Chapter 900: Things going out of control

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 900: Things going out of control

Pretty much at the same time, the 80 thousand warriors outside received the order to battle.

Many people didn’t know what to do; they only knew that a battle was coming.

The battle contribution badges existed and helped them communicate. Many orders were passed through it. With Cloud Peak as a core, 250 thousand warriors started to move.

Actually, there was a misunderstanding.

Ye Zhongming’s goal was to test the power of his soul weapon. He moved his warriors to create a chance for himself to enter and then leave.

Which meant that apart from him, the others were just a distraction.

But everyone thought back to Ye Zhongming’s speech and waited for him to lead them to fight back.

After those orders were given, the warriors felt like the counterattack was about to begin. Some core members felt that although the boss didn’t expressly say it, a war was going to begin.

In such a situation, Ye Zhongming’s journey to test his weapon goes out of control.

Those on the walls did the first shot.

A pair of CLoud Peak warriors saw that some mutated lifeforms were moving toward the walls, so they fired the crystal cannon. It was a signal, and the other troops started to use their skills on those mutated lifeforms.

When the Posthumous people defending them saw it, although they didn’t have such long-range attacks, but there were many stones, wood, and abandoned cars on the wall. They tossed them down towards those disgusting fellows.

Everyone attacked. This stunned the commander. But seeing that it was effective and they were in the ascendency, no one stopped them. This gave them another misunderstanding.

When Ye Zhongming got the news, he was speechless.

If Cloud Peak and the group outside started the war because they got out of control, then when the Posthumous people, who saw that their first attacks weren’t useful, opened the gates and charged, this meant that this conflict was destined to have an outcome.

Both sides couldn’t stop the fight.

Either the humans and Posthumous people killed the million mutated lifeforms, or they would crush all these humans.

When the battle was underway, the elite squad, consisting of Hong Xiang, Ye Zhongming, Red Hair, Xia Bai, and Yellow Ball, was deep in the mutated lifeforms, just dozens of meters from the command center.

Thanks to Red Hair, she controlled some zombies to surround the team. They entered the core area. Based on the plan, they would cover Ye Zhongming. After testing the weapon's strength, the zombies around them would stop the other lifeforms, and the Exquisite Floating Ball would take all of them away.

Cloud Peak and the warriors outside were to draw their attention so they would be far from the command center they wanted to attack.

Who knew that the moment the team arrived, the battle would begin? The entire mutated lifeform army was in a mess. Those high-level lifeforms jumped out and prepared to return to their positions.

However, they bumped into Ye Zhongming’s group.

These high-level lifeforms weren’t affected by Red Hair. They noticed the humans and roared. The surrounding zombies, beasts, and mutated lifeforms surrounded the area and planned to eat these bold humans.

Ye Zhongming couldn’t care anymore. He raised the Soul Shattering Staff and fired at the level-eight mutated zombie. As it was rushed, he didn’t control his mental energy. The marks were lit up one by one, and when he realized that things weren’t right, he couldn’t stop.

A piercing light shot from the staff. A three-meter thick pillar fired and swept the area ahead.