Chapter 198 - Chapter 198: Chapter 118: The First Hospital_l

Chapter 198: Chapter 118: The First Hospital_l

Translator: 549690339

Shuize County First Hospital is the largest hospital in Shuize County, with more than ninety years of history. The hospital covers an area of over three hundred acres and employs more than two thousand workers.

Additionally, if you count the patients and their families inside, the total number of people associated with the hospital is difficult to say.

After the virus outbreak, one can imagine the situation in such a crowded hospital…

Previously, Wei Zhenguo had sent people here to look for some medicines. But unexpectedly, the entire squad perished inside. The last message sent by the squad members was: Danger, don’t come!

At that time, there still had been no appearance of Mad Demon Zombies, and the squad members were fully armed with sufficient firepower.

Yet they were still annihilated, which speaks volumes about the dangers of the hospital.

However, high risk often means high reward.

Although the hospital is dangerous, there are many Elite Zombies. Getting more HP limits and more Zombie Cores is possible.

Therefore, some bold survivors were eyeing up the hospital, like Shao Yong and Wang Tao.

Inside the electric off-road vehicle.

Wang Tao asked:

“How much longer until we arrive?”

Co-pilot Han Rui glanced at the map and silently calculated in her mind.

“At our current speed, roughly… still an hour.”

“Finally getting close… Take a rest for a while.”

Wang Tao parked the vehicle behind a small building and then took out a few bottles of nutritional fluid, handing two of them to Han Rui.

They had set out at 7 a.m., and now it was already 11 a.m., yet they hadn’t reached the First Hospital.

It wasn’t that the distance was long, but the roads were too difficult to navigate.

The closer they got to the hospital, the more congested the roads, countless abandoned vehicles, and more and more zombies.

Wang Tao did not want to waste time killing Ordinary Zombies, so he could only try to navigate around them as much as possible.

Plus, they encountered several special zombies along the way. Wang Tao took the opportunity to collect a few Crystal Cores, which also cost them some time, hence the delay until now.

Thankfully, they were only an hour away now.

As Han Rui vigilantly watched her surroundings, she curiously contemplated the nutritional fluid in her hands.

She wondered where Wang Tao had gotten this stuff; not only was it convenient to carry, but it also tasted good. She couldn’t find anything like it at the base.

Unfortunately, Wang Tao wouldn’t tell, and she didn’t feel it was her place to ask too much.

After quickly consuming a bottle of the nutritional fluid, the two continued on their journey.

Just as Han Rui had predicted, an hour later, the two finally arrived at the entrance of the First Hospital.

However, they had come on foot as the off-road vehicle was parked far away. The numerous discarded vehicles made it impossible for the vehicle to approach.

“Are we really going in…”

Gazing upon the decrepit and desolate First Hospital, Han Rui swallowed unconsciously.

She didn’t know if it was psychological, but after nearing the hospital, she started to feel uneasy. Especially when looking at the hospital, even in the daytime, it seemed sinister.

“Let’s not go in just yet; we’ll walk around outside first.”

They encountered many zombies on the way to the hospital, but strangely enough, when they got close, there seemed to be no zombies in the vicinity.

Wang Tao suspected that perhaps the zombies had all congregated inside the hospital…

“Hey? That car over there looks different!”

With sharp eyes, Han Rui immediately pointed and whispered.

Following the direction she pointed, Wang Tao’s brow lifted.

The majority of vehicles surrounding the hospital were basically scrapped, after all, they had been exposed to the corrosive acid rain for so long.

But there was one car in the distance that seemed corroded yet the vital parts were intact.

This car was clearly parked there later.

“Let’s have a look!”

Approaching the vehicle, Han Rui used her Ability to ensure no one was inside before they moved closer.

This was a pickup truck, fitted with steel plates and wire mesh – clearly the work of a survivor.

The truck was unlocked, and the keys were still in the ignition – saving Wang Tao the trouble of having to unlock it.

Inside the truck, they discovered some well-preserved food, a bundle of sharpened steel rebar, and two barrels of gasoline.

“Looks like this must be Shao Yong’s truck.”

Wei Zhenguo had mentioned that Shao Yong liked to kill zombies by throwing steel rebar. Besides him, normal people wouldn’t prepare so much rebar.

“Take all this stuff.”

Wang Tao and Han Rui took everything and hid it inside an abandoned vehicle. They also removed the keys from the truck.

If Shao Yong wasn’t dead… these potentially useful items wouldn’t be left behind by Wang Tao.

Then Wang Tao looked around and found three more cars that were nearly the same.

Like with the first truck, Wang Tao scavenged everything inside these vehicles and hid the loot and keys elsewhere, plugging the lock if there were no keys.

After completing these tasks, Wang Tao glanced at the hospital again and then said to Han Rui:

“Let’s go, we’ll take a look inside.”

They had already spent quite some time lurking around the hospital without seeing any dangers or even a single zombie, so Wang Tao felt a bit braver.


The main entrance of the hospital was open, and they didn’t climb any walls – they simply entered through the east gate. The hospital had two major gates, the south gate being the main entrance and the east gate a side entrance.

“It feels a bit ominous…”

Han Rui muttered.

Wang Tao felt the same way.

“Make sure to keep using your Ability to be aware of our surroundings, in case zombies sneak up on us.”


The interior of the hospital was also crammed with abandoned vehicles, making it difficult for Wang Tao and Han Rui to navigate.

“There are zombies!”