Chapter 641: Chance to flee

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 641: Chance to flee

Mei Na and Gan Lan stopped arguing on the side of the river.

They saw Ye Zhongming jump in. They were shocked but knew that this person wasnt a Lan Ba. He was just a solo hunter.

But those people shook their heads after they recovered from the shock.

It was okay if he wasnt a Lan Ba, but was he not afraid of meeting one? If the crystals and materials that he risked his life to get were stolen and he was killed because of that, wasnt he just stupid?

Even if he didnt meet one of those, could he hunt fish alone? They lived in schools, and those who were alone were very strong. Moreover, the Star Sunflower Fishes were getting more cunning, and one person couldn't succeed. There was a high chance of them dying and becoming their food.

Haiz, another overconfident one. How unfortunate, he looked good and clean.

Mei Na and Gan Lan were closest to the shore, and their men were dozens of meters behind them.

You dont look like someone who cares about the lives of others. Mei Na smiled mockingly and didnt hesitate to diss her enemy.

Gan Lan didnt care, Beautiful, I dont care about others, but I care about you. There is such a good chance. As long as you become Lin Xings woman, you can live well in Linhai. Even I would have to call you little miss in the future.

She was just smiling as she infuriated her.

If you like it that much, then why don't you become that old mans woman? Mei Na was furious. Lightning flashed across her squinting eyes.

He doesnt like me! She waved, exposing the body part she had been covering while crossing her arms. She even purposely shook them, which caused Mei Na to roll her eyes.

You are just unwilling. Dont think I dont know how your Colorful Smell Battle Squad is being suppressed at the third bomb shelter!

Gan Lan was stunned as she hadnt expected this woman to pay such close attention to her faction. She guessed what was happening between Lin Xing and herself from the traces.

She remembered how they were being suppressed and how the battle squads situation was worsening; her smile disappeared. She lowered her head and looked solemnly at the river.

Maybe we can work together.


Someone knows when the next Feasting Day is. Moreover, the Life-Taking Carrot will evolve and is at its weakest!

Her voice was soft such that only Gan Lan could hear it. But it was as if a bolt of lightning had shocked her heart.

Someone in Linhai City knew the accurate timing of the Feasting Day and the carrots evolution. If that was the case, they might be able to charge out if they were well prepared.

The two of them looked at each other, and all their intentions were communicated with that gaze.


When they both agreed, the water started to bubble like something was rumbling below. The two of them felt a strong life source under the water!

A few seconds later, the water started to surge, and much blood flowed up!

The two women were shocked. Gan La exclaimed before looking at Mei Na, exclaiming, How long did that guy spend down there?

Ye Zhongming had heard of those skills from Yang Yixi.

Forward Thurst would turn the fishs body firm. They used their speed, momentum, and the spikes on their heads to deal stabbing damage.

Star Ice Lightning was more vicious. Those balls would float around the target. If they didnt touch them, they would just float. But if you touch them, they will explode. The ball would turn into poisonous needles that hurt things around. The strength was no weaker than the Forward Thrust.

The Star Sunflower Fishes were using this skill to lock the river to cause survivors to suffer. Some even saw the fish using this skill to protect their young.

Ye Zhongming could release the Demon Nurturing Bee Hive on land to fight them with numbers, but the Needle Birds couldnt fight underwater. Ye Zhongming could only rely on his ability to solve the attacks.

He waved his hand, and a test tube appeared. Ye Zhongming pulled the stopper, and a black figure appeared, expanding underwater!New novel chapters are published on