Chapter 859: Light Saint Hall's 3 leaders

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 859: Light Saint Hall's 3 leaders

Winter was finally over. The snowstorm had stopped, and everyone waited for its next return.

Blue Secret Realm was magical. After every winter, the temperature would rise quickly. In just two days, the snow had melted, and a smell of dirt was in the air.

This resulted in the ground becoming muddy. However, things were different in another place. Many white jade stones formed a stone platform that laid out on the soil, pressing the soil water into the ground. This white ground stretched for dozens of miles. The arrogance and extravagance made one lost for words.

On the white jade stone were many giant white tents. On one side was a half-exposed beast cage where thousands of beasts were housed.

Joyous sounds spread from the camp. Many guards wearing clean uniforms patrolled the area but didn’t make a sound.

Four giant white pillars at the four corners of the camp reached dozens of meters tall. At the top was a blooming flower-shaped thing. Although it wasn’t big, it was eye-catching. Occasionally, some light sand would scatter. These pieces of light would then be attracted by something and float towards the biggest stone pillar in the center of the camp. The four sides would merge, forming a light barrier in the skies above to prevent the remnant snowflakes from landing.

In a giant tent at the northeast corner, three middle-aged guys stood before a stone platform with exquisite markings. They drank a green liquid in a smooth cup.ander Nan, is there no news?”

The only middle-aged man without armor looked at the man in white to his left and asked in concern.

The guy called Commander Nan sighed, “There is.”

The other person in silver armor raised his head; he was also very concerned with this matter.

“We found their bodies here... They were all killed.”

Commander Nan flicked and a black chess piece flew from his hands and stuck to the map hanging on the side of the tent.

Although this map wasn’t as accurate and beautiful as those from Earth, but this was far more than what the Posthumous people could achieve.

The faces of the other two sank. Although they weren’t the commander of the Light Cavalier Squad, the three armies of Saint Light Hall were connected. This was wartime, so they felt bad about the losses.

Five hundred of them, that was a full squad.

Ye Zhongming listened as Hong Xiang continued talking, but he didn’t look annoyed.

He could understand what this king felt.

The Posthumous people had never obtained the final victory against Light Saint Hall. In each war, they didn’t even win many battles.

With Cloud Peak’s help, they destroyed a camp that Saint Light Hall had built and obtained huge amounts of resources. This was a victory that could enter their history books.

Apart from Ye Zhongming and those from Earth, Hong Xiang had two thousand from the Imperial City. There were around ten thousand from Cloud Peak Alliance with three thousand warriors.

Apart from that, there were close to ten thousand following them. The number of strong warriors had reached four thousand.

Ye Zhongming and Hong Xiang had recruited them along the way.

If they left those scattered tribes along the way, they would be consumed by the Light Saint Hall. Ye Zhongming and Hong Xiang didn’t want it to happen. The former wanted to have more chips to negotiate with in the Imperial City and the latter didn’t want the Posthumous people to be taken down.

Hong Xiang used his identity to order them to follow.

When the number of people crossed ten thousand, be it Ye Zhongming or Hong Xiang, they were more confident.

At this time, Exquisite Floating Ball detected a camp that the Saint Light Hall had set up in the Jiapa Basin, and he thought about attacking it. He set the plan quickly and sneak attacked. He used the crystal weapons to open a hole to gain victory, killing over three thousand of them. In return, they only lost a few hundred.

Hong Xiang was envious of their weapons and made up his mind to work with Ye Zhongming.

He saw the hope of defeating the Light Saint Hall.

In this context, their previous conflict wasn’t much. Hong Xiang even promised Ye Zhongming that he would run around for him to ensure that this cooperation would work out.

In such a joyous atmosphere, the Imperial City was close.