Chapter 852: War is coming

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 852: War is coming

An airforce was circling the skies near the Cloud Peak tribe’s mountain.

Right, an airforce!

Six hundred people were riding a twin-headed purple eagle. Each of them wore similar armor and held long spears.

The leader wasn’t old, around 25 years old. He squinted his eyes and looked at the mountains beneath him. Suddenly, he stopped.


He pointed the spear, and most of the cavaliers started to land. A few dozen of them spread out to be the sentries in the area.

This entire army was very disciplined. It was very different from the Posthumous people.

After landing, dozens of cavaliers spread to scout the area. Everything occurred in an orderly manner.

The young man looked around and walked to a place. Snow continued to land, and the area was silent. But he took a sniff and took several steps. His spear pointed down, and an energy current shot, scattering the snow here.

Frozen blood stains were revealed.

Someone squatted down and moved the ground with his dagger. He tasted the icy blood and thought about it before saying, “General Xicun, it should be a Soaring Hunting Bird, around level seven. It was killed less than half a day ago.”

“Soaring Hunting Bird?” He focused.

“Right, apart from Vasi Stone Forest, Posthumous people have three; two are level seven.”

As a subordinate, he only needed to share information he knew. The general could decide on his own.

The young General Xicun nodded and waved. His subordinates spread out and started to search.

The snow continued, but it wasn’t as intense as before. The bright armor of these air cavaliers shone, melting the snowflakes. The water evaporated instantly, leaving no traces.

More traces were found, and information was reported to Xicun. In just a while, everyone was back. A female cavalier bowed, “A battle occurred here half a day ago. Although the bodies are gone but from the tracks, at least a thousand people fought, and it lasted for a short time.”

“Short time?”

Xicun interrupted her.

“They have occupied this land for a long time; it is time to use their blood to wash this filth!”

The female deputy called Qing Ci and the other cavaliers roared, and the eagles they rode flew into the sky.

This team returned to their orderly formation and charged towards a direction.

At the end of the snow plains, a black line was getting thicker.


Ye Zhongming and the people around him used a few hidden air holes to watch this airforce leave. He was shocked.

“That is... Spirit Eagle Cavalier Squad!” Candleroom’s body was shaking. This tribe leader who ruled a middle-sized tribe wasn’t this terrified when he faced Hong Xiang.

Ah Tao, Grey Mountain, and Mountain Bank looked much worse. Their eyes were filled with terror!

“They... Why are they here? Why would they appear here in such a big group?”

Mountain Bank clenched his fists and was very emotional.

“Is calamity going to descend?” Ah Tao held his hands behind his back. He closed his eyes, and his voice was trembling.

“Saint Light Hall?”

Ye Zhongming’s soul had traveled there previously, and these cavaliers wore similar clothing.

The few tribe leaders nodded.

Ye Zhongming thought about it and knew why they were afraid.

The secret realm was split into three groups. Night Demon Plains, Posthumous People, and Saint Light Hall. Each of them guarded their territories.

Now, these cavaliers invaded, which meant only one possibility.

War was coming!