance between them and America.

If they maintained this speed, they would reach the new continent tomorrow morning.

Everyone would gain freedom and liberation.

Therefore, someone suggested celebrating with a banquet.

At this moment, the gloomy atmosphere on the ship had completely disappeared. Everyone looked joyful, with warm smiles, elegant manners, and refined behavior.

As if reborn.

For some reason, Huai Shi couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

Yesterday's chaos and disaster seemed to have left no trace on the ship. The story continued as if nothing had happened.

Developing towards the predetermined ending.

He lowered his head and only saw the chapter ending slowly appearing on the Book of Fate, with a line of bold black words.
