CH 159

Name:Apocalypse Forecast Author:
Today, Crow's poisonous chicken soup story was very effective.

After listening, Huai Shi shuddered and then angrily scolded the Stone Cauldron Society for being shameless.

"Do you think the association is for wining and dining, or for embroidery and calligraphy?" Crow sneered. "The fundamental purpose of an organization is to maximize the interests of the group. With such huge interests at stake, the Stone Cauldron Society even dared to split from the Vanguard back then.

Moreover, miracles are luxury items. Obtaining them without paying a price will only bring disaster... After the tragic consequences of the abuse of alchemy, and with huge monopoly profits behind it, anyone would choose a conservative approach."

"What about this piece of paper?" Huai Shi took out a document with gold lettering from the box. It looked like... a patent?

"It's a patent certificate applied in your name."

Crow said, "You've been working on it for a while, haven't you? I checked and found no related formulas for metal explosives. After I bought this set of textbooks, I immediately registered one in your name.

After it's released, if an alchemy workshop purchases your patent, they can use it to produce products. It's a one-time purchase, about four hundred thousand each time, with the association taking a quarter. It's not much, but every little bit helps."

This was a byproduct that Huai Shi had developed after returning, using his improved knowledge of metalworking. The main body was made of unstable alloys such as magnesium, tin, and cesium, which were melted and formed in one go, then ignited with alchemy to create an explosive effect.

Although the temporary hand-rolled effect was not very good, it could only be used as a non-lethal weapon such as a smoke bomb or flash grenade. If he spent time to make it carefully, it could reach the power of a small fragmentation grenade.

It was a way to make up for his current lack of output.

Hearing that this thing could actually be sold, he was overjoyed. "Then I'm going to be rich?"

"What are you dreaming about?"

Crow looked at him as if he were a fool. "Do you know how many formulas there are for explosives? There are tens of thousands! There are over four thousand alchemical explosive formulas involving metal materials that are more cost-effective than yours.

Your advantage is that it uses only metal materials, which can have a good effect in some situations and can be hand-rolled at any time. But do you think anyone can use alchemy? Without alchemy to ignite it on the spot, it must be made in advance, which reduces its universality.

Moreover, there are countless mature products on the market. Where is there room for our small workshop to make waves?"

After hearing this, Huai Shi felt a little disappointed, but then consoled himself: "After investing so much, there is finally hope for a return on investment. If it can be sold, I'll make some pocket money."

After discarding the dream of getting rich overnight, Crow asked about Huai Shi's progress on making the Silver Blood Potion.

"According to your advice, I've been working on it from both ends. One type takes five minutes and can be used as a small blood bottle, while the other takes only about four seconds and can be used as an enhanced band-aid," Huai Shi scratched his head.

"Good, this way you have a skill to support others," Crow said, not demanding more.

It was enough to just dabble in the Silver Blood Potion. There was no need to invest more time and effort into specializing in it. If the alchemy level could be improved, the effect would naturally be enhanced.

Moreover, the most technically challenging part of this thing was not the potion itself, but the patented solvent that prevented the Silver Blood Potion from solidifying after cooling.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "".

Otherwise, after an hour of manufacture, the Silver Blood Potion would turn from liquid to solid. At that time, it would lose its effect, or even become poisonous.

After all, not many people's stomachs could handle digesting metal.

And each workshop had different techniques and methods for preventing solidification, and the prices they charged were all exorbitant. If it was just for personal use, there was no need to buy it at all.

"In short, it's already enough. Many big shots can't reach your level. There's no need to invest more time for now," Crow said, spreading his wings and gesturing for Huai Shi to follow him to the basement.

In the dim light of the basement corridor, he heard the faint crackling of electricity, and the old light bulb hanging overhead began to flicker.

But in the flickering light, Huai Shi found that his figure was also starting to become ethereal.

When he deliberately entered the state of the Shadow Soul, he found that his body was flashing and disappearing along with the flickering of the light. In the dim place, his outline would dissolve into a dim mist, and under the dim yellow light, it was difficult to feel his presence, as if it were a phantom projected by a projector onto dust.

Crow noticed the abnormality on him and looked back, his eyes slightly satisfied. "Very good, it seems that you've almost mastered the Shadow Soul."

"Is it time to advance?" Huai Shi asked.

"No rush," Crow shook his head. "There are many advancements for the Shadow Soul, but before that, a choice needs to be made... To be honest, I'm still hesitating."

"Hesitating about what?"

"Hesitating about many things, such as the future, and other trivial matters compared to your life." Crow landed on the table. "So I've decided to wait and observe a bit more, at least to choose the most suitable one, right?"

"Just pick one that won't screw me over," Huai Shi waved his hand, feeling like crying. He was really afraid of being screwed over by Crow.

"Don't worry, if the plan doesn't go wrong, you won't have to drive illegally in the future," Crow waved his wing, pointing to the silver cross spear on the table. "You can take it."The Cross Spear of Compassion.

Another transformation of Huai Shi's awakened source material weapon.

A rare long weapon that he doesn't know how to use well, but it's definitely effective for stabbing people. The effect is to make the person stabbed by Huai Shi feel his sadness and compassion.

It's like saying: I had no choice, I didn't mean to stab you, but you didn't listen.

Although it sounds very strange, the true effect is only known when someone is actually stabbed by it. Each impact and collision of the spear of compassion will shatter the enemy's fighting spirit, making them question the meaning and purpose of their actions.

Even if they are stabbed to death, there will be no resentment or regret in their hearts, only peace and tranquility.

It's like a physical salvation spear.

After being stabbed by the spear, Huai Shi entered a philosopher's state for an hour, and never wanted to be a test subject for Crow again.

Of course, the most important thing is the blood of the Blue Crown Dragon.

Like endless dragon blood, the faint wet marks drip thick poisonous blood. The unique nature of the philosopher's stone gives it an incredible miracle.

Wherever the blood drips, a pure white iris will grow, and it will wither along with the dissipating blood after about ten minutes.

If it is swayed, the entire practice field will become beautiful, and the fragrant and pure petals will cover every corner, creating a dazzling garden.

Just this visual and auditory effect alone deserves a hundred thousand praises for Huai Shi.

And what he is more satisfied with is the effect of the dragon blood.


The most terrifying thing about the Blue Crown Dragon is its breath of decay, which can cause all things to wither. This trait seems to be inherited by the dragon blood, and is now attached to Huai Shi's blade.

This means that when someone is stabbed by the blade and the dragon blood enters their body, their energy will rapidly decay. If the dosage is large enough, it can even cause temporary aging.

Even if not contaminated by the dragon blood, just being in the presence of these flowers and smelling their fragrance will cause rapid energy depletion, dizziness, and weakness.

In short, Huai Shi can now enjoy the pleasure of beating up old people more easily.

The headache is that this toxin is also effective on Huai Shi.

He has no way to exempt himself!

Therefore, he had to ask Crow to study its nature and temporarily produce an antidote. The result is the several syringes on the table.

"Use one before, it can support for about half an hour, use it carefully." Crow said casually, "Now, we need to start a physical examination."

As usual, various common or uncommon methods, plus blood tests and CT scans... Yes, CT scans. Crow even bought a CT machine and placed it in the corner, calling Huai Shi over to take a scan every few days.

After all, the physique of a sublimator is extremely strong, so this level of radiation is nothing.

Actually, the main purpose of this examination is to check for any aftereffects.

When on the ship, Huai Shi and Fan Haixin's source materials coexisted for too long. Usually, this situation would lead to Fan Haixin completely covering Huai Shi's consciousness, turning him into a walking corpse.

However, with the fate book of the artifact, carrying all the memories of his first half of life, it guarantees the independence of his personality and soul. Therefore, the only thing to worry about is whether the source material pollution has caused any subtle changes in his body.

Fortunately, everything is under control.

It's just that Huai Shi is a little uncomfortable.

After being a third-stage sublimator for so long, and even playing a counterfeit Holy Light fighter, he is particularly unaccustomed to returning to his own body.

Especially since Fan Haixin is also a top performer in the third stage.

Now, Huai Shi even needs to exert all his strength to barely keep up with the foundation when he was Fan Haixin, and sometimes he falls far behind.

And the delayed reflexes make him uncomfortable even now.


Crow raised his eyes from the result data and pointed to the iron stake twenty meters away at the end of the basement, "Let me see your current maximum speed and strength."

"I'll try."

Huai Shi moved his body slightly, and darkness covered his body, enveloping him in darkness, and a swirling light surged from the crack in his chest.

Feeling the surging dark source material in his body, he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply.

The next moment, a fierce blood light burst from his eyes.

A thunderous roar sounded.